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  1. Now to be fair, he's an ace defender. Look how he cleared that ball away from goal.
  2. The only thing funnier would have been if they got done by the ref. But this was beautiful.
  3. Same kit we have in Houston, just in red. It's $120 here, so £50 sounds cheap to me. Bring back the red and white.
  4. Leave Lambert on the ****ing pitch!
  5. Fox soccer channel showing the 76 final tonight and the match tomorrow.
  6. The well could have been capped almost imediately but that would have meant that BP would have to drill a whole new well and loose all the oil money until it was complete. By allowing it to gush, they could at least skim off some of the oil and still make money until it could be fitted with a valve that would allow them to get all the oil and they don't really care how much of the Gulf they destroyed as long as they get their oil.
  7. I was thinking of greeting Rooney at the MLS All Star game with that pic of him with the long beard from the Nike ad and a sign saying I need my lawn mowed.
  8. USA might not have the superstars but they at least play as a team and put forth some effort. Didn't see either from England. Blame Capello all you want but he's not the one out on the pitch.
  9. Finished ahead of England, so that's more than I expected.
  10. F*ck all the dodgy refs! Get the f*ck in Landon Donovan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Bet when that one clanged off the post he was massively puckering.
  12. Who needs Calamity James when you have Catastrophe Green. Buddle on in the second half FFS!
  13. Printable schedules for all 4 US time zones as well as the UK. http://www.matchfitusa.com/p/printable-world-cup-schedules.html I am deciding between going to watch on the big screen in Downtown Houston or at the pub. Might do downtown for the Mexico opener as it will be quiet the party.
  14. This is mine
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