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Everything posted by locksheathsaint101

  1. Stab shane. Stab him in the face.
  2. Mystic shane has predicted the future perfectly on this one.
  3. Stupid you say? Lock!
  4. A saints fan sat on a mountain with his iphone conencted to the forum and w*nking furiously into his now soiled xxxl saints shirt.
  5. It's b*llocks you say? Surely not!
  6. 5PM it is then Pat. I await with interest to be proven totally wrong!
  7. Or at the very least the title should be edited to reflect it is a football rumours bit of news.
  8. Hopefully you are clear on where I stand. People with something to share from sources or from people they have heard = yes. Stupid made up content from footballrumours = no. Personally I don't think that would make the forum less exciting but obviously peiople will have differing views.
  9. If Nicky Maynard signs, I will run naked around SMS and jizz in the new grolsch taps.
  10. So basically anyone can start a thread saying someone will sign no matter how implausible and how likely it has been just copied and pasted from football rumours (complete with spelling error.)
  11. I think we are getting out wires crossed somewhat. I love reading rumours on here. What the9 posted yesterday is interesting and plausible. What I don't like is people with a long track record of posting rubbish just copying and pasting off football rumours and passing it off as fact. Otherwise what is the difference from the delldays posting his Van Nistleroy rumour?
  12. Right then, I think that says all we need to know. I like rumours from posters who have just a shred of credibility and who are posting in good faith, not wind up merchants who copy and paste from football rumours.
  13. Right then so you heard this and then football rumours has the EXACT same spelling error? If you are right believe me I will come on and metaphorically kiss your feet and proclaim you as a forum god. When you are proven wrong I will laugh in your face.
  14. Yes definitely. I will publish it on the homepage if you like. It's not going to happen (and even if it did- which it won't- it won't be because of this silly rumour posted on that bullsh*t website.)
  15. I love reading rumours. This isn't a rumour, it's that idiot website again.
  16. Nope it was never in the agreement that full members signed up for. Was a thread on it a while ago. Seriously can we lock or delete this? It will never happen in a million years and just makes us look idiotic.
  17. From football rumours so no you did not hear it. It's not in any way credible in any way shape or form. Delete this thread because it raises saints fans hopes unnecessarily.
  18. Idiots just copying and pasting from football rumours. Delete please.
  19. Have to disagree with you here daren and I think you are letting your personal experience cloud your judgment. I think it is entirely possible for cancer to be an accurate description in this context even if I totally disagree with the view.
  20. Normally 'cortese has sold me the vision for this club.' do me a favour!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G4jnaznUoQ&ob=av2e
  22. changed it for you.
  23. Bet you would report him to Adkins. You are the fun Hoover, sucking the joy out of the Internet leaving nothing but cold metallic facts and football manager stats.
  24. If he went to skates we should string him up. Traitor.
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