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Everything posted by Rocker268

  1. I think that was largely the echo saying it was a factor and even then it was fans views on the echo not their second hand reporting. If I remember correctly Pinnacle threatened the Echo with legal action for inacurate stories and false allogations
  2. I would rather they take time to find a decent manager than rush the decision, I agree it has been left a bit late, but that is not their fault, they got on with this on their first day. I also doubt it has taken them all weekend to draw up criteria, they have probably drawn up a shortlist and then phoned those on the list to see if a) they are potentially interested and b) arrange a meeting
  3. Glad to see the BBC's Gossip Column is up to date (This is on there today) http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/tm_headline=saints-to-go-marching-in-for-shearer%26method=full%26objectid=21496404%26siteid=93463-name_page.html
  4. Yea I think it was aimed at us, good luck to them though hopefully it won't be as drawn out and full of jokers as ours was
  5. I reckon once more clubs of a similar size to us go into admin a feedback loop will be created with more and more clubs becoming sucked into the financial void, with the big 4 still holding on, we will survive, thanks to ML's common sense and although I would rather have avoided admin I think we will now survive in the long term because of it and the sensible financial thinking it has brought us too.
  6. I agree, football has become ridiculous, the problem with setting caps on wages and transfers is all the big clubs will just offer the max to everyone which would further kill of the smaller clubs. Something does need to be done though, because I can never understand how many footballers who work once a week (I don't believe training can be classed as work), can be payed more in a week than a lot of people earn in a year. Especially when you contrast their salary against that of a doctor or fireman.
  7. I think it would be a great appointment, with the proper money he could get a team together in a good physical shape able to meet the challenge of the league. There would be little pressure on him as he is still loved by the majority of Saints fans. Although unlikely I would love to see him back, an appointment on a similar scale to WGS would be a brilliant end to what has been a great week!
  8. Does it say anything about there being other backers behind the deal that pulled out or is that one of the things he can't speculate about?
  9. The Echo has a great article: "SAINTS have sacked manager Mark Wotte. More to follow on this breaking story." http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4484760.Wotte_sacked/ =p Edit: Although I don't think he should have been manager I do feel for him as he has stuck by us, good luck Mark and thanks for doing the best you could
  10. I do sometimes usually just to have a go at the B******t that some people put on there and try and put a more reasonable edge to a discussion, although I have largely given up now
  11. Thats a no-brainer really, so number 2.....
  12. I heard it, but didn't record it I'm afraid, so this post isn't really that helpful =p
  13. The Idea of Liebher or Mali as sponsors is quite likely IMO, probably not until next year because of contracts but it could happen soon, it would give both companies good publicity
  14. I think all of the debts had to be settled, which I assume included the Stadium, which is especially good if it was reduced!
  15. TBF a fairly comical one as well
  16. How about Ryan Smith I hear he is meant to be 'world class'.......
  17. I would expect that is what they have been looking at whilst Pinnacle had exclusivity and everything went on around that. I just hope that something is finalised soon so we can concentrate on the football properly for the first time in months
  18. SSN have an interview with wotte soon (posted at 16:50) probably after this break which could be interesting
  19. I don't think its just a case of pinnacle not being clever enough but I think MLT would have been pushing to get a deal done before the players returned so we could have a proper pre-season. I also think that it is a foolish long term plan to drag this out now that we are selling players and training without staff, because it hampers the plan of automatic promotion this season
  20. I've had enough of all this now, my head is spinning, especially with the news jackson has a rescue plan if nothing else happens. I just want someone to sign on the dotted line and get on with running the club before we end up with the youth team being our only players left being trained by the staplewood cleaner
  21. I'd say if anything the fact that he was willing to put his reputation on the line in an attempt to save us is thanks enough. From his and TL's statements it seems that both of them still did everything they could to avoid this and were just let down by backers. MLT is and always will be a club legend and hero to most Saints fans
  22. I would rather start in L1 and build to stay up rather than start from scratch, wasn't that a few peoples thinking with admin? Although a fresh start does sound good in reality it would be too difficult, I doubt that anyone currently at the club would stay and we would have to skip the coming season and start afresh next summer IMO. Otherwise I agree completely something is up that we aren't being told
  23. Guildford, doesn't have one that I know of and there are probably loads of places of a similar size up and down the country that don't have a professional club
  24. Come on you Swiss, hopefully this will drive the price down as the two front runners have pulled out the creditors will want something so may accept less? In reply to Tokyo-Saint, I doubt it is that unfortunately, if it is then shame on them for toying with thousands of fans.
  25. I think he has tried to do what he can for Saints, and for a long time has been the figurehead of Saints best chance. Should this not come off, I don't think anyone should hold it against him, because he stuck his neck out trying to save the club he loves
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