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Everything posted by pedg

  1. Dear EU we would like to keep the parts of our agreements with you that we like in place but get rid of all the bits we don't like. Hope that's okay with you. Yours UKIP. Can't see the rest of europe having a problem with that at all......................
  2. Just as on another thread here where we wait in anticipation of cockups and in fighting that is sure to happen at a certain football club so I think we can wait in the same way for what is going to happen to ukip now they are, if not in charge of councils on their own, at least have a large say in what is going to happen at them. What are the inexperienced newly elected ukip councillors going to do once they find that their powers extend only to deciding which public services they have to cut and are nothing to do with the UK's interaction with europe?
  3. So with all these charges who has first dibs? First to register or do they have to sort it out Harry Hill fashion.. "There's only one way to find out...." ?
  4. If having a share gives you a 20 quid discount does that mean they have to pay those with lifetime season tickets 20 quid?
  5. That is a point really isn't it as I assume the vast majority of their supporters are english? Should be called EIP?
  6. Why 3 charges I wonder?
  7. Anyone trying to win an argument by quoting the daily mail has already lost.
  8. No because: A) There was not one on the ballot paper B) My pre-election frontal lobotomy operation was cancelled.
  9. I could be wrong. I thought the council loan was till the next set of PP's so I assume that counts as short term?
  10. The council loan is to be repaid within 6 months when the next PP arrives. I believe the time scale on the loan from the property developer may be significantly longer.
  11. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/pompey-boss-supports-tower-turning-white-and-blue-1-5036841 Odd how they miss the red bit out of the main headline. If the light show is just for pompey why is there red in there unless they are just borrowing lights from some other purpose?
  12. Just a bit of mishearing from the reporter. What he actually said was This is the lardest 20,000-seater stadium in the country
  13. Edited (several times!) to reduce the weaselroom.
  14. I wonder how they would respond to a written list of questions like those Micah Hall submitted to Portpin?
  15. The chances of any difficult questions being asked or any non-positive information being released? Close to zero.
  16. Can't help but think a sick bucket is going to be more useful...
  17. As I said the legal situation is a bit murky. I think its fairly clear that the 'owned by the fans now honest' front has helped significantly as the league appear worried about appearing to be nasty to the poor 'owners'.
  18. The thing is that the league were very (too?) specific about the punishment in this case at an early stage so they have rather restricted themselves with what they can now do. Both ours and their scenarios were outside the rules at the time so the league had to decide what to do. The difference is the FL, it appears, decided on the latter to soon.
  19. Blood everywhere??
  20. As I said before I very much suspect that they had to stick to their, ill thought out, initial statement about the penalty applying this year. Its is obviously always a bit of a murky area in terms of what legal action clubs can take but if the penalty had been moved to next season its possible that pompey might have a case they could pursue given the unambiguous initial statement. If this happens to another club I very much suspect that the league will say something along the lines of "When club X come out of admin having not met their earlier CVA obligations then the points penalty will be applied using the same rules as that used when a club goes into admin". But rather shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Indeed I would not be surprised if something like the above was not formally agreed so the league can say "Pompey got away with it but don't any other club try the same".
  21. So that 11 letters they got today then.
  22. As an aside I see that someone who can't work their own phone apparently can't even read the speedo on their car. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-22263047
  23. Proclaimers song is 500 Miles so maybe we need to replace "walk" by "sue for" and "miles" by "pounds"??
  24. Is that why no one has posted details on their agreement?
  25. On one level it looks like they are well set for the future but we just don't know how the dynamic between the various parties is going to play out. It could all go swimmingly but there are almost certainly speed bumps ahead that will test how well the PST, the HNW individuals and the property developer all are at pulling in the same direction. On the subject of the property developer its rumoured that his loan will need to be paid back over the coming few years and I don't think that's covered by the multi-use parachute payments so they will need to definitely have to find the money to pay that.
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