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Everything posted by pedg

  1. Are you completely sure about that? I thought I remembered one of our more knowledgeable posters saying that the judge could not give a definitive valuation but could only say if he thought the price PKF wanted to sell it for was reasonable. That is he could approve or not approve the sale at the price PKF have agreed with the trust and that is all.
  2. All I want for a 50th birthday present is....... (yep that the 19th...)
  3. Right, nearly 10:30. I assume there are TV trucks outside the court, live blogging on the major news sites for a court case involving such a big club...
  4. PKF had a stadium to sell but the plan had not gone too well 5 million said the judge but if you got him to budge it would be 10 without the c**t with the bell.
  5. Will we get the actual date tomorrow? Probably the only thing of interest that will come out of tomorrow court thing.
  6. Because one assumes that in these cases there would be extra expense involved once a court is booked for the full trial and in many cases one suspects the sides reach an agreement without having to go to full trial so its in everyone's interest to only proceed to a full court case once it is clear that it can't be resolved away from the court beforehand.
  7. One suspects that its is a better use of resources. Arranging a date for the full hearing should involve the judge, a couple of lawyers and only a few minutes as one assumes the lawyers have agreed a timescale for the full court case before they go before the beak. For the full event we are talking a couple of days by the sounds of it in a full court room and all these things (judges time, lawyers time, court room time, etc) need to be scheduled so they have to be fairly sure it will be going ahead before they try and fit it in.
  8. Not technically true as football debts were paid by the cunning ruse of making sure the money from the parachute payments to pay them never went anywhere near fatpipes.
  9. Well they say some of the worst examples of 50's and 60's architecture are listed just so they can be preserved to show future generations of architects how badly they can go wrong...
  10. Assuming they don't use their "-10 get out of the league the wrong way" card then they are currently only 9 points below Colchester in 5th from bottom so quite a way to go before they are relegated just on their unadjusted total.
  11. He looks like the winner of the best dressed inmate competition at San Quentin prison.
  12. So something possibly libellous relating to pompey. I am sure a certain MP is already on the case and will soon read out the article under parliamentary privilege.
  13. I suspect someone may have to change the text that appears at the bottom of each of their articles
  14. Well if the PFA are lying then I suggest that she repeat her statement outside of parliament. Surely not a problem if she is telling the truth.
  15. Sooo the PFA making one phonecall to the league is the only reason for a weeks postponement? Right...
  16. If they renege on them then that should exclude the mutually acceptable part. The players have agreed a time table for payment, a time table that is, one assumes, included in any legal document they have signed. If the club decide not to stick to the time table then unless they can get the players to agree they would be in breach of the agreement. In fact it may well be that the players could get more from the remaining parachute payments if the club broke the agreement as once those agreements are null and void ones assumes they will return to the initial amount owed to them?
  17. Is not the football creditors rule a red herring in this case? As I understood it, though it was many months and pages ago. The players owed money from before administration reached compromise agreements with the administrator. I thought that meant that they were not then football creditors in relation to the club but had an agreement with the administrator about how and when anyone buying the club would pay them what they had agreed. If that is the case then they may well, having reached the agreements, not have first dibs on the parachute payments and could get nothing. On the other hand one would assume there are conditions in these deals that if not met would make them null and void thus returning them to full football creditor status. or I could be completely misremembering/misunderstanding...
  18. Pompey Dictionary: Interfere: Not giving in to unreasonable demands
  19. I assume 3000 have stayed behind to sing again?
  20. So is today the day they finally reach their natural position?
  21. I suspect that soon we will end up with a bottom group of 4 or 5 and a large group of another 5 or 6 above them with a gap of 4 or 5 points between the two. At the moment we are at the cusp between these but I think we have enough going for us after yesterday to be part of the upper group.
  22. That the problem with the length of messages on twitter the "ly infeasible" gets cut off.
  23. The proposed changed by the PST to the payment dates is possibly the first time legal documents have included the date "12th of Never".
  24. I thought the PKF agreements were renegotiation? I can see how the PFA might object to the renegotiation down of a renegotiation down of original agreements where they accepted less than they were due. Its almost like being treated like normal creditors for heavens sake!
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