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Everything posted by Popester

  1. Excellent comment
  2. I'm there
  3. Luke Shaw added a few million to his value tonight
  4. They can score when they like to be honest - fearful of the second half - Good possession from us but powder puff up front
  5. is the game being played in a library ?
  6. Technically and tactically we are poor , we can't pass , can't tackle and can't we hold the ball up . Lack of passion , enthusiasm or urgency. I don't even want to watch the second half because it is all so very predictable. Time for a change and now. Yoshida is a League one player at best .
  7. Legend
  8. sorry - try dave.pope@traveltrainingsolutions.co.uk
  9. Good evening everyone I have finally remembered my email address for online ticket booking but my account is blocked as I have tried the wrong email address too many times. Anyone know how to unblock it or who to speak to ? Thought I might have more chance getting a ticket online rather than over the phone Thanks in advance - C'mon Leicester
  10. I want it over tonight although West Ham will win without a doubt . We all know that to be true. This is going to the wire my friends
  11. Just one ticket would be great - Don't care where , even corporate would be fine . Happy to pay for beer and half time pie . dave@molotov.me.
  12. Chaplow and Cork tomorrow
  13. Bad luck ? How is this bad luck ? Bad decisions and lack of ambition by ever person on that pitch
  14. Once again embarrassing on TV
  15. Keeping hold of the ball would be a start and looking like you actually wanted to win the game would be good.
  16. Whatever happens I bet Chopra scores
  17. I was at the second leg and still have the programme and ticket - Amazing atmosphere
  18. nowhere near good enough - distribution terrible
  19. How old are you ? F***ing grow up!
  20. I actually heard this rumour about a month ago from someone who was in a meeting where it was discussed
  21. Laugh and laugh and f*cking laugh for the rest of my life until I die a very happy man
  22. So if they go into admin , why would they get a points deduction this year insetad of -9 next year starting in the Championship. It would hardly be a punishment because the f*ckers are down already. The -9 should apply next season regardless of division. So if in the uinlikely event that they stay up then they are still penalised
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