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Everything posted by Red

  1. Spot on. See there are still a fair few Ralph apologists out there - interesting to know why they have such blinding faith in him? I wonder if they also wanted to stick with Hughes and Pellegrino? This is not a knee jerk reaction from me as I have been calling for Ralph's departure for months now, and winning a game or two in the next few weeks is not going to change anything (maybe apart from his wardrobe - if he was an English manager he would have been rightly ridiculed for that - certain ex England manager for example). His cheap version of the gegenpress produced some initial results but unlike the masters of this system, he has failed to improve/sophisticate as other managers have realised our one and only tactic. Add to that the stubborn refusal to change formation, tactics, players and random dislike of players all add up to a need for change. Sure it's a risk but no more than the path we are on now.
  2. See my earlier post. Any respect I had for Ralph has just vanished with him rinsing Mac (who btw I don't think is particularly good) in public. Ralph has backed McCarthy even though most would have dropped him even briefly to make a point (which he is more than willing to do with others - Tella, Obi etc.). He has done this solely to recuse himself - you simply cannot do that as a leader/manager. I manage a team and there is no way I would throw someone under the bus in public. Fine, rip him to shreds in private but not in public. What does it say about him as a manager if he was unaware of a situation most of the team were? In my view he is lying and would have claimed to be a great tactician if we had won, by saying that he kept an injured keeper on to close out the game with other experienced players rather than throw on a rookie - well you failed Ralph - man up and say you made a mistake and that these things happen in football/life and I/we will try and do better in future - that would have earned you a lot of respect at least from me. You are a coward for blaming someone else. I really hope Mac now doesn't sign the new contract and neither does Fraser - would serve Ralph well. The longer we persist with his incompetency's, the worse our club will end up and longer we will take to recover (if ever). We would be better with no manager than him - let JWP have a go until we find someone better (at least he figured out Mac needed a bail out - surprise Rabbit Shit hasn't blamed him as well).
  3. I wanted to reflect in calm the day after and was also at a funeral/remembrance yesterday - which btw was very thought provoking and illustrated there are far more important things in life than football (although I was still checking the score on my mobile much to the annoyance of my wife). I really don't know where to begin - truly! This is not a knee jerk reaction, as I have for some time now questioned Ralph's management capability. He is average at best - always has been and always will be - let's face it apart from a couple of exceptions that's all we can attract/afford. Yes he saved us when he first arrived and briefly had us storming the league, until other teams sussed his only tactic and wailed like a baby. Overall his record over the 3 years is not that great and he is deeply inconsistent (previous post relating to him bending with the wind etc.). Real problem is I think he believes he is great (like Pep, Klopp etc.) and he's not - he's a one trick pony that has been found out, and every other manager knows how to play against him and week on week he does the same thing and expects a different outcome (definition of insanity). Players don't help, but it's how he manages and motivates them - we have played different players, teams, supposedly tactics, etc. etc. but same outcome - what's the common factor? Clueless manager! Mac hasn't been great but to blame him, or rather accuse him of lying, about his injury as an excuse for losing - sorry Ralph you are so so out of order here. Players (JWP, defenders) drop back to help/protect/take kicks and the fecking manager doesn't think there's a problem with the keeper????? He is simply either lying or incompetent, either of which deserve instance sacking. If he doesn't trust the 3rd keeper, than why have him at the club you moran? I could go on about examples - Livro is odiously mentally drained and needs a rest and no harm in reminding him that at 18/19 he is not an automatic choice, but carry on and piss off our best player of last year. Yet, Obi, Tella and others are blanked out as they don't show the right attitude. This needs to change (and I am willing to take the gamble of the change) but it won't as we are too weak as a club - so evidenced by the manager commenting on takeover discussions - it's nothing to do with him - you're just an employee hired to do a job, that you are very clearly failing at. I'm sure all the Ralph apologists will come down on me like a ton of bricks, but wake up and smell the coffee
  4. No. This is my main issue - he is an average manager, doing an average job, and maybe that is the best we can expect, but all those rose tinted supporters of his that think he is the messiah are mistaken IMHO. I just do not see us progressing under Ralph - yes he's a nice guy and all that but if he was an English manger from the lower leagues I'm not sure we would be as forgiving. Sure, we don't have exceptional players or budget to compete with the elite but are we even competing with those around us? In our situation, I am judging Ralph and the board on us making steady progress year on year - losing to top sides is expected, but constantly changing your mind and tactics and blaming others is not. Just a few brief examples - want a small squad/squad not large enough, 4222/352, two competing keepers/only picking one, Tella mustard/crap as he doesn't fit the team, I give young players a chance/when was the last time you did recently (other than Livero, who I am sure now only signed for us as he was promised first team inclusion from day one and needs a rest and reminded that he is not automatic #1), "we are building automism" (what ever that means)/oh feck that doesn't work. I'm sure I'll get the usual experts on here battering me, but this is a forum and these are my views. This is not a reactionary post to todays result - you will see from my past posts that I have been unconvinced about Ralph for some time now. With the current set up we are going down sooner or later - will a change of manager, board, owner avoid this? Who knows but only a fool keeps doing the same things and expects a different result.
