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Everything posted by Rocker268

  1. it seems like a very one sided article to me, JVD is obviously denying it, so to me it looks like the media trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. not that I condone this sort of attitude, but things like this can always be taken out of context, especially when you don't know why this incident occured or all the facts behind it
  2. I have always hated other clubs website, the fact that you have an advert half way through the article is stupid, the old website wasn't great but at least it was unique, it's such a shame we sold out to Sky
  3. I think the name should reamain, but if you look back even 10 years, maybe a bit more the badge has changed, not dramatically, but slightly, just to make it look more modern this to this not a massive change, but change none the less
  4. I agree, it will be a sad day if anyone turns on him, hopefully they will never need too!
  5. I think its a bit of both, during the period of exclusivity they can have a final look in detail at the books, but they also sort out the legal process to have the deal go through, assuming there is nothing hidden in the books that has been hidden from them, but I dont think there is as their offer has been accepted by all the creidtors
  6. I think it will be good to have Matt on the board as whoever else is involved can then use his football knowledge and contacts, I also think Lynam will be there to act as a connection to the owner and the board, he is the one who has brought everyone together after all. There may then be another one or two people on the board, who may take the role as chairman or advisors, we shall have to wait and see but I personnaly can't wait and begin looking forward to next season
  7. We can't sell him until we get the new board and manager in, also with Saga, Rasiak and probably John going that leaves us with pretty much no strikers in the squad that have proven themselves at all. With 20% sell on clause we would see £800k which I personally dont think is enough as no matter what you think of him, his goal tally was decent last season for a first full season, he is nothing special, but is the best we have left
  8. Thats what I was thinking how can he call us cheats when Manure are £700m in debt (unless i am mistaken) Pompey are £100m and many other top clubs are in just as much debt If we have been cheating then we are some of the worst cheats in the world, because you usually cheat to gain an advantage as far as I can tell our 'cheating' has left us in league 1 on -10, we have had the threat of ceasing to exist and played half of last season with out our supposedly top players and replaced a decent manager with the cheaper option. So where in that did we cheat to better ourselves? If anyone is to be punished it is the banks for lending so much.
  9. Congrats on your grandaughter. and hopefully this will be a new new start for everyone involved with the club
  10. I did as well and with the time he spent injured he must have picked up some medical knowledge so physio?
  11. I'm almost certain it is, although the Echo's not the best paper in the world it has the same letter in it http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4408597.Open_letter_from_Pinnacle_to_Saints_fans/
  12. No! Although Crouch has been brilliant in helping us he must never be allowed in a position of power, nor should anyone who has previously been on the board in the past 10 years. It is the last thing we need, he should be rewarded and thanked but not given a place on the board!
  13. Basically it all looked very bleak thursday it was announced noone would be payed for May and Fry asked the staff to stay until next friday when he would reasses the situation as we had run out of money. Then yesterday around lunch time it was anounced that we were in deep talks with 4 parties, one had just emerged from Switzerland Then about 4pm ish yesterday the club had the £500k put down for one of the bidders to enter an exculstivity period and pay the staff. This is the Pinnacle led group with Matt Le Tis, and Lynam is the guy from Pinnacle that brought them together, it has today been reported that there is one money man behind it worth several hundred million pounds but their identity is still a mystery. They now have 21 days (from yesterday) to look at the books and make a final bid for the club. Radio Hampshire has also gone out of business unfortunately, even though the staff all offered to work for free the direcors decided not to take up the offer and the company collapsed I think that is everything.
  14. Possibly just incase it all falls through for some unforseen reason they won't be forever known as the person that failed to save saints, or it could just be that they would rather get everything sorted out before they are ambushed by the media
  15. I agree I don't think we will be recieving hundreds of million to spend, but I would rather have a club that earns its success with a committed following team and board than one that is an arab/russian billionaires plaything, so they can show off to their rich mates. If I wanted to follow a massively rich team then I would but I would rather support the same club as my entire family, and one that can make me proud to call myself a supporter and not just be a sheep following one of the big 4 good luck to whoever the finacial back is and to Lynam and Le Tis
  16. This is sad news, R.I.P
  17. Although I didnt know her this is sad news, condolonces to you and the rest of your family
  18. Rocker268


  19. Rocker268


    I agree, he shouldn't be manager because he has shown in results that he can't do it, I also feel we need a fresh start but although words can be made to sound the way you want them, i have been very impressed recently with his attitude and approach in the situation so a role in the acadamey would be a good move IMO
  20. I agree I always liked hearing you after a match. That was a good piece and a good read, hopefully today will be seen as the turning point in our history and we will be living in the glory days again soon, after fighting for it, not buying it like pompey seem to be about to do
  21. The Southampton area is going to suddenly double in productivity as people stop pressing f5 all day!
  22. For me one of the biggest areas Southampton needs to be redevloped is the waterfront, a few months back I walked down to Mayflower park for the first time (apart from the QE2 night) and there was nothing there, I then also wanted to find out where the National Oceanographic Centre was (as I needed to be down there a few days later), as well as just explore the sea front. But there was nothing there the waterfront Mayflower is just a car park with a few benches (granted there is the grass area behind but I couldnt see anything that would attract people down) and as far as I could tell there was just a load of private land up until Ocean Village so made almost any trip away from the shops completely pointless. IMO we need something to draw people down to the waterfront, there also needs to be more made of the old walls and church rather than them being locked away and inbetween some new building. I would suggest a pier and something to get peoples attention, the Spitfire could work but I have a feeling it will be a massive flop and waste of money unless there is a reason for people to go down and see it.
  23. I wouldn't take the article too seriously it claims dyer robbed a Southampton nightclub last year, which shows they don't do a very good job of investigating
  24. woops forgot about them and its only fair to mention Old Portsmouth and parts of Southsea as they are nice as well, I did a photography project along Portsmouth seafront and got much better pictures than I would have along Southampton waterfront
  25. its made even worse when you think of the salaries and the lifestyle of the people that make that decision as well
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