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Everything posted by EFM

  1. You mind reading bxstard! I was just typing virtually the same thing. Now I'm just going to have to type it anyway thus adding nothing to this thread. So was I. no he wasn't. See? You've wasted one of my 3 valuable posts - I hope you're happy now?
  2. As with you Daren, IMO the great man is a Southampton legend for his extraordinary footballing abilty, his magnificent loyalty to the club and as an unashamed real (high profile) fan of this club. Aswell as being an all round decent, modest, articulate bloke whose name will be mentioned by a fan of every club if you mention you're a Saints fan. How all of this is now "tarnished" by him being misled or misinformed in a business matter is beyond me also. I don't and didn't love the bloke for his business skills and nor will I will accept that any of his achievements for our club can or ever will be questioned by his believing he was doing the best thing for SFC and turned out to be wrong. The idea of him needing to answer questions before receiving a round of applause at SMS is the most farcical loads of sxxt I've ever read on here.
  3. At this bloody rate we'll be going up and stuff. Bollocxs I say. I want us to be building very very very very very slowly for the future, not actually going and bloody signing good players at this time of the season when they might make an immediate impact and lift us into Hopesville arleady. Personally I'm a little disappointed with ML's readiness with his cheque book when I had hoped for at least 5 to 15 years in this division consolidating. Who the fxxk next? Another good player no doubt? This is the slippery slope to success I feared most.
  4. Exactly. The more people reply to him the more furiously he masturbates. It's an unpleasant thought I know but let forum users recall that image before they post any reply to his drivel. A man who "hasn't got time" but can dedicate an evening or so to the minutiae and far reaching implications of one word said by an 8 year old? Jeez, that's one hell of a busy life! Or one hell of a fxxking boring marriage. I'm off to another thread as I have no interest in any reply of his to this or any other post. Ps The last time I spoke to a tax inspector he was a fellow Saint in Herts and we talked more about football than tax.
  5. Oh grass seed!!!! Sorry Kadeem, this is not a scam at all everyone. Buy it! His mum's ill FFS!
  6. Ah, the old Statham bird seed packet scam eh? Listen matey, I get spam e-mail offering this very same collectors' item every bloody day! The first time I coughed up £1200 and it wasn't even real bird seed! The thread does remind me though that I have a picture of the Saints squad 1975, most of if not all of the cup winning team, signed by most of the players in the stand at Farton Park! They were watching a veteran's game before playing a friendly there. This would be worth a fortune but I can't prove it was signed at FP as it was a picture of them at The Dell! A genuine item but it was partly where it was signed that makes it so precious and I don't know if buyers would take my word on this. Bids start at....................**** me, going on Kardeem's prices about £20k? I mean "start at" too :-)
  7. Thanks, I'm writing down these sites you speak of. I'm not saying I will look at them but it's just useful to know..............in emergencies or something? This forum is SO much more than a simple football chat site, it's a public service/information provider and part of my family. (The part I don't like admittedly.) Now it's even provided a helpful guide on how to fill my evening if the game tonight turns out to be tomorrow.
  8. I want to know who the fxxk the 3 people are who don't want him in the starting line up!? Will anyone own up and explain?
  9. You have to feel a bit of sympathy for "Billy East", presumably a BRFC fan, who lovingly compiled that footage don't ya? Oh alright. I'm very grateful to Billy though for giving us a mouthwatering preview of what we can hope for. It's a close call but I reckon AP probably made the better signing there. Controversial I know but I've said it now! Peekaboo's video needs no words or French translation. He is just as funny with the mute button on, following a long tradition of hilarious French mime artistes.
  10. EFM


    Bloody hell! I am officially very excited about this now :-)
  11. Hmm, now that makes it a bit tricky for me? I think it would be a hilarious get together although almost certain to end in violence and vomit. People will be trawling all the old posts looking up who has slagged them :-)
  12. EFM


    Tbh I think it's the fact that we remember all too clearly that makes it even sweeter. I don't too many of them shed tears for us somehow?
  13. EFM


    Oh come on guys! Where's the sympathy for our fellow football fans in these dire and humiliating times for them? F'ing nowhere, skate bastards!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loving every second of this :-)
  14. Coming from a poorly disguised skate your first line is spot on.
  15. I'll just quote you Halo as you've summed up my view exactly and I'm lazy.
  16. EFM


    Very few of us go as far as to join one of their fans forums and post hundreds of times though?
  17. Me too. I'd far rather struggle and toil in the lower divisons for several years than aim for the moon. Who wants success after all? It's hugely over-rated and no fun. Give me a poorly paid job and a life of misery over winning the lottery any day I say. I'll be a better man for it although deeply unhappy.
  18. I thought Radio 5 put an unusual emphasis on mentioning that the league's rules regarding "fit and proper person" were now far stricter than the past, as if that was a doubt? Mind you that may just be the way I wanted to hear it!
  19. Funny, I've only seen one person on this thread make themselves look like a **** and it appears to be you. A "discussion" thread where only those who agree with you can post? And there don't seem to be ANY of those anyway so it would have been a bloody short thread without the rest not in favour posting. You should thank everyone who's posted for this not being the most shortlived thread in SF history?
  20. Spot on Mr 9 :-)
  21. Not sure but he ****ed MLT's international career.
  22. Nope I don't want them to go out of business, i just want their fans to perpetually suffer and go back to being the nothing club that they have been for most of my life. We can beat them twice in the season we pass them going in opposite directions and then the occasional cup humiliation for them. I do agree that the atmosphere is second to none when we play them and seeing the look on their fishy faces when they get stuffed every time they play at ours is a joy but really it should be an infrequent luxury while they wallow in the mire as is the true natural order of things.
  23. Like you Xchurch, I'm ashamed to admit that I have known how this would all pan out since April but was sworn to secrecy. I could have eased the fears, worries, growing desperation and ended all the guessing and speculation ages ago but I chose not to. I'm sorry. Really genuinely sorry to everyone. COME ON EVERYONE, YOU DON'T REALLY A GOOD THING HAS HAPPENED TO US DO YOU? It's all a dream FFS, get a grip!
  24. Just popped to the doctor for an hour and this thread happened! If this is the biggest wind-up in the history of wind-ups I will not be amused! :-) WE'LL SUPPORT YOU EVERMORE COYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. But that's about her bloke not giving her an orgasm? A very tenuous link :-) "Waiting For The Miracle" by Leonard Cohen: Baby I've been waiting I've been waiting night and day I didn't even notice I'd waited half my life away What you gonna do when you know that you've been taken? What you gonna do when you've been done What you gonna do but keep on waiting........... Waiting for the miracle to come
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