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The King

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Everything posted by The King

  1. Frankie Boyle & Michael McIntyre
  2. I'd only be able to **** her if she wore a glove on her right hand, i'd keep looking at it if she didnt.
  3. Yep, cant see no reason why not.
  4. As above. So obviously a publicity stunt. Pair of *****s imo. Although the amount of money they will probably make from this publicity stunt will be millions so you can see why they do it.
  5. Ask Shane. His ex was scottish!
  6. Car key House key BMW keyring Pretty boring tbf. I'll wipe a bogey onto one of the keys to spice things up a bit.
  7. Zane Lowe is the worst for doing this. Drives me crazy, the second i hear his voice on the radio my finger heads straight for the CD button on the stereo.
  8. If I ruled the world... ....everyone would have to speak english, Im so sh1t at foreign languages. ....men would be allowed as many girlfriends as they please, women would only be allowed one boyfriend. .....fat people would be made to diet and excercise .....beer and cigarettes would be free on the NHS :-)
  9. Shes going to sleep with a hunky spanish giggilo, FACT!!
  10. - When ive sat down on the sofa only to realise the remote is the other side of the room. - Chavs that put really big exhausts on their 1.1 Saxo's - When i sit down in the lounge or to eat dinner and the f*cking cat decides he wants to go out for a sh1t - When i get into bed having forgotten to shut my curtains......the sun wakes me up at about 6:30 :-( - When one of the phones in the office is going off and everyone just looks at it....I then answer it. - Women that say 'mate'
  11. This thread has come up many times. I do agree though...always ends up being some fat moose behind the wheel. Its just their way of drawing attention to themselves because when a guy see's the 'Babe on board' he automatically has to look in the car........only to see some clinically obese munter of a whale behind the wheel!!
  12. Who on earth still uses teletext!? Get with the times!
  13. OOOh thats a gooden! Also...it seems to take them about 30 attempts to park in a bay.
  14. - Why some men go on sun beds! Sooo ghey! - Religion - Universe/Space/Milky Way etc etc - Why ducks/swans float - Why some camels have one hump while others have two - Why some people turn the air conditioning on in the car whilst the window is open - Why Sloths are so slow - Why women dont get their boobs out when builder shout "Get your t1ts out love" - As above with vagina, "Dont be stinge, show us your *****"
  15. The King

    First car

    Ford Fiesta 1.0 - Sold it after a month as it was ridiculously slow. With a full car i was lucky to get around 15mph going up a hill. Flat out did about 70mph.....and that was absolutely ragging the ******** off of it!!
  16. Shameless rulllzzzzz
  17. Id say about an 80% chance il be there, depending on hang over situation.
  18. Eh? You make no sense!! You have recently bought a baseball cap as i was with you when you bought it. Are you therefore not a man?:confused:
  19. yeah and that.
  20. Men that work in an office come in to do work and socialise. Women that work in an office come in to do work and b1tch about everyone else in the office/organisation or to moan about their work. This is why majority of the team i manage are male.
  21. All weekend - Making love to random animals in the woods
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