  5. Annoying in that I subscribe to AP but as I am in Ireland am not allowed to watch it 😞
  6. The issue I have is fine he tried something different (brave or stupid on your view), but it was clear it was not working within 10 minutes, so why wait until half time to change it? Sorry but I am failing to see how he is improving us? At least he won't wail like a baby this game (unless he's sacked mid game). A more ruthless team and we are truly embarrassed
  7. We will try hard, be plucky and have some good chances but eventually lose 1-0, probably scored by an ex player. Which is the worst out come as it doesn't add to either opposing debate - not that it matters as Ralph is bulletproof with the current board anyway.
  8. Obviously I'm not in the dressing room, but my guess is he says "ok boys, great first half, now conserve your energy and drop a bit deeper as we expect the opposition to up the tempo. Oh BTW I will bring on some unusual substitutions to fool the opposition so don't worry if you're hoicked off - nothing personal you understand" Added to the oppo manager working out our/Ralphs tactics and countering. I have always maintained Ralph is limited and maybe that is the best we can hope for, but with Ralph we will only ever average at or around relegation
  9. Agreed - how's this sit with all on here that ridiculed me for questioning Ralph just a few weeks ago (remember I did not call for his head, just that he was not the messiah and made some very poor judgments). Today was entirely down to him and tactics, ok maybe also McCarty, Salisu and Livro (who should have been rested) to some extent, but he picked them and the formation. IMO Ralph gets too carried away when we are doing well - we only have an average squad and when we do well other teams study us and counter and he has no response to that. Granted we might have lost the game anyway but after a dominating first half (where we once again showed our main problem of not converting our chances), why change it? And Walcott really? Would really like to know what Tella, Forster and others have done to not even get the odd few minutes
  10. Probably just chalking up a name for the future or throwing names on a board 🙂 OK, I'll get my coat!
  11. Agreed, all possible but definitely one for "nice problem to have" bucket. If we can replicate this for other positions in the team we might just have a great replica of the past Ajax model.
  12. This has other interesting dynamics in that say we are resigned to losing Tino in 2 years when the Chelsea buy back kicks in and yes he could refuse but let's face it in all likely hood why would he? We will never be in the same position in less than 2 years even if we had a mega takeover today. If then say another top club(UK/global) saw the potential and wanted to take him away from Chelsea, they could offer more than the Chelsea buyback figure within the 2 year Chelsea lock out and I presume we can accept it - unless the sale agreement prevents it but can't see how it could? Also, in that event would Chelsea be able to over bid their buyback amount? Not sure it's that likely but then top clubs have been buying up promising youngers and loaning them out to keep them away from their competition for years and Chelsea in particular. All depends on the buyback figure - the lower it is the more likely I guess. What if Newcastle offer £70M in January or summer?
  13. Ok bit of balance/sanity check here - firstly I said I'm not calling for his head, just that I would not be overly upset if he went. Secondly just 4 games ago most on here were calling for his head, and whilst we have done well in said 4 games it is not convincing IMHO. Yes football is a fickle game but in all honesty are we much improved in the last 3 years since Ralph has been in charge? Maybe we are getting there and I would be more than happy to be proven wrong but I'm not sure he's found the secret sauce as yet (appreciate he saved us in his first year but I'm talking about progression since then). Yes we might get someone a lot worse and get relegated but who dares wins. Oh and yes Pahars was tongue in cheek but would be a great story if he turned out to have been a great emerging manager and returned to us - remember reading an article where he said he loved his time with us and hoped to return in some capacity in the future. Again, I am not anti Ralph, it's just that I don't think he is the best thing since sliced bread despite our last 4 games
  14. Each to their own I guess, but I wouldn't be too upset if he went to Villa - specially if there is the claimed £10M compo. I'm not calling for his head but I don't really want 3 more years of what we've had in the last 3. Yes we might be worse off but I would hope we can find someone who can improve us even just a bit more. There must be an up and coming exciting manager we could take a punt on (again only if Ralph is poached). How's Marians Pahars doing these days?
