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Everything posted by tpbury

  1. I made a comment about Pelle's enormous thumb after the Hull match. It seems disproportionately big, even for a man of his size. Maybe the black box does indeed assess digit size!
  2. Every time I see Chelsea, they're basically giving the other team an anal probe, wandering into the box and crossing it just outside the 6 yard box. Difficult to not score, Terry aside.
  3. You're right, they're have been loads of articles touching on one or more elements of this one. However, I think this one has the best oversight and detail of all of them, without going over the top. So we done, Talksport - who would have thought it?!?
  4. Clyne to Ox, Ox inside under pressure, receiving player loses ball. Happened 4 or 5 times. Clyne isn't going for the overlap and attacks are breaking down on his side. He also hasn't gone to the by-line when forward. Bit frustrating.
  5. Thank god Clyne isn't getting the same hacking as Shaw is
  6. When 'attacking', Clyne has been forced inside onto his left foot, which looks quite weak actually. I've only see him go for a 1-2 on one occasion, which is where he is most effective as a bomber forward. Keeping Anya quiet for the time being however.
  7. He's actually playing well in midfield today
  8. Anya is giving Clyne a bit of a test!
  9. Players off! Flares on pitch Pelle was doing really well, but team-mates were being pressed into mistakes by Croatia, and couldn't get the ball forward. Now there's crowd trouble.
  10. You're right you can never call the nipper Morgan until the real Morgan has finished his career and dedicated a significant/meaningful chunk to Saints, which is why your ex-player names are limited to: Matthew/Matty, Kelvin, Alan, Terry, Mickie, Rickie, Claus, Anders, Marian etc. Having said that, Morgan would be a class first name - are you Mormon?
  11. i've just spunked $500 on kit and accessories (dog lead? water bottle?). I went for small mans size for my 13 year old, as a result of ridiculous sizing comments on here. Anyone coming to Oz/Brisbane in the near future? We want some more merchandise, but I don't like the GBP20 postage cost - it's not that bad tbh. Here's to the real Kit thread!
  12. Fair dos. You know we get internet by steamer over here? Fact is, it is still relevant, no-one raves about him now, 7 months later. He is a monster and is trying his finishing boots on (ie vs Hull) . They will soon fit!
  13. I guess he's Davis' agent. But I only linked something from Saints Australian Supporters!
  14. Nicking Billy****e's term, but I think it is time to evaluate and celebrate Norn Iron's captain, though I am sure it has been done a lot before - why not again? Industry. Cleverness. Speed. Throughballs. Crossing. Utter bastard midfielder. (we'll work on the goals). Love him!!! http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/30/steven-davis-the-grey-man-and-how-he-is-vital-to-southampton-4713511/
  15. It's gonna really **** you off if someone else pastes the text again! I'll do another summary: blah blah blah blah statistics, blah blah blah blah mean blah blah blah, tedious, blah blah blah, whatever
  16. Not stalking you iansums, but I confirm there are zero occurrences of sentences started with 'so'. So, safe to read ;-) To G - I think it was a good read - thanks. It's almost got to the situation where there's too much Saints stuff to get through!
  17. Calling Redslo, calling Redslo! I literally have no idea if what he is saying is meaningful or complete sloblocks! Which is to say, why not buy lottery tickets and enjoy the teams success while it lasts.
  18. Well, it's been bothering people since at least 2011, but I'm cool with it. Ever since I let stationary for paper go... Breathe. Coxford is also correct. http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/43273/sentences-beginning-with-so
  19. Super pedant! He did it 3 times in 3,895 words. There are many things which annoy me about the written and spoken language, but this is going over the top! It reads much more fluently than a great deal of professional reporting (News, Reuters) and comes across as an honest, informative and adept piece.
  20. Top article - I assumed you'd be a bit older as I thought you were a David Armstrong fan! Any relation?
  21. I wanna be your lover baby, I wanna be your man Treat you like no other baby, like no other can KATHERINA LIEBHERRRRRRRR! KATHERINa LIEBHERRRRRRRR!
  22. Maybe we could've done a Pompey or a Luton, both comparable clubs. You're probably right, we wouldn't have folded - we could have been playing Luton. I suppose there would be less plastics and foreigners supporting us. Maybe 'saving the club' means saving the club in a way that means we have any significant presence in the world of football. I do take your point that we'd still have a decent showing of fans in the conference.
  23. Just to confirm - I do think she is beautiful
  24. Ok, I'm ****ed, but tears are rolling down my eyes. I want to give Katherina a big hug and a sloppy kiss. I'd also offer myself as sex partner, because love transcends the notion of beauty.
  25. James always strikes as being open minded and intelligent. I don't understand how he became bankrupt even with a divorce. I enjoyed his articles in The Observer and never really associated him with Portsmouth. Seems too intelligent to have spunked it all away. Then you get that 'short career' bull**** come up where footballers earn more in 3 years than normal people do in 40 (and I'm talking about when James was playing, nowadays it would take less than a couple of months). Getting the sentence paragraph thing. Help. Need some conjunctions.
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