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Everything posted by Red

  1. Spot on ! Plus I feel we need to lose at least 10 fringe players (or dead wood) that are stopping us moving forward or investing further. Lose more than 10, and after 10, replace on a one for one basis but with better quality or more potential. Not really convinced by loans, and yes I know we have had some good ones, but in the long term it is not the best option IMHO.
  2. Lee Todd???
  3. Mark Dennis was defo the best ever left back - much much better than Bale or Bridge - absolutely mean that - just his "bad boy" image stopped him from being an England hero. What about Steele and Mark Wright for CB's? Has to be Nick Holmes for RB. MLT, Ball, Keegan and Williams for MF - not sure how balanced that is mind - but I'm sure they will cope. Upfront is tricky - Channon (got to be), McDougall (loved him - no pace, but deadly from 12 yards). Loved Osgood too but not a regular goal getter. Shearer probably had his best years after he left us? Jordan was fun as was Bowyer, George and the Wallace brothers (again, I think their best was after they left us). In goal - Shilton? maybe, but for me it has to be Antti Niemi.
  4. what's issue if he is part of the winning formula?? or do you want a team of stars who always lose??
  5. A win is a win is a win is win is a win is a win is a win is a win :-) get the idea??? Anyway we are clearly the strongest team in this divison as we are holding up the rest :-) Looking forward to us being the weakest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Maybe some fair points regarding the short comings, but let's face it if MLT was a super fit athlete in addition to his skills - it's the prawn sandwich brigade that would have enjoyed him rather than us :-) Personally I prefer it the way it turned out and enjoyed watching Le God at very close quarters for many years at the Dell - why would anyone want to lose that???? To me he is that much MORE of a hero for being a bit unfit / fat / etc. etc. and still making complete mugs of so called world class players !!!! BTW if you thought he was not at his physical peak - you clearly missed the era of Osgood (fag and probably beer during half time), C George, Channon etc. etc.
  7. Apparently you can send a personal message to Lordy at http://www.writetothem.com/write?fyr_extref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theyworkforyou.com%2Fpeer%2Flord_mawhinney&who=31769 I have sent the message below (you have to be polite etc. for it to be forwarded to the "new" dark lord - could he possibly be more hated than RL??? Maybe not yet??). Anyway, I think it's no harm to bombard him with our views (politely please, or they will not get forwarded to the dark side) prior to the Monday meeting. Feel free to copy/cut/paste/etc. but do please show the strenght of our feeling. p.s. not sure of the sentiments behind the previous poster's comments (saint lard), but sadly or otherwise, the fans do matter !!!! Dear Lord Mawhinney, Considering you have been an extremely successful and effective politician, campaigning for justice and the less fortunate, for which you are to be applauded, why on earth would you deprive anyone of their right to justice or appeal? Confused? Well so are all of the supporters of Southampton Football Club, otherwise known as “The Saints”, as opposed to Southampton Leisure Holding (SLH). It is our understanding, that the Football League and yourself in particular have issued an ultimatum, or rather a blackmail threat, that you will personally sanction the permanent elimination of a great community and family friendly football club for the sole reason of their not waiving every person’s god given right of a fair hearing? As a politician, public figure, Lord, but most importantly chair of the Football League, kindly extend us the courtesy of confirming your stance, and then justifying it. I wonder if the FL is the only and last institution that is not accountable to the rigours of the general public and common laws of the land – which would be quite ironic for an institution supposedly representing the game of “the common people”. I, respectfully look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,
  8. OK Folks, we are all quite rightly mightly pi**ed off with the FL, but let's turn that anger and rage to good use. Let's have a new threat / sticky for a call to action and make sure the FL are fully aware of the fans feelings. I have emailed FL, Sky, SFC to express my anger and disapointment at the injustice - don't have a problem with the final outcome but even a child molester, murderer and terrorist has a right of appeal, so just who the f**k do the FL think they are? Let's get a campaign going and I am sure we will get wide spread support - the FL are like a bully, they will only get away with it if we let them. In this day and age is there any other institution that could get away with this??? I am not a full member and so cannot start a new thread, but please can someone do so - let us not suffer in silence. A lot of the traditional highly respected institutions (politicians, clergy, police etc etc.) have been "outed", and it is high time for the FL. It is amazing how effective everyone on this site emailing their MP, Sky, FL, SFC, Echo, Pinnacle, Mark Fry, Gordon Brown, Jeff Stelling etc. etc. will achieve. If you care for your club, justice and screwing the FL - GET EMAILING (AND THE STICKY SET UP).
  9. What a completely pointless thread - Lowe is gone / history / the only way his name can continued to be associated with Saints is through threads like this. Or is this some form of Stockholm Syndrome? If you want to worry about something, let's just hope we have a club - without Lowe :-)
  10. Red