  15. Red


    Also it says DOF persuaded him to join - we don't have one of those do we?
  16. Hope that Daniel Farke gag by Gary Line-acker doesn't get him in hot water with the very PC BBC or viewers - personally thought it was very funny but then I've had a few beers tonight
  17. No. Two separate incidents - one was indeed the note, which is indeed a joke (why not just tell the nearest player and he passes it on?), the other was a round white object thrown on the pitch - initially I though it wan a table tennis ball but who knows? Pretty sure it did not have the gravity of a golf ball
  18. Result - great first half, nervy second - thought we took too long to adjust to Villa's tactical change, although they were always going to improve second half. Couple of things I would have liked to see was bringing on Peraud second half to see if his left footed crossing would have had more impact (KWP was great but didn't trust his left foot) and alternating corner taking - JWP was too predictable and not that great last night, we saw previously with Redders that we looked more dangerous. Just try someone else once in every 3 corners to keep the opposition guessing.
  19. Ok I know it's tongue in cheek but would you really rather have Theo over Red yesterday? Hopefully Redmond is taking onboard the coaching etc. and he does seem to be more direct lately - would love it if he did more of it. Perhaps his concern is not to leave us too exposed if we go all out attack - which really is not his role and maybe having addressed the piss poor leaky defence of last season he feels he can focus more on the attack
  20. Yes but the point was they weren't prevented, which is why we are where we are. How long do you excuse performance after performance? The worst achievers in any woke of life are the unluckiest - maybe at some point you need to change them to change your luck? Was it luck that saw Theo start or stay on so long, or lack of subs for so long. It is clear as night and day that Livra is so so much better going forward than defending so why not KWP at RB and Livra at RM, where with Theo we have effectively no one. Oh forgot, cos our genius manager thinks Livra is not ready for RM. Playing well in spells is not winning us games - Burnley first half had one chance and scored - we had how many? And it's not unlucky when it happens game after game (Wolves and most of last season). We have a decent enough squad to be comfortably mid table but we just can't perform for the full game - so who is responsible for this? For me it's Ralph
  21. A Armstrong for Theo half time I reckon (and Redders to right MF)
  22. Red

    Nigel Adkins

    Have to say my best moment "recently" was the final game against Coventry in the Championship where a win would get us promoted and having flown in for the game, it was just magical. Fair few beers before and during the game, fantastic atmosphere and pitch celebrations, although I seem to remember Adkins giving more than a hint that in effect he had done his job (sooner than expected) and would not be around for much longer in the aftermath- discussed it with mates after but more beers and it all got a bit foggy 🙂 I think (don't know for sure and certainly have no proof) he was told your mission is to get us to the PL should you wish to accept it and then we part companies - no doubt he was on a generous bonus
  23. Adam Armstrong - not that I think he's brilliant but within our squad I believe he's the best. Needs a bit more time to settle but I think he will come good and had he played today with Broja and the improved service he might have performed well. Although all credit to Redders who had a great game - would have liked to see AA and Broja upfront with Redders and Tella as the wide players. But hey we won and got 3 points so what's not to like? My ranking is AA, Adams, Broja and Tella. Personally I would start with AA and Adams and get Broja and Tella on as subs during the game
  24. I knew full well he's comments where some what tongue in cheek, but it felt an appropriate time to air my views - I realise it doesn't suit the so called "established members" of this forum that others might also have a view and dare to comment but it's a forum right or have I mistaken a private old boys club?
  25. Not aimed at you in particular, but this is the typical reaction on here - win and Ralph is a hero and the best thing since sliced bread, lose and he is an utter f'wit. Reality in my view is somewhere in between and probably closer to Ralph being poor so far this season. Yes we won today and a played really well in parts - arguable whether Leeds were poor or we made them look poor - probably a bit of both. What was really concerning was that it took us that many chances to convert one goal. In the PL you normally get 1 or 2 chances and have to be clinical with them (Wolves for example). We could have so easily screwed up again today - for all the great work Salisu did today and he was my MOTM one slight loss of concentration could have cost us the win. Add to that that if people think Broja is our best striker (I think he has promise and should be used more but not our best) then why did Ralph wait so long to start him and say he was not ready, only to start him today and score the only goal? Also, why bring on Theo when we needed to add more pressure on Leeds - why not AA and move Redders to the wing? Also bring on Tella with more than 30 secs to go. I am delighted we won and will enjoy the night but I think we are far having solved our variability, and it's a good start and hopefully Ralph and the players will gain confidence from today and push on 🤞
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