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Chicken With A Banjo

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  1. You think they're incredibly dull? Really? YOU????? The guy that trawls the internet for pictures of t shirts, each ever so slightly different from each other, year upon year upon year? I suppose the fact that a grown man has an obsession with garish, obscenely expensive and morally dubious clothing is kind of interesting on a freak show kind of level but ultimately it hints at a dreary lack of imagination.
  2. Is this really the sort of America we want? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVXZAbqzBrs I prefer America with guns.
  3. In most places I have worked and outside of my closest group of friends and family, I find that it is awkward to discuss income. It's just not the done thing. I know that there are websites out there specialising in this kind of thing e.g glassfloor but I've found that these all have flaws. I thought it might be interesting thanks to the relative anonymity of this website to see how the experiences on here compare to the mainstream perceptions. I feel like (and statistics tell me) that I earn a good solid salary but judging by the cars people drive, the clothes people wear and the houses they live in I sometimes wonder whether something fishy is going on. Do people get paid more then I think, are they on the fiddle, are they massively in debt or is it just a symptom of the way that property and inheritance has become the key determinant of wealth nowadays with salary becoming a marginal contributor. So if you don't mind maybe you could provide your own data below: Job: Industry: Approx Annual salary before tax without bonus: Typical bonus: Approx take home after tax: Approximate location: Years of working experience directly relevant to your job: Level of education: Additional job perks e.g. company car/shares: Typical hours worked per week: Many Thanks!
  4. Maybe its a way of cheaply assembling a team to get us through through the season that doesn't lumber potential new owners with players and liabilities they'd rather not have.
  5. Slightly different scenario I got a £125 fine from a private clamping company in Shirley a number of years ago. They clamped the car and took the money on the spot as a release fee. I thought the £125 was an unreasonably high penalty, there were mitigating circumstances with respect to signage and the people who issued the fine were downright intimidating and nasty. I decided that £30 was a reasonable fine since this is roughly what the council was charging for parking fines at the time. I wrote to them asking them to pay me back £95 or I would start a small claim against them. They wrote back and refused my offer. I started a small claim against them for £95. Within days I had a cheque for £95 and they had to pay the cost of me starting the small claim which was also approx £30. so £120 fine turned into £30 and I got the satisfaction of knowing that the intimidating ****s didn't earn anything from me.
  6. Speculation: Pochettino sacrificed the cups to concentrate on the league because no matter how remote the possibility, a Champions league place finish and the associated rewards was realistically the only way the squad would have been kept together.
  7. Think we will be trying again for Memphis Depay. Suspect he will hold out for an offer from a bigger club. So will join later if at all.
  8. Upon researching it, it looks like you are right. Strange trick of memory or possibly erroneous reporting in the media. Perhaps I'm thinking of a different youth game of that era at St marys , but in any case thanks for the correction.
  9. Lallana is irreplacable as far as I am concerned. Far more so then any other Southampton player. I remember going to watch the home leg of thr FA youth cup final we lost against ipswich expecting to be dazzled by Walcott, who was rumoured to be atttacting the interest of real Madrid at the time. It was a front 3 of Walcott, dyer and lallana. Lallana was playing wide left and he was the standout performer for me. Walcott and dyer looked ordinary in comparison. Since then it has been clear to me that Lallana is a really special player. We won't replace him with like for like as it just doesn't exist.
  10. What a flocking bunch of hysterical c%nts you all are. He bit someone, the referee missed it and he stayed on the pitch. He should've got a red card. He didn't get one. That's where it should end. None of this retrospective action crap. Worst of all is the dehumanisation of the guy and the media scavenging frenzy which is about to ensue. This frenzy itself is the more shameful animalistic behaviour not the bite. What is so horrific about a little bite during a high stakes physical encounter. He didn't bite his ear or his finger off or sever a major artery. He gave him a little bite because the Italian player was being a c%nt. I can't believe the sh%t I read on here. Most of you people are another species to me it's clear.
  11. No, I would prefer you to be upfront and identify yourself as a knobhead right from the start as you have done. It wasn't a criticism, sorry if it came across like that.
  12. It is an awful national anthem. I've not yet come across an anthem with worse lyrics, and the tune is a dirge. The people in the UK are free to believe in god or not they are also free to support the monarchy or not. That goes for the England players too. Personally I would like the monarchy and the religious organisations in the country stripped of all their wealth and power. "England manager Roy Hodgson expects his players to show pride at representing their country by singing the national anthem at the World Cup." htttp://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/27658211 Neither the England manager nor the fans have any right to make such demands of the players. If I was a player I would be furious with the manager making those comments.
  13. I'm confident that you are a knobhead because you choose an obnoxious character from an American tv show as your avatar on an internet football forum.
  14. Ex defender who scored a lot of goals and stood out at the highest level is someone Shaw in particular should be keen to learn from.
  15. Two of the most popular choices mentioned so far missed off the poll in favour of the likes of Adkins Dyche and Sherwood. No wonder Koeman is running away with it.
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