    Matt Le Tissier

    Give it time - should Matt be manager/chairman/some other important capacity, if the takeover does indeed go through, and when we lose (when / not if) 3 to 4 games on the trot, OR god forbid something goes drastically wrong with Pinnacle (ala Lowe/Wilde etc. etc.), he will be equally vilified by probably the same usual suspects. Personally I would l rather he did not have a significant role moving forward as his memory and reputation cannot be greater than it is now and it would be a shame for it to diminish in anyway. Let's not forget it is Pinnacle who approached him to "front" the bid (which does raise the obvious alarm bells already discussed in several other threads), and furthermore he publically stated that he would support any bid that would save Saints. More than happy for him to have an ambassadorial role but not a central one. I am sure I may get abuse for this but think about it - we all hero worshipped Channon (at the time probably more than Matty) before he went to the enemy - we all hero worshipped Lawrie before he found his spiritual home with "real football supporters" - etc. etc. BTW, whilst I absolutely regard Matty as an absolute legend (in the true sense and not in the much abused term) and think he is one of the best ever Saints players, who I have had the pleasure of meeting on a couple of occasions, I do just wonder how many people commenting on this thread have followed his entire Saints career, from reserves to now? Nothing negative as he has my greatest respect and admiration, but it does make me feel sorry for other players in less glamorous positions who I feel, have made a great playing (and I emphasise playing) contribution - Nick Holmes is just one example !
  11. sorry miss :-) ... that's what comes of going to the Deanery !!!
  12. so there is at least another Saints fan in Dublin other than me (or should I say myself , for the budding linguists). Actually I live near Enniskerry to be precise :-)
  13. Good God - one would think we are auctioning the crown jewels!!! Wake up and smell the coffee. We are broke and going out of business, and more importantly no one gives a feck - like it not ! The only realistic hope I can see at the moment is MJ and his crew. But go ahead and slate him and when he is gone we can all moan and ***** to our hearts content - instead of watching the beloved Saints !!!!
  14. Opps Sorry - did not mean to cause offence - rest assured I have suitability chastised myself and said offence will not be repeated
  15. Opps, got sensored - not a regular poster so not familar with the rules / set up etc. - ring a bell?? As in Wilde / Crouch thinking they could run a football club without any experience?? Anyway point made, here's the blanked out bits:- s h i t happens! Tee- s h i t e got F U C K ED!!!!"
  16. Folks, we are where we are - hindsight is a wonderful gift but extremely rare. I truely believed in the Wilde promise - read every bit of the famous manifesto! Sad as I am now I do not believe either Wilde or Lowe meant anything bad for us - **** happens! Yes we can quite rightly criticize their professional judgement, but they did not set out to destroy Saints - proof, both will lose a fortune now, not to mention business and personal credibility. Personally I think Wilde as CEO and Rupert as CFO would have worked quite well, however have to say that I would love to buy a Tee-****e (deliberate) that says "Saints went Wilde and got ****ED!!!!" Anyway let's move on, forget the past and hope we get decent investment and move on. If all of this is depressing enough my second team Woking also got relegated !!!!
  17. Apologies - did not explain well enough (too much beer), my main point was that I think the house hold name is Souness and what if his consortium is perfect from a footballing perspective (knows the game, has contacts, is respected, Saints connection - remember LM resigned from DOF when Souness left as a protest against Lowe, etc. etc.) BUT only has enough funds to bail us out and not much more, compared to a mega rich individual who has no football credentials. Both can save us as far as Mr. Fry is concerned, but what is best for SFC and the fans? Of course the obvious answer is to have Mr. Money Bags back Souness, and maybe, just maybe Mark Fry is trying to do that - hence the delay? Let's hope ??? Maybe this explains some of the comments about two bids merging into one? I have no inside info, and the above is one (but only one) possible explanation. I just hope it's true - as we will by implication have a club next season. BTW, Souness had his next job lined up well before he left us for it's worth!
  18. Am I the only one who thinks the "Household Name" could be Souness? About as well known as any other famous sporting personality and always on TV ???? Ties in with a lot of other comment about the Souness consortium as well on here. Maybe the dilemma Mr. Fry is it best to have a consortium with strong football knowledge and connections (and some Saints history) and limited funds or a rich wealthy individual with no football connections. Not a straightfoward a choice as it seems - which is better for the longer term stabilty of the club and fans? Not sure I would want to make the call. BTW I am assuming the Souness consortium have enough funds to settle all outstanding debts, and hence Fry's professional and legal obligations are met with either choice.
  19. Team selection will be very interesting. Let's face it no one with a big (or any if possible) win or play bonus will be selected. Oddly enough it might benefit us to lose the game to avoid paying any extra bonus - always assuming we have a remote chance of finishing 3rd bottom, the extra payment (not sure if we do get one that is) is more than the win bonus?? How about players bid to play - about time some paid us back :-)
  20. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4330950.Validity_of_Saints_bid_questioned/ Think we need to change the tittle of this thread now ! I am glad in a way it is not these two as they appear very unprofessional in their approach and not sure how much money they would have to invest. Let's just pray one of the other bidders are better suited and this was our "SISU" again !!!!
  21. I think people need to get a reality check here! I am dead against Lowe returning (and actually have a reply from him when Souness left and I sent him an email to complain), but the truely absurd notion that we would (as if we have a say in these matters anyway) rather the club fold than have Ruppey save us is truely laughable. Get a perspective people - Saints survial is paramount, anything else is secondary. A famous general once said, run away and you live to fight another day - i.e. if Lowe is the only way to save the club so be it. Save it now and then topple him later, but not by Wilde/Crouch/etc. I honestly don't think people realise the true magnitude of the issue here - we are broke and going out of business - end of !! May be, just may be we will get a bid - wouldn't bet my bottom dollar on it at the moment. So go ahead and be picky, coz we have so many options after all !!!!
  22. Red

