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Carlos Fandango

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Everything posted by Carlos Fandango

  1. I went to get my ticket this morning and the Itchen was sold out up to block 9. If they are starting to sell the corners then it could be a decent crowd, Brizzle should bring a fair few
  2. Maybe the managers haven't played him because his attitude stinks, why else would they have left out a 20 goal a season striker?
  3. This is by deluded opinion too. And every other Saints fan I talk to in the real world outside message boards. Rasiak would be a 20+ goals a season player for us if he was committed, but he's not interested so get rid. He is symptomatic of the problems at our club over thge last 5 or so years, too many passengers happy to take the huge pay and do feck all in return.
  4. The pitch invasion last night looked no worse that the pitch invasion at SMS last season, in fact the Saints fans taunted the away end more on that occasion.
  5. We must be quite appealing. (and it's "accept" by the way, not "except")
  6. With over 3,000 fans going I don't think there will be a problem finding a pub full of Saints somehow.
  7. I don't think Saints fans should get too downhearted if they don't hear any rumours about new signings, the new regime seem to get on with business and announce it when it's finalised. It's a refreshingly professional way to go about things.
  8. 28 is a good age for a striker, unlike the fat 34 year old Aussie your lot can't even afford. Keep clutching at those straws though fishboy. Guffaw!!!!
  9. Bye bye Mr Henderson.
  10. I reckon you deserve a beer mush!
  11. I have to say that so far Trousers commentary has been more entertaining than some games I have attended. Get some more beers down your neck fella!
  12. Funny how the usually lazy Rasiak can put in a decent performance when he's looking for a move away from the club isn't it. Shame he has such a crappy attitude, he can do it when he tries.
  13. Although the ticket sales are very promising they are hardly record breaking are they. Why bring everything back to Lowe, anyone would think you have some sort of obsession?
  14. But what about the heroin?
  15. Actually I think we might be on to something here chaps. We should all threaten to take up heroin if nobody buys the club so when we all die that'll teach them a lesson they won't forget in a blummin hurry.
  16. Yep, heroin for me too.
  17. Unfortunately it's the League's game so they make the rules, if you don't like the rules you can't play the game. It might not appear fair but every club has a choice whether or not to accept the rules and join in, or not. I agree that we should be allowed to appeal, even murderers have the right to appeal! If the League are sure they are right then I don't see why they are worried as it would only be our own time and money wasted on a futile appeal. I think the compromise in this case might see the League granting the new owners the licence with a 10 point deduction but with no further penalties to follow. That way everyone will save face and hopefully we can get on with looking forward to next season and beyond. COYR!!
  18. If we could get anywhere near those days you are in for a treat young man. They were fantastic times to be a Saints fan.
  19. I spent some time in the company of Trevor Mitchell's son a while back whilst abroad and he could hardly manage a sentence without squeezing in a Keegan reference.
  20. I came home from school and saw it on the local news. I ended up shortly afterwards being his paperboy in Romsey and clearly remember his dog chasing me several times. Since then Kevin and I have slowly drifted apart.
  21. Not sure if he's the right man for the job or not but it would certainly give the club a lift and sell some tickets, lets face it we could do with something to cheer. It could also help to unite all the fans behind the team for the first time in ages, especially if Matty is something to do with it.
  22. I believe it is possible to spend time in more than one place during any given day, who knows he may even own a car to help him get about. I posted the rumour very shortly after hearing it which should give you an idea of what time of the day this happened.
  23. Keegan was at MLT's house today and that is from the same person who confirmed the JR link to me a few weeks ago. There is evidence to prove the MLT/KK link. I don't like posting rumours but this one has, in my opinion, a credible source. I suppose it doesn't mean necessarily that Keegan will be joining us, there could be a million reasons for him to be there. Not sure if I'm 100% sure Keegan would be the right man for us in our position but at least it would (SHOULD) put bums on seats.
  24. So what if Lowe did say this anyway, it hardly changes anything. It amazes me how the people who were so determined to get Lowe out of our club just can't let go. Is it surprising he thinks we are a bunch of nobs! It's all silly name calling on both sides, get over it and look to the future Saints fans.
  25. Well that's the third version of the story I have heard, all set in different places. It would appear a new urban myth is born.
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