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Everything posted by EFM

  1. Oh dear, it seems his tactics were based on playing "beach football". Degradation certainly.
  2. I was depressed and enmbarased enough being the only **** in my local-ish pub in a Saints shirt and pleading with them to put the game on and turn dowm Oasis so I could listen to the commentary. So fair play to those who went, including some good pals of mine, and yes we are generally shxt on the pitch but the fact is that WE are the club. I came away from Vicarage Road quite elated, not because I think we are staying up but because of the total unity and common cause of purpose of our fans. No fans = no club Good on you on those who went today and I hope our yoof were on top form because Wolves fans really are are a bunch of cxnts?
  3. What a sad, deluded twxt! Their support was deafingly silent until they scored their second and then I just about heard a chant of "you're not singing any more" - totally ironic from fans who hadn't been singing all game until they took the lead. I thought our support was excellent vocally and the numbers we took for a midweek game. I think there was a large element of thinking we are possibly f'cked anyway so what the hell just shout and sing for the lads and play your part in helping. As for his remark about us and the team celebrating what could still be a crucial point when we looked doomed, what do they expect? I notice his criticism of us taking the pxss out of their non-existent backing rather than supporting our team (!) is followed by then taking the pxss out of Luton. I feel we really could and should have won this but saying that they did miss a few sitters too. Very entertaining game IMO though.
  4. I finally met "ladysaint" today and have thought of little different for the last 11 hours tbh.
  5. EFM

    Plastic Fans

    Ok, just make me eat my own words why don't ya :-) I hope you're right as I cannot stand the "better fan than you" attitude that seems to have crept in this season. As I said, if it was at those leaving so early then I can understand the sentiment.
  6. EFM

    Plastic Fans

    Truly pathetic. The same wxnkers who called the capacity crowd last game of the season "glory hunters" I imagine. Yep, right, turning up in droves to will and shout your team on to avoiding relegation to Div 1 really is glory hunting isn't it. If it was to those leaving early then maybe a fair point but if to true fans who turned out in numbers because everyone knows we need to rally round at the moment it really is sad behaviour from complete no marks.
  7. I think today (and the Forest game) can finally put to rest the idea that some have that it's all the fans' fault. A lot of true fans returned again today for obvious reasons and yet again the team didn't appear to be up for it. (I say this as someone who actually had a ticket but couldn't get to the match for travel reasons and stand to be corrected by those who went)
  8. Stunned but impressed! I'm not so sure I was that magnaimous during their decline (infact I know damn well I wasn't) but fair play to the author of that article. I think he also recognises that it is not inconceivable that they may not be a lot better off in 2 or 3 years than the position we find ourselves in now. If the current positions were reversed I WOULD be gloating like f.u.c.k. but if we didn't have Pxmpey as rivals at all I would feel we had lost something. Albeit something approaching hatred but a loss nevertheless.
  9. There, it seems, speaks the heart of a true Saints fan. I'm sure many on here can point to mistakes on his part but not only does he go some way to admitting them (what a refreshing change) he also shows a concern for the club and its many fans which has long been absent from the latest incumbents in any rare public utterings. I don't claim to know enough as to whether he should continue to be involved in some capacity but I do appreciate someone involved at his level coming out and showing some heartfelt feeling, remorse and regret at the position we find ourselves in. FEELING being quite an important word in my view when it comes to our football club. I suspect 2 or 3 prominent others won't utter anything remotely similar.
  10. Psycrow oh Psycrow You Are missing the point that if we get away with it I don't think any of our fans could give a toss if it's "not very fair" on other clubs? Choose a future that you would prefer for SFC and answer your own question!?
  11. Huge lol Ponty :-) He's had 891 previous posts to raise this point and only NOW he brings it up?
  12. No offence intended Nick. Probably not in the best of taste.
  13. nickh, I underestimated your ability to look on the bright side whatever evidence there is to the contrary. I didn't think even you could disagree that we have made some right ****-ups on the transfer front! Mr Pulis being a notable one. Mrs nichh - "oh my god nick, our son's been killed in a terrible accident!" nickh - "Don't worry, we've got another one" I only say this out of envy because I would be a very happy man if I looked at the world through your specs, rather than being the miserable bastard that I am.
  14. No Pulis?! We're doomed I tell ya :-) (Has he ever played at all? Just sort of once, by accident or something?)
  15. EFM

    So How Does

    Very very strange Amesbury Saint. I briefly flirted with the, soon to go out of date, shirt offer but remembered the Charlton ticket deal and (call me old fashioned) went on to the OS for details. I couldn't find ANY reference to it at all on there?
  16. WHAT A BLOODY LET DOWN! You and NickH were having the most eloquent of arguments about the most trivial issue and I was thoroughly enjoying it but now you both make up and be nice to each other? Pah! Surely you can find more minor details to contiue with? It was better than any football/politics debate for ages - I didn't even know who to support as you slugged it out, toe to toe. Possibly my most enjoyed only slightly football related dispute of all time on here. I suppose an honourable draw was the best result. Penalties now?
  17. They're going to need one hell of a recruitment drive if it is now their policy for 6 of them to jump on anyone swearing at the referee at a football match.
  18. Sadder still is that I'm quite enjoying their argument! (Even though I have no idea what it is about.) Ps I want crayons too. Lend me yer crayons Ottery?
  19. Apologies for being very stupid but what am I missing here? How can we still owe them £400,000 for a player we took to our academy 4 years ago? Surely we didn't buy him for that much in the first place did we? An unknown 16/17 year old from Notts County? Or was a fee based on future first team performances? If it's based on goals scored we're paying about £40,000 per goal and even on appearances it's about £10k a game!? And that's assuming we haven't paid them anything yet. Sorry, it's early and I can't get my head round this one.
  20. Luckily my elder brother, dad and all 5 uncles supported Saints and went to every home game and so I was indoctrinated from a very young age. Couldn't wait to leave Fareham though! Far too many skates and one of the most non-descript towns in the country. One of my nephews there has sadly fallen into the blue side but I managed to rescue his brother from a similar fate by taking him to see us stuff Liverpool.
  21. LOL. I always say "Southampton" and then "well near it" - I mean nobody's going to admit to being brought up in Fareham are they and nobody outside Hampshire has heard of it (thank god).
  22. Just posting in desperation for someone to give me hope and we equalise!!!!!!!!!!! Thank **** for that (It's all down to me folks)
  23. What a very very good summation. And in a way the whole point of this thread and the predictable way it developed partly sums up why myself (a mere skin-flint "reigsiterd user") and many other Saints friends can rarely bring ourselves to look at the forum these days, let alone post a reply. The downfall of the club is enough misery without reading the repetible arguments that every thread descends into.
  24. EFM

    brum crowd

    Well no, I wouldn't believe it if we were 2nd in the division and still getting 16,000 to be honest. Since we average more than that from a bottom 3 position I would suggest your Brum mate thinks again about the shxit support they have?
  25. EFM

    brum crowd

    But Andy, we averaged around that following relegation with a mainly mid-table and mediocre season. I think it just needs a spark of hope for a lot of fans to show up. Ps Bet we get over 23,000 on tuesday? And we're 22nd!
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