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Everything posted by tpbury

  1. Had just typed this frickin response, but got lost. I am a reasonable guy who is used to mediation. G/B/T - send your posts to me for moderation before they are posted. I will credit the post to you. It will mean a 24hr cooling off period before each post and you should restrict yourselves to three posts a day. What about about it? Try it for a month?
  2. Glas/Turk/Bas - have a discussion about about a 3 post a day amnesty! I'll start a thread about it!
  3. Correct. People's inclination to join internet forums is independent of this.
  4. Er, the date you join an internet forum is not the date you became a fan. Being a fan existed before internet forums. Life existed before the internet.
  5. it was ok in 2001 and it is ok now. The muppet show has about 5 regular contributors who are doing a sterling job. On the main board, I do believe that irregular posters don't understand what Glasgow/Barry and Turkish are doing and get drawn into their self-obsession. Glasgow refers to them as 'we' - a team. I wonder if they offered to restrict themselves to three posts a day without starting any threads for a month would make life more interesting - what do you say guys?
  6. I have turned to this thread for a bit of solace from the main board. I think it only right that nutjobs should seek out messages from Pompey forums taking the mickey out of Saints fans going into meltdown whilst they celebrate an historic home win over the mighty Wycombe Wanderers. We should be magmanimous and let them have their day in the sun. It would make more entertaining reading than the troll fest that is the main board!
  7. Back in my day, we used to call these things lists of words.
  8. Well, once I've killed all my family as a consequence of this defeat, I will heading to Southampton to behead Poch. Probably as a result of wathcing it on telly from Oz, as opposed to a **** internet link, I thought, meh. No tears tonight - did ok, not enough.
  9. It isn't as bad as others, because of the cloud cover, can't see the real drop. Nevertheless, I wonder what circumstances would compel to do something as mad as that!
  10. That's far more palatable. Turkey pluck is the way to go.
  11. It's paterfamilias by the way, make sure you get it right next time.
  12. Lovely evening guys, so it's Chalet? Must go to bed
  13. Posters who are 90% twvat, but 10% good value - all those mentioned before. Of the above, posters who would be missed if they got banned or killed. Not sure, wouldn't like anyone to be killed. Possibly Turkish may be missed if he had a misadventure whilst putting the world to rights on the M1. If I had a choice on a crashing plane to give a parachute to, it would be Alpine, so long as none of the others survived.
  14. In simple terms - if a woman rubs my back, I would gladly have sex with her. If I rub a woman's back, then I may have sex with her, but the most likely outcome is she falls asleep, all relaxed, and I have to do a Sherman.
  15. I'm going trousers here - prevalance of mcinnes
  16. Well, it was only a stab in the dark, the word cloud seemed very rushed and out of breath. Admittedly very few 'ofs'
  17. Keep doing this - it is good, like rubbing a back, but don't think that rubbing the back means you'll get sex. If you're a woman rubbing a man's back, you're guaranteed sex, a man rubbing a woman's back is guaranteed sore palms.
  18. I am guessing Dannysfc
  19. I agree.
  20. Sorry, enthalpy is linked to entropy, so a fail. Also there are a great deal of posts in the thread which belong in the Ramires off topic thread. Mods - where are you facrissake? facrissake
  21. You were quick to pick on a faulty line That I strove to put my soul in: Your eyes were keen for a ‘dash’ of mine In the place of a semi-colon — And blind to the rest. And is it for such As you I must brook restriction? ‘I was taught too little?’ I learnt too much To care for a pedant’s diction! Well, that's a grammatical pedant, I'm more of a spelling pedant. If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say, as Tom Tom Club once sang. I only try and pick up intellectual giants such as Bletch, Tokyo and Bear - you need to be called into account. To be honest, it's Bletch letting the side down, even DoublePen gets the letters in the right order! I am watching ManU vs Fulham - it is hilarious!
  22. Bletch, you made the funniest post I have ever read about having mental sex with Tokyo. Was that a quote from something? If not, that makes you a genuine original thinker. Then you spoil it all by typing phile rather than phial. I know you've explained it all before, but anyway, I am not your brother's stalker. backboobs
  23. Thanks so much for this scooby.
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