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The King

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Everything posted by The King

  1. Lowe, die! Would look good on a large poster.
  2. Agree, fat moose imo. If she walked into my office right now and offered to f*ck the sh1t out of me id tell her where to go. Much rather play games on the net all day tbf.
  3. Today - Work then nothing Tues - See above Wed - Work during day then get ******d in teh evening. Thurs - Hanging...might open some presents. Fri - Get drunk Sat - Get drunk Sunday - Get drunk Monday - Get drunk Tues - Get drunk Wed - Get REALLY drunk Thurs - Get drunk Fri - Get drunk Sat - Get drunk Sun - Do nothing Monday - Back at work
  4. Cheryl Cole gets my vote.
  5. Tonight - Winchester for meal then out on the ****, I plan on drinking til i throw up!! Will probably try and pull but fail miserably. Go home and beat one off in a drunked rage!! Tommorow - Hanging so nothing all day. Go to pub in evening, get c*nted! Sunday - Hanging so nothing all day.
  6. You would so do that aswell!! lol
  7. I always stay silent. Its amusing watching everyone start to twitch as the stench descends onto them! They all begin to slyly look at each other to try and work out who it was. Another question relating to farting. If you really had to fart but you had a really hot girl stood near you would you still let it go?
  8. Now that is a bad weekend!! Sorry to hear of your loss(es)
  9. 25th Dec - 5th Jan 11 consecutive lay ins!!!
  10. **** ring
  11. Friday - Winchester SU, drunk Saturday - Hanging, put radio on to listen to saints game....afta 15 mins lol'ed at saints and turned radio off! Then went to town for mates bday, drunk Sunday - Hanging, went to mates house got high Today - Feel like ****!! 8/10
  12. Should be asking for at least £5 million for the both of them!
  13. Dont do it then HTH
  14. Tonight - Football with work people. Get drunk at winch student union Tomorrow - Hungover so nothing during day, town in the evening...drunk. Sunday - Hungover so nothing all day. My liver will be taking some severe abuse this weekend!! Predict - 6/10. If i some how manage to pull 8/10.
  15. ??
  16. The King


    Jan, have a word with Wenger. :-) http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/a/arsenal/7772990.stm
  17. Thats because our real academy are now our first team. :-)
  18. M*therFuc*ing wet gaping c*nt hole & Dave ????
  19. Tonight - Haircut, gym, then whatever Saturday - Reading for football......all day drinking sesh Sunday - Bed hanging!!
  20. Serious LOLocaust
  21. Yeah it was mutual. Kinda saw it coming so id prepared myself for it so coping suprisingly well (so far). I need to get out there and see what else is available as have spent the last 6 yrs with her and my youth is slowly fading away. Guna hopefully have a few years of manwhoring now!! :-)
  22. Me and my GF broke up yesterday and i know of 7 other couples going through either a dodgy patch or have broken up within the last month. Theres something in the air me thinks?!
  23. Tonight - football, GF Tomorow - Nothing, get drunk and probably end up in southampton or winchester....spend lots! Sunday - Hungover, football
  24. Maybe, depending on severity of hangover.
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