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Everything posted by wireframebox

  1. He's a young saints fan, I'm afraid to say. He slipped up the other day and posted an identical tweet on his own account shortly before the agent account tweeted it.
  2. That's a Jay Rod up front and a Nat Clyne in add ons....
  3. People need a word of closure from the horses mouth.
  4. I'd imagine that this deal dictates the rest of our dealings the transfer market. Only so much £££ to play with initially. The longer this goes on, the more delay in any other deals. IMHO.
  5. Can't wait for his OS headshot...
  6. He's been playing there along side Diamanti with a single striker ahead for Bologna by the looks of it.
  7. Indeed, I did say it was interesting?
  8. My thoughts exactly... along with it being a load of old tosh..
  9. Interesting that they would fly to Gatwick when there's a route between Verona and Southampton Airport?
  10. I'd imagine being out with an injury had something to do with that?
  11. When you're 100's of millions in debt, what's an extra million to someones Dad?...
  12. I thought he was carrying an injury? He withdrew from the Uruguay friendly recently?
  13. What have I started!?...
  14. I've read that there are some Italian teams looking at him play this weekend. Chievo and Sampdoria?
  15. Living up to your name...?
  16. The award for the worlds most random Twitter sighting goes to... Why on earth would he be in College Station, Texas, USA?! http://www.woodlandsofcollegestation.com/
  17. I think Raul would have been a better option.
  18. You can also see WHO made the change and their IP.
  19. Racist.
  20. Guly may, or may not speak Spanish, but after both having several seasons in Italy, I'd hope they could both speak enough Italian to get by?...
  21. I'd imagine that there only a certain amount of reddies available at the moment in time and that needs to be spread out over several target players initial fees. If we increase the initial payment for Ramirez, that would effect the other business we are trying to do as well, as there will be less cash available?
  22. Whilst we are on Keyboard shortcuts... Ctrl+Alt+Del (hammer repeatedly)
  23. No, they would appear to be trying to secure a financial loan from a bank, to the value of the total we will pay them instalments, based on our promise/contract to pay them. Which I guess is where their request for proof of funds came from, as a request from their bank regarding the loan? They sound like they need cash desperately.
  24. It's painful.
  25. Which club were you?
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