3,636 -
Everything posted by pedg
There are a multitude of reasons why we are in this division but I guess it must make it easier for you to just assign all the blame to one person. Deep down I suspect you realise how illogical it is to just have a single scape goat for all the problems the club has had but that you don't want to think about it as it would interfere with your hatred.
and you can guarantee that Lowe was the ONLY reason they did not renew? With no influence from the level of performances and enjoyment (or lack of) last season?
and plenty think its more a case of cutting of your nose to spite your face.
Its not as if it is actually reducing the amount Lowe is being paid either.
He said, and I quote: "Woodward's CV continues to grow at the highest level but we didn't need him did we Mr Wilde?" not much of a shout is it really? Not really enough to produce the level of vitriol that followed, IMO.
I think he was asking about the tickets for tomorrow and not about the morals of pompey supporters?
Lordy lordy some people are getting in a right state over this... Show me a single quote from Woodward where he in any way shape or form claims any sort of credit for our results in the Olympics? Lots of people getting on high horses here complaining about something that does not appear to have happened.
I would try looking for a UK based proxy to access the VM site via. I am sure some of our overseas fans must have tried this in the past and might be able to help??
http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/aug/25/championship.derbycounty Don't know how he managed to make McGoldrick MOTM though??
Video now on virgin media (I think!, working today and can never get it to work here) http://www.football.virginmedia.com/page/southamptonvideo/
According to audio sources we are going well. According to sky we should have been 10 nil down at half time.
Are there two parallel games going on or something??
You do get this sort of feeling its going to be a marmite sort of season. Its either going to be very good or very bad and we just don't know which way it will go. All digits crossed here...
I am optimistic, which I realise is probably not the best, pride coming before falls and all that so I am trying to reel it in but its difficult. As long as the test match is not rained off before 3pm I think I will be able to survive.
I wondered that as well. Also why go on about the difficulty of getting JP released when it appears to have been nothing special in the end, just his old club angling for more money.
Given your history of stating future events in an absolute tone it is obviously imperative that everyone take other peoples posts as being their opinion, otherwise we would have to assume you were psychic give you absolute statements on future events. Why do I have to come back and say something positive about Lowe to argue the toss with you about some excessive exaggeration you have posted about the current situation? I am not a lowe luvvie (is that term still incurring infraction points by the way?) I am pro common sense and realism, something that appears to be lacking in certain elements here. (oh and its spelt intelligent by the way! ) And to cover your points. 1) What on earth does 'lack of His previous tenure' mean? 2) People who don't like lowe always quote the figure about the number of managers but never go into details. Why because they would have to admit that at significant portion of them were unavoidable. If there is any thing you should accuse Lowe of it is bad luck as how many other chairman have had to lose a manager to false claims of child abuse, returning to their spiritual home and being true to the word and taking a break at the end of their contract? 3) What were the bad business decisions? There were some bad managerial decisions by THE BOARD but you will have to point out the bad business decisions made by Lowe? 4) When we were in the premiership I don't remember the great outcry for investment. Its only since relegation that ithas been needed and the various boards since he left has shown that its hard to impossible to get. 5) Player Cull. We needed one because otherwise we would have gone under. If anything I think you can accuse him of not culling players when we were in the prem as he let the managers accumulate a bloated squad.
Denial of what? I suggest you look at the poll about where people think we will finish and then come back and tell me who is denial. Or is it that everyone else is being mislead but you, having not seen any of the games, know the real way things will happen?
I fully expect that come january we may have to sell one or two players to survive. I assume you would prefer that we sold no one and went into administration? Not to mention moaning about things that have not happened yet makes you look stupid.
I was referring to the fact that 99% of the time you leave out the opinion bit and state it as absolute fact and then moan at Lowe for doing so. It may be that come the transfer window k.sink and all will be sold but until that actually happens maybe you could refrain from moaning about it?
Well you appear to be hoisting you own petard there as the obvious correct answer is no one knows but that does not fit with your assertion that we will be selling k.sink come the 1st of jan.
I never knew customers was a swear word. Better get it added to the swear filter I guess?? I mean lighten up! Football is a business, businesses have customers. So from the perspective of the head of the company refering to all those that pay to enter SMS as customers is both logical and 100% correct.
Guess we will have to wait till the 9th of September next year now then....
I think a good analogy for the plan is to think of it being like a managed forest. Yes you need to have the tree's to have your forest but if you don't fell and sell trees on a regular basis you have no income. Its all about getting the balance right between the two. With Saints it appears unlikely they we will be able to balance the books, and thus stay in existence, without regular player sales. In an ideal world we would not have to do this but this is not an ideal world and people need to understand that.