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red and white saint

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Everything posted by red and white saint

  1. Bit like they replied no more Milan tickets
  2. The club look to still be running a coach as they rung me this evening to see if I was interested
  3. Anyone got an idea how many tickets we have sold for be'er sheva, available to all season ticket holders today
  4. Yes couldn't get them till midday
  5. Just bought my Beer sheva ticket and it looks like I'm ticket 198
  6. Can still do out of stanstead early Wednesday back into gatwick Saturday with a stop in Istanbul for £230 as well
  7. Starting to worry about this now got 9 always on my season ticket but seeing how well they sold today not sure I will get one
  8. http://www.budgetair.co.uk
  9. Got return flights going Wednesday back Saturday with a stopover in Istanbul tor £240 which is still available on the budget air website
  10. I've just had a look at trains back to Tel Aviv, there is a train at 22.59 unsure how far the ground is from the station but was hoping to be able to get this train, if this won't be possible would be 2 of us interested in taxi share
  11. 3rd and win the playoffs
  12. JPT and Orient away
  13. Going tomorrow without a ticket and fully expect us to win but cannot call the huddersfield game, Ive got a ticket for plymouth and come full time monday hope to be celebrating promotion even if its not matmatically definate, but knowing saints it wont be that simple
  14. Yeah that is correct but wont be happy till i have the tickets in my hand
  15. just got 5 more, can see these selling out tomorrow
  16. I can see tickets for brentford orient and brighton selling out straight away and there being alot of saints in the home ends
  17. out in oz now for the ashes got a return ticket to perth for £590 with cathay pacific which was booked in april and return a day before xmas. Also found internal flights in oz dirt cheap
  18. Just had a call saying Lamberts signed for celtic anyone else heard anything, unable to start a new thread as am not a full member
  19. I agree with dubai_phil about Vilamoura on the algarve stayed in quite a few of the hotels there and they are all very good and its only a 2 hour flight
  20. Seems strange just been on the online sales and seating as well as terrace tickets are available, but i thought we only go the terrace tickets because the seats were sold out
  21. How is it going then?
  22. Sounds like a fuking nightmare couldnt think of anything worse
  23. Wrong we found a boozer at Coventry which is 10 minutes walk max but i wouldnt want st marys built in a place like that.
  24. Planning to head here first do you what time it will be open from
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