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Everything posted by Denzil

  1. They were down to the bare bones though.
  2. Pobably not, last time I did them I thought I was in a giant washing machine and that all my clothes were on inside out!
  3. I know two excellent spots for magic mushrooms, I'm not going to tell any of you lot though
  4. Paying to use another club's message board, looooooooooooooser.
  5. When was the last time you had 20 thousand in your shed then? You can only dream. Wigan of the south.
  6. LOL. So true!
  7. Denzil

    Danny Guthrie

    I saw nothing wrong with it. Fagan was taking the ******, what did he expect?
  8. We're going down at this rate, all those who said we would make the play offs after the Derby game really need their heads looking at. Could have been about 8 if it wasn't for K.D Oh yeah, I saw Steve Grant on T.V today. That is all.
  9. Boro should have clearly had a penalty which would have changed the game. Lucky would be an understatement. All in all you suck.
  10. I would be absolutely disgusted if we changed our badge. It's the best looking one in the football league.
  11. It was Carl Tiler, Stu told me the other day.
  12. Maybe you have been blocked? Seems fine to me.....
  13. I think he would fit right in.
  14. Just buy some cans from the shop, tomorrow's gonna be a right laugh.
  15. Best fans in the world, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
  16. Yes, I have come across a fair few of them, I also have the misfortune of working with some, I would recognise those squinty eyes and the disgusting mockney accent anywhere.
  17. Quite right PES, I'm deadly serious. If you had ten people from up and down the country, lined up agaist a wall and amongst them was a Pompey fan, I am 100% sure I could pick he/she/it out in less than 3 seconds.
  18. This is absolutely spot on, I work in Fareham and it's blatantly obvious which ones the skates are. You can tell just by looking at them. They have sort of squinty eyes and a general attitude problem.
  19. Why wasn't Portsmouth included in the survey?
  20. I hope you lose 15 nil and Redcrapp has a heart attack.
  21. If Pompeylass is there then put me in aswell!
  22. I take it all back....
  23. Woop woop! Hope to god we hold on.
  24. We probably will be Saturday.
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