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Icey Saint

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Everything posted by Icey Saint

  1. FWIW I said to the wife as we kicked off against Leeds on the first game of the season, " were 46 games away from the premiership" she chuckled and said you can dream !! if only i was a gambling man dont know why just had a good feeling
  2. At the post match interview yesterday I've never been so proud to be a saints fan, finally we have an honest, humble and more importantly a manager that has class by the (his words) bus load what a credit to our massive club #togetherwestand !!!
  3. Maybe SDR is the chosen sub keeper and he was injured ??
  4. we park quite close to the stadium, bit of a chore getting away after but its not too bad. usually give a guy a fiver outside one of the firms that let you park on their car park. more recently have just parked on the side of the road, signs used to say no parking but they are mainly covered up so saving a fiver last game I went to against Hull one of the guys that seems to just take money from you and you park in the road tried the scare tactics about getting towed away. just took a picture of the sign that was above the car and not showing a parking notice and was fine.
  5. Shocking Cortese OUT pack it all up and move down the road lol
  6. Harding for me all day
  7. dont think they were out against Birmingham but they may have been due to the slightly heavy downpours that day !!! not sure the suits would hold that much water lol
  8. totally agree, be nice to see the 'posh' seats used a bit more, or get rid of them and replace them with normal seats and sell them game by game. should be easy enough to replace them when were back in the premiership hopefully he will look at the pricing structure and bring back the small discount that season ticket holders used to get. always liked a once a season treat but not at the current prices !!
  9. just caught the end of it what was it all about ??
  10. Brighton - after all the poyet mouthing off and that awful performance they gave at St Mary's last year Reading - after Warnock said they were a proper club and that we were not West Ham - because a guy at work said they were going to storm this league and the rest of us may as well give up !!
  11. I'd say give him a go, if pay and play contracts are a myth then give him a flat wage and a scoring / appearance bonus but then i think all players should be on that type of contract !!! for those who think he'd be a waste isnt a certain overage Mr Phillips doing quite well at Blackpool??
  12. Mark Hughes for me, signed at the end of his career and IMO just milked a pay cheque for one last season. had achieved so much before he came to us !!
  13. just watched it for the first time and EVEN more impressed with Nicola and the vision for the mighty Saints. did chuckle at the end when he talked about the under 18's and he mentioned them as a group and the 'bondage' the group had !!! i think he came across really well and even though English is clearly not his first language he got his point across perfect
  14. gets right on my nerves (for want of a stronger phrase) old chicken faced french tosser moans about Barca tapping up his players and how its not acceptable and then spends six months courting AOC and know wants to steal another one away
  15. Some numpty wiped out Kelvin too from behind !! I have no problem with it but would've been nice to see the players walk round and parade our trophy seems they managed it at QPR !
  16. i love to see the passion when the pitch is full of fans BUT ....................... (and i am sure i will get slated for this) it ruins it for those of us that choose not to run on the pitch (or cant) and we then dont get to see the players lap of honour. so do it at Plymouth but stay off at St Marys please.
  17. Just do it take the morale high ground were a massive club compared to them just look at their new stadium it just shows the level of ambition to only build 22000 seats So as said above give them a guard of honour onto the pitch then let them drag themselves off it after 90 minutes of footballing class from the mighty saints
  18. As he's out of contract is he not a free agent therefore able to sign for anyone ??
  19. I changed where I got my programme from at the start of this season and were unbeaten since the change ( didn't go to Plymouth t home or rochdale) Thought I'd jinxed us against Swindon when we started so badly as I'd used a different seller and turnstile !!
  20. Thought they were going to have to carry him off the pitch at the end he gave everything today as all are saying heading towards legend status give home the number 7 shirt next season !!
  21. Didn't even notice it too busy celebrating !!!
  22. good read and memories of a great day out
  23.  earliest we've ever said this maybe ??
  24. Are u sure it's not Dennis Wise
  25. Might be where I sit n I don't hear it clear from the northam but I'm sure I hear something about stealing or something ??
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