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Carlos Fandango

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Everything posted by Carlos Fandango

  1. Yeah you're right. We should only go when we are 10th in the premiership and it's nice and warm.
  2. At what point do you think the penny is going to drop that we have no money?
  3. It shows a sense of understanding of the position we are in and the reality of it. I'm sorry for you if all you can see is the bad in everything I really do. Obviously our result tonight disappointed you, a loss would no doubt have pleased you more and fuelled your self righteous hate. Get a grip mush.
  4. Your complaints after our team fought back from 2 nil down away from home would seem to suggest that yes, some of our fans are indeed braindead. Well done to the new man for changing things and saving the point.
  5. I used to be Kevin Keegan's paperboy in Romsey.
  6. He couldn't cut the mustard
  7. That's the spirit, look for the negative side to every story. I don't know why people like you bother getting up in the morning.
  8. Well we are a small business and our costs have risen this year enormously. We have absorbed these rising costs meaning that we have made less profit on a higher turnover. I won't be lowering my prices. Imagine the moaning from my customers if I raised my prices every time my costs increase, some of my products from Europe have risen 10-20% in cost this year and I've had to take some of that on the chin.
  9. Maybe it's more satisfying investing in a business where the customers aren't a bunch of whining ****s.
  10. If you can't enjoy a result like today's from the team you are supposed to be a supporter of there is something wrong with you. Get a grip son. COYR!!
  11. Wasn't Ian Wright spotted playing in local football having escaped the notice of all of the scouts as a lad?
  12. Nobody wanted Bassett within 10 miles of our club before. Who cares what he says he's a nob.
  13. Well I suppose all the anti Lowe people will be happy that they have something more to moan about. Has it crossed your mind that if you actually attended some games instead of ****ing off on message boards we might be able to afford his wages? No I doubt you think that clearly. Fool.
  14. Oh yes, get him in because he's done so well at the championship's richest club it stands to reason he'll do well with us doesn't it.
  15. trigger trigger trigger............................
  16. Oh yes because those refs are so naive and don't think anyone else commits professional fouls do they. I'm afraid in your desperation to find something to complain about JP about you're making yourself sound foolish. Oh, and puppet, that's great did you think that up all by yourself? You are one funny guy.
  17. As my Watford supporting mate quite rightly said about last year, Watford weren't better than us at all but they did score at very important times in that game.
  18. Do you honestly think any chairman is as bothered as the fans? If you do then I think you are kidding yourself. You are making some assumptions about his earnings/expenses and using those assumptions to form an argument against him, crazy. As for people to step in and run the club, well there doesn't seem to be a huge queue of people lining up to do the job. Sorry to repeat myself but you still haven't actually answered the question of who will take the job on if Lowe goes. "Anybody" doesn't really constitute an answer.
  19. If Crouch was still in charge we would have been in administration by now. That's pretty much common knowledge, it was his strategy. If Pearson could have done a better job is opinion, I happen to think he was hugely overated, we won the last game of the season to stay up having been in the position due to some pretty poor results in the weeks leading to the final game. That's just my opinion of course. Maybe the question should be, if Lowe goes who will step in to run the club? Again and again people cry for the head of Lowe, well ok that's fair enough to feel that way but please give me an alternative at the moment because I can't see a huge queue of people waiting to take over. Maybe he deserves a little credit for doing a job that noone else is willing to do at the moment. If you happen to think that he is only in it for the money then ask yourself how is he going to acheive that by making the club less successful? It's a self defeating argument isn't it?
  20. Nick Illingsworth is aware of the people trying to carry out the takeover and his take on it if you read the whole item was that it has been in the offing for ages. The fact that the people involved are struggling to bring anything concrete to the table is in itself worrying if we think it will be the solution to our problems in my opinion.
  21. Ooh lets not be unfair to poor little shrinking violet St Marco eh?
  22. I think it's a very sad reflection on some of our fans when a fellow Saints supporter tries to actually do something other than moan on an internet message board and gets horrible personal abuse because of it. Some of our fans seem to want to get involved in petty personality based arguments more than they want to support the team. I'm glad that people like these are staying away, it makes for a much better atmosphere at the stadium. Maybe if you don't agree with Nick Illingsworth, and I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, why don't you do something more constructive about it than hiding behind your keyboard and shouting down people who are at least prepared to stand up and show their faces. It's easy to be brave when you are safe in the anonymity the web offers you isn't it!
  23. I suppose it's just easier to sit in front of a computer and complain than to actually go to a game and support your team when they need you. Call yourself Saints fans? I think not.
  24. Well winning against teams around us is important isn't it and it's something we didn't manage to do last season. It's a shame that all the people staying away are the ones who will moan the loudest if we have to sell players in January because of the poor attendances. I suppose it highlights the negative mindset of those people. I for one am happy to enjoy a victory and support the team that runs out onto the pitch, I saw more commitment and passion in our players last night than I saw in the whole of last season so they deserve support, whoever is in the boardroom.
  25. Well unlike you I want my team to win. Get over it son.
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