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Everything posted by pedg

  1. I thought that PKF had reached agreement with the players?
  2. But only trousers does anything, one of them is just pants and the other slacks.
  3. It is tricky one. I guess he would consider a) Its value as is, b) its value as a development site and c) the likelihood of it changing status. If, say, he was asked to validate the value of some farm land then if there is 0% change of planning permission being granted his job is easy. If it has a 50% chance of it getting planning permission does he go for the value for farm land, the value as development land or somewhere in-between? I think he would have to look at the situation and determine what chance the site is to be used as a football stadium for the foreseeable future and base his decision on that. That is all assuming that he does not value it, as is, at well over the 3 million in which case he has an easy decision.
  4. As I understand it the Judge would not give a figure for the value all he can do is say if the value PKF have put on it is reasonable. The question then becomes what happens if he says it is worth more (but without naming a figure). PKF and the trust could attempt to up the price again and return to court but each time the judge says "No, more than that" its going to cost PKF a fair whack. The obvious solution would be for PKF and Portpin to agree a figure but as they don't appear to get on and their current figures are rather far apart I can't see that happening. All this to the obvious time pressure backdrop of the league's deadline.
  5. Exactly, the league are making up as they go along so could easily say it would be applied next year if not needed. After all they want pompey to be competitive and fighting to stay above the line so they get the penalty this year rather than next would give them an incentive rather than being doomed by an immediate deduction. But who knows.
  6. Not sure about that as if a club goes into admin before the end of the season we know there are rules for the related penalty to be carried over so there is a precedent for it happening.
  7. Timetable 1) Wait for court case and any appeals to be resolved. 2) ?
  8. Repeating the line about prolonged administration without questioning it. All indications before the league decision were that if given the go ahead the new takeover and exit from admin could happen in days, especially if all the court hearing ended.
  9. I think we can be fairly sure it was not turned down for the reasons given in the FL statement so I do suspect that it was as you say that it was too convenient given the circumstances but they could not really say that in a press release hence the "uncertainty" bumf.
  10. The logic of the league statement is odd to me. The trust takeover has been meandering around for ages now another party comes in and looks set to get the club out of admin almost over night but: But the other people taking over and getting the club out of admin would reduce the uncertainty would it not? To me it has the ring of a political statement that sounds plausible to start with but when you actually think about it the defence of the position has nothing to do with the circumstances in hand.
  11. Just they were crowing about being preferred bidder like it excluded other bids and now one comes in from the blue and the preferred bidder appears to mean nothing.
  12. So does "Preferred Bidder" actually give the trust any advantage? It would appear not. Do they have any legal challenge if the club is sold to someone else whilst they are the preferred bidder?
  13. Probably the HNW suckers. If the PST bid goes through they get equity for what they have put in, if the other bid wins I suspect they will get diddly squat.
  14. So can expect lots of moans from them about how the official attendance includes season ticket holders even if they don't go and that it does not show the correct attendance?
  15. Do we know if the loan from the council that appears to be central to the PST bid is still dependant on them being the only party? I was for the original loan but I thought it had changed into a more short term loan to buy fatpipes so maybe that condition has changed?
  16. http://news.sky.com/story/1048595/city-financier-harris-kicks-off-pompey-bid
  17. POP. The sound of the council loan disappearing as another party comes in...
  18. I suspect it was the cost of having to constantly remove and replace the lettering on the back of the shirts.
  19. Surely not. They are already looking at 10 penalty points and 3 more will get them banned.
  20. Back on topic temporarily... ordered a 16gb nexus 4 about 3 days ago when it was quoting 2 to 3 weeks for delivery and just got email it is arriving today. Good in some ways but shipping now means it just squeezed into this months credit card statement.
  21. Question is was it who won that was fixed or was it once of the more esoteric area's that can be bet on like total goals, cards, etc?
  22. By my, possibly dubious, calculations with the -10 they are 16 points behind the team in 4th so if the points difference stayed the same between them and 4th for the rest of the season they would be certain of relegation after the fixture on the 29th of March as after then they would only have 5 games left.
  23. Does it need to be practical? What makes you think that just because it is impractical that they will not go ahead with it?
  24. Down 1.2kg this week so still just about on track for my target. I have updated the graph on my main post to show current progress but will include it here as well... The red line was from my last diet about 4 years back, the blue line is the current diet, the purple blob is my target of having a normal (old school) BMI by my birthday. The flat section was Christmas and was almost certainly not flat but did not weigh myself for 3 weeks. Got used in parts to doing 4:3. On my restricted calories days I can now go through to 7 or 8 in the evening without eating anything. Main problem at the moment is waking up early the following day but intend to try and reduce my caffeine intake on fast days to see if that helps.
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