Under a traditional set up he wouldn't have got a game and probably have been sold to score goals for another club - see Leon Best and Dexter Blackstock. Might have been better for his career though.
The problem is DMG is playing a side that's lacking any confidence and he's playing up front on his own. He needs support, from a second striker primarily.
The number of players we get into the oppositions penalty box is a joke, and no one ever makes a run to the front post. Need to drill the basics of forward play back into the side. Reverting to 4-4-2 and giving the players less to think about would be a good start.
All it would do is delay the inevitable and Crouch would have just lost a lot more money. Unless someone is going to buy us and pump in a load of cash nothing will have changed.
To be honest I don't see any wiggle room for us. We are where we are and we can only hope the young team can produce.
Going backwards a step, more often than not, means going backwards a few more steps, then getting lost and never finding where you were in the first place!!!
That's the big risk.
Personally thought Skacel was one of the better players on Saturday. At least he knows what he's doing.
Our midfield is pap. No heart, no drive, lightweight and toothless. They've lost their way.
I'd have Wotton in the team to kick some arse (our players, not the opposition).
I justed wanted to say that there is no fricking way that Dyer is on 8-10k. No fricking way. Unless we're including the money he makes from his dirty thievery. Then maybe...
... or he could alienate all the players so they won't play for him and then he'd have to replace them with old donkeys...
Just saying - he's got decent qualities, but he's also the type to dump players that don't fit what he wants and I'm not sure we have the resources for that sort of overhaul.
We're in a tight spot fellas.
I thought he was very good on Saturday, very motivated and strong. He was a real leader on the pitch, exactly what we've needed for a few seasons. In many ways the younger players relied on him too much, constantly laying it back to him for him to start the play.
It's not his skill but the drive that he brings to the side. I think that's vital at the moment.
Erm, but we were shovelling money last season - couldn't afford to renew any loans, couldn't buy Phil Ifil. How could we have kept going like that without going into administration?
Why would the banks have more faith going down that road?
Hang on, we couldn't afford Pearson, and we can afford Davies?
Look chaps, we can't afford ANYONE.
Credit crunch and all that. Fact of life, let's not dwell on things that anyone can do anthing about, except for Mr Barclays.
Yeah there's been a shift in power. It's better than all the arguments that this forum was generating over the past 2 years. God they were getting tedious. Let's just enjoy it before the moaners get back from holiday!