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Everything posted by tpbury

  1. He's fat, he's round, he bounces on the ground, Sammy Lee, Sammy Lee
  2. Assist from Gerrard
  3. Hart should have saved that with his face
  4. SRL - big man in for the corner. Mixer etc
  5. Johnson showed lesson in awareness by letting that ball get cleared
  6. lightning, for the record.
  7. In your defence, I was kind of aware of it, but not in great detail. The previously posted link: http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/documents/sfc-v-exeter-p37-46148-1632761.pdf gives a lot of detail and also highlights the role of George Reader Saint who I'd never heard of. Also, it is no shame to display ignorance, it is a brave act, in this way you enlighten other people who are not so brave.
  8. Haven't read the complete thread, but this is on the nail. The best way to get over one boyfriend is to get under another one. Suck it up!
  9. Good work Giordie boy. I was Leeds and Liverpool and bro was ManU in the 70s despite my dad's protestations for Saints. Moved back to Hampshire in 83, and suddenly realised Saints were the greatest team the world has ever seen. Too old to be a tart now, and have successfully indoctrinated 2 out of 3 kids. My son is going to sign for Saints at the end of a glittering career at Barca, after he's eclipsed Messi.
  10. Kind of agree with that, but would we be able to give him the cash spunkathon he'd need?
  11. Hmmm, haven't got a clue. Sloppyseconds from ManC doesn't seem that appealing.
  12. Apologies if already posted, there is a table of values of world players. Bit random, but LS is at 46. http://www.theladbible.com/articles/ever-wondered-what-football-s-highest-market-value-xi-is
  13. How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? It’s not hard. source: http://www.jokes4us.com/dirtyjokes/random/dirty538.html
  14. That's a real shock. I think he appealed to nerdy types but did great mass appeal slapstick as well.
  15. Has this been posted before. Lallana put up a pitch in his back yard. Don't know how old it is, and there is Daily Mail references. By the leafy neighbourhood, I'm guessing not Liverpool :-) http://www.theladbible.com/articles/you-won-t-believe-what-this-england-star-s-got-in-his-back-garden
  16. By the act of observation, the thing we observe changes it's nature
  17. I have loved there one New Years Eve. Town was ok.
  18. Blocks. Only got 7 and I am the office pedant. Am quite droink tho.
  19. Getting (got?) hammered by China in the Japan tournament. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.xinhuanet.com%2Fenglish%2Fphoto%2F2012-03%2F26%2F131488686_11n.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.xinhuanet.com%2Fenglish%2Fphoto%2F2012-03%2F26%2Fc_131488686.htm&h=613&w=900&tbnid=jqYm5DBMl7kOtM%3A&zoom=1&docid=URH7O6pPlS6USM&ei=JzB6U8ShL4iElQXUyYEw&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CFQQMygBMAE&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1556&page=1&start=0&ndsp=17
  20. cheeky toe poke
  21. We in Oz get Shakar Hislop with his weird geordie/jamaican accent. I can't really comment on his commentating as I can't get past the accent! 2-2
  22. Bugger me, I was busy watching Barca vs Athletico - didn't even know it was on!
  23. Excellent work Bearsy, makes me wonder if I have missed any entries on your world famous blog? Link it back again, as I've erased my browsing history. SiP, the laborious and anal way of doing swear words is to embed some html around the letters which the swear filter picks up. Check out View Message Source. In this way, anyone can swear away to their heart's content. However, strangely, only bearsy bothers!
  24. Houghton is a t w a t
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