    31 Years Ago

    Was there too right in front of the wall that collapsing - just as well it I guess :-) Nobody minded - we were just all too Dell-erious!!!! That moment will come again I am sure !
  23. Surely now is the time for some legal whiz kid Saints fan to offer his services for free to mount the appeal???? Isn't Anthony Schultz (SP?) a top legal guy who was interested in heading up a consortium to buy us? What better way for him or or a number of other legal firms in Southampton / Hampshire to help the club and the community. Come on you know it makes sense !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rational Rich Full Member Join Date: Nov 2006 Posts: 103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Guided Missile Rich, you obviously have no clue how administrators work. There is NO way that he will incur legal costs, on the chance that the Club will somehow avoid a 10 point deduction and somehow increase the asset value of SLH. The main reason for this is that an administrator does not have the protection in law that a company does, ie he is PERSONALLY liable for any losses to the creditors, that occur as a result of his actions. A new owner will probably throw a few quid at a law suit, if they think it is worth the effort, but the cost of doing this has already been/will be knocked off the value of SLH... Mate, the game is up... GM, I used to work for an administrator. I have a clue. Provided the legal costs don't outweigh the difference to the value of the asset and there is a decent liklihood of success, he will have to challenge it, especially if the case is as strong as it appears. It will come down to the costs of challenging against what stands to be lost by not challenging. Can't imagine the fees would be that massive. Anyway, that's his call, he has the facts and figures to make the commercial decision, I don't.
  24. Regular viewer of this site, although never posted until now - mind you tempted to many times but always felt all opinions, including one's I was totally opposed to deserved to be expressed. Funny how some regular members on here seem more concerned about other members views more than SFC - never understood that? Any way nothing slightly funny about our situation at the moment. I have supported Saints since 1974 and for the most part loved it - many many great memories ! I now live in Ireland and cannot get to SMS as often, but cannot stand by and watch my beloved club dissappear and will pledge at least £1,000 for this initiative - more if I can, but I am also sending donations directly to Saints. Also happy to aid remotely with any other fund raising ideas. I have lots - does anyone know who to address these to? Thanks and keep the faith !
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