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Everything posted by tpbury

  1. Don't you normally do a season review, Billy? Looking forward to it!
  2. Who is this Pelle Offside player we have?
  3. Toure has out muscled Vic at least twice. Great saves from Davies. We're not without a chance
  4. just like Hull, we're lucky coz they're shiite. We should really be a couple of goals up. Draw likely
  5. not confident about the pen
  6. I'm a bit down about this. I'd rather lose 2-3 than a 0-0 draw. Just want a couple of goals ffs!
  7. I was brought up having an affinity for all the South/South West clubs, even Portsmouth. As a neutral I would have supported Torquay, Plymouth, Exeter, Bournemouth, Aldershot, Portsmouth. The line is kind of drawn at W Sussex and north of Exeter. I wonder if Portsmouth should really be in West Sussex?
  8. We've had Liverpool and City come over recently, I'm probably just voicing my desire to get Saints over here! City have also franchised a team in Melbourne, as they have in New York (I think), so they must see something for the future of the game in Oz as well as US. The games are sometimes tedious, but I put it down to what I think is quite inflexible coaching - namely eternally passing around without much direct play. Anyway, it can't be far off the Austrian league can it?
  9. The A-league is considered about championship level. Almost all the teams play a passing game, and they remind me of saints. Annoyingly, that corresponds to rarely shooting. However, there is some quality there and I don't know why we couldn't do a deal with say, Brisbane Roar, to exchange players to gain experience. What do you think? ,
  10. Don't think I could ever like the guy if I met him in the pub, but he often had interesting and insightful things to say, but with 30 odd thousand posts, an incredible amount of guff.
  11. tpbury


    I was conceived in Acapulco, but think it's gone down hill since. I thought I'd let everyone know this critical information in this thread: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?44354-Anyone-been-to-Mexico&highlight=acapulco#.VRAE046UcTo but don't think my post worked. Avoid Chihuahua.
  12. I had a call from ex-neighbours about our tenants. The lad had been chased back by the police whilst carrying a a meat cleaver. Couldn't have evicted them on that basis, took 6 months to get them out after they stopped paying rent. Truly hacked off with the estate agent who supposedly carried out reference checks - the tenants said they were company directors when they were on housing benefit. Even with the best will in the world, the landlords have got their hands tied. I think the standard advice is to write down all the incidents and keep reporting to environmental services (or whatever they're called), and to keep records of those reports. Then keep going to the police with the report til you wear them down and they might actually do something.
  13. Anyone finish King Edward VIth in 1956 or 55? What about Peter Symonds in 88?
  14. My bastard children have double barreled (unhyphenated) surnames. We thought we were trend setters in the UK, but it is really common over here for their age groups. As are 'broken' families. On this note, I don't know the reasons for other families breaking up, but many kids with separated parents seem to have happy and fulfilling lives with this arrangement.
  15. I would save Tadic's next pen
  16. Good work, I like these! If only there was a button..............
  17. Hmm. Attempt, as in sanctions? Think our friend Saddam was sanctioned when he did over his population (cf Verbal). Obviously it takes oil money to take action, but you do appear to sanction (nb word with two meanings) ****ty behaviour of dictators so long as 'us' westerners don't have to deal directly with the consequences. I recall the BBC(?) film 'The March' or some such, when misery and poverty and anger was presented to us on our doorstep. I really don't see how the 'sustainable' misery Saddam et al provided could have really been sustained in order to fit in with your point of view. Something like ISIS would surely have arisen, even if the first targets would have been the dictators. And if the dictators had won, 'we' wouldn't have had to have worried. I do think your view on the legality of time line atrocities is blinkered, though I don't believe you are yourself. There is a real problem with global wealth distribution and all this shiet is the consequence. What's the answer to that?
  18. Well Pap, On what grounds should 'we' ever intervene on the line item atrocities?
  19. It's a very affirmative vid. The only thing I would say is that the girls involved are clearly the 'elite' - ie at posh schools, where they're encouraged to think and speak their minds. It doesn't include anyone who aspires to **** footballers whilst 15, and probably thought it was a good idea when they were much younger on account of the images and messages they were getting from their family and social media. As an owner of a nearly 16 year old girl, I am so relieved she doesn't aspire to that kind of behaviour, but also doesn't think Bunty is the what the world is like. I am talking about Bunty from the 70's, if it still exists, it may well have turned into something as outrageous as Smash Hits or Just 17.
  20. Ta, it was a long time ago and I struggled to reconcile an elderly guitar player with a thrusting pub impresario. I imagine the legend of PanPans has shuffled off this mortal coil by now, as has the venue. Good for an after hours beer though, when the notion of after hours still existed!
  21. I scored one like that when I played with hob nail boots. It was also aided by crap defending and goalkeeping.
  22. So, when we say Derek, is this the same Derek at PanPans?
  23. Think Fonte has made mistakes, but so has every centre back in every team this season. Including Toby and Terry. But I love this guy - captain, team leader, team focused, intelligent, charming, tattooed (hmmm). Also very good english. It will be between him and Mane depending on how well Sadio does in our last 10 games
  24. Just re-read the Channon interview - quality.And of course the harum scarum goal. Why didn't anybody shoot from 25 yards?
  25. we're getting murdered
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