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Everything posted by pedg

  1. Which should be applied to those posters who are overly negative as well I assume?
  2. 100 up for KP. Needs to get past 128 to get the highest score for a new England captain.
  3. I suspect he was talking about using plugs on your home ring main to carry a network signal not power over ethernet but I could be mistaken... Assuming the former then I have a wireless extender that uses the main to and it appears to work fine. It works like ADSL in that the network signal is put through the main on top of the AC and at a frequency that does not appear to cause any interference.
  4. what
  5. Disagree with your expected depressive take on things. Do we really have a weaker squad than last year or just one that has less big names? You appear to assume we will be in trouble come January The chairman may divide the fan base but 99% of those that do not LIKE lowe will still go and support the team. Its only obsessives like yourself who put their hatred of lowe ahead of the team. Anyone would think that you really really want there to be off-field problems this coming season?
  6. Fairly crap really. in the whole article before predicting we will be relegated it says And that apparently is it, the reason for our demise?? In reality, with the exception of keeping the bank happy I would say this season looks like being the quietest for off-field problems for several years.
  7. All the circumstantial evidence so far is that Fulthorpe is trying to organise a takeover but has yet to get together the money to do it. This message board would be rather thinner on posts if everyone's statements had to be backed up with incontrovertible evidence. Plus just because you can't provide evidence for something does not by default make it untrue.
  8. Sounds more like pot, kettle, black to me. Isn't funny how each of us can see the whole picture and everyone else is painting things how they want it. Amazing.
  9. I never meant to imply that one could only motivate youths and the others motivate season pros as that would be stupid. You appear to be misreading 'better' as 'only' or something. So to repeat IN MY OPINION Poortvliet will be BETTER at motivating the youths to than Pearson and via versa.
  10. Given that the current side appear so far to look anything but mediocre its not a question that needs answering. Or do you mean mediocre as in not having any high earning big names?
  11. But is the assistant coach the one who has to gather the team together in the dressing room after a disappointing first half and get the fired up for the second half? To me being assistant coach is, well, about coaching. Head Coach/Manager is something different and is the one picking the team and motivating them and its that function that I am not sure NP would be best at with a young team.
  12. pedg

    Asturius Sports

    But accepting a financially beneficial takeover could be considered a short termist view as well. After all what is having lots of money if its not having shop jam today rather than the promise of home made jam in the future. Anyway as fulmerrythorpe appear to be unable to organise anything remotely like a takeover after many months of promising 'its almost ready honest' its all rather a philisophical question.
  13. Happy to help
  14. And one suspects it was a more positive, informative and less disruptive fans forum than if he had been present. Lots of bulls complaining about the lack of a red flag IMO.
  15. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6962/new1dk6.jpg
  16. try this http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:QED-80fTSQGxYM:http://chbastin.free.fr/dossiers/collection/film_le-mans_steve-mcqueen.jpg
  17. Hopefully the club can find the cash for a large wooden box and a big shipment of cotton wool. Very very good news.
  18. google за нещо като "Legod Второ пришествие аватар" Избор на изображения. Кликнете с десния бутон върху една и копие на изображението местоположение Преминете към вас аватар на настройките и поставете в "Вариант 1 - въведете URL на изображението на друг уебсайт" кутия.
  19. google on something like 'Legod Second Coming avatar' Select images. Right click on one and copy image location Go to you avatar settings and paste into the 'Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website' box.
  20. You reckon their would have been lots of rational constructive questions for him if he has appeared? By the few seconds I caught him going would have been like a metal duck volunteering to go to the shooting gallery.
  21. I tried to listen but someone was asking a stupid ill informed question so I gave up
  22. pedg

    Asturius Sports

    Ah, obviously getting desperate as you have rolled out the LMFAO. I does not take a genius to see the difference between replacing a manager at the start of the season who is getting on well with the players and the board compared to one where the opposite is true. Point is something HAD to be done about luggy but the same is not true, at least at the moment with JP. Do you get that???
  23. pedg

    Asturius Sports

    Ah, the old I'm loosing the argument so will try and peddle the line that its not really worth arguing about. Good work um, true to form as ever :rolleyes::rolleyes: (see I can use excessive smilies too!)
  24. pedg

    Asturius Sports

    So if your coin comes up heads twice it will come up heads a third time? Because your theory appears to be that promoting from within will always fail? As to George Graham I remember at the time someone saying that he's knees had gone as that there was no way he would go back to managing. Something rather born out by the fact that he has not taken another post despite being linked will all the open positions around that time. It was a snap decision by the board and is one that IMO was one where redknapp was not Lowe's prefered candidate (born out somewhat by the fact that when Burley was appointed he was quoted as saying something like "This time I have got the person for the job I wanted")
  25. I am sure they would be happy to take up half the meeting asking long rambling questions that they will then not answer and be well within their rights not to. With people like you asking these sort of confrontational questions its hardly surprising that Lowe is not attending.
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