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Rasiak_33 goals

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  1. here are fans walking to the derby match...with some police assistance
  2. text on Mysonas tshirt is "smierc zydowskim kurwom" = "death to jewish whores" you can alternatively translate it so the team are whores for jews, but I dont think so
  3. they got a very rich sponsor-owner.. he wants to build a strong team, this antisemitic incident with Mysona I would not pay too much attention, even thou it is idiotic, there was a derby... match, in Lodz a city witch had the biggest jewish population in Poland before war, you can say the jews was in majority... there is no jews in Poland anymore, a few thousend. there is hatered and rivality between the teams , so they use any "weak spot" to attack I think Rasiak will do very well in polish PL, there is a "risk" (most polish fans was extreamly dissapointed with Rasiak in national team, three different managers choosed him, so this is not his fault... that there are no better strikers, but fans really hated him, he became most "popular" polish player on you tube, with songs and mockery, even thou we still have no other striker better than him, hehe, and if he will be topscorer in polish league then ) he might play in South Africa World Cup,
  4. hot news..! :-D jus readed on polish internet news that Lechia Gdansk are close to buy Rasiak for 300.000 euro + 3-5 players +...one physichian (can not spell it ,sorry) Lechia Gdansk is a very little club "midtable" in polish PL, their stadium takes not more than 5000 people, like league two in England
  5. Rasiak was injured...he broke his arm...7 week not played... and was not playing 90 minutes every match, this is his third 90 minutes match
  6. Rasiak scored two more goals today....last match he scored one, one assist + got fouled in penelty area...an before he scored a winner goal, i prefer Rasiak before Saga
  7. Rasiak scored two goals today... last 3 matches 5 goals 1 assist and got one penelty pity that he will not play with us anymore
  8. Rasiak was motm in the match Coventry-Watford, 1.he was fouled in pelelty area 2. he scored one goal 3. he had goal assist too bad that he will never more play for Saints..
  9. fokken German...Vettel this time, Kubica was fastest on the track Kubica have bad luck with germans either it is his team mate Heidfeld not letting him past him or the team have bad strategy for Kubica , becouse they are wanting Heidfeld to be their nr 1 driver
  10. it could happend but...its hard, extremly hard..to be nr1 i Polands team, 1.Boruc Celtic 2.Fabianski + 18 years old Szczesny in Arsenal 3.Kuszczak Man U 4.Zaluska Celtic 5.Przyrowski (Polonia) very talented will be sold this summer 6. Miskiewicz (18 years) AC Milan 7. Dudek.. hehe, Real Madrid
  11. Rasiak is lethal again...look his great score against Charlton.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1RAsAZqwc0&feature=related and yesterday he scored again against Forrest and had assist we must have him back..! Watford hoping for ouer relegation so they can buy him cheap
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