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Everything posted by Denzil

  1. £5 scum.
  2. Set fire to his car.
  3. Harry Roberts is our friend.
  4. Cheers, I shall let Stu know.
  5. If the O.B weren't such idiots maybe people would be more inclined to listen to them.
  6. Harry Roberts is our friend.
  7. Denzil


    You will be pleased to know Stu isn't going, he's working.
  8. Denzil


    I will be in attendance.
  9. Totally agree.
  10. Go and sit in the chapel you mong.
  11. I respect and admire ticket touts, apart from StuRomseySaint.
  12. Yep 1997, I remember it well. The own goal rolled in right in line with me, at least Middlesborough failed to beat Leeds.
  13. It was me actually, I only did it because it was SRS.
  14. Denzil

    RIP car

    Reading away on the coach in 1995 was a bit of a disaster. The coach broke down with a flat tyre, then a bit later on the driver got lost and the coach stuck in a tiny side road. Had to walk to the ground in the pi**ing rain, turned up late, and we lost 2 - 1
  15. Denzil


    I thought long and hard about betting on Liverpool, but decided against because they are so jammy in Europe. I managed to get a couple of pints out of SRS instead though.
  16. You didn't clean your teeth you *****r.
  17. I forgot to mention I live in the most exclusive estate in Southampton, funded by the tax payer. You wish you were me.
  18. I don't have a job and I am not out of bed until gone 12. When I finally get out of bed I'll have a dump and a fag and go back to bed until Jeremy Kyle comes on repeat at about half one. Usually I'm up and dressed by the time Deal or no Deal comes on. You wish you were me.
  19. She looks utter skank, I would just bash one off in her face instead.
  20. Shame Stoke couldn't hold on for the win though.
  21. The internet is rubbish now Essruu has shut B-anter.
  22. Winterburn, what a prize w@nker. I remember a game at The Dell when it was ******ing it down and the pitch was covered in big mud puddles. Winterburn was playing for West Ham at the time, I think the score was 2 -2 or 3- 2, I can't remember. Anyway, after each of their goals he came running over to the touch line and jumping in big mud puddles leaving everyone within splashing distance totally covered in mud. What a pr1ck.
  23. Just scratch it, you'll love it.
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