It's not a bug, it's just bad UX. Its allowing you to add another manager to the game, but without giving you any feedback that the previous user has successfully been created.
Have you all forgotten both Manchester games already? We were immense!? Players and supporters will soon man the **** up and we will all look back at this and laugh...
Could this have anything to do with the frequency and period in which the TV money is paid out? I don't think it's a lump sum is it? Perhaps we were in need of some readys that are secured against this seasons TV money?
I was at Belfast airport on Sunday night and about 200 Liverpool shirt wearing fans arrived home after the game. That's more than Wigan took away with them in total yesterday!?
My great grandad used to watch both Saints and Portsmouth depending on who was playing at home. But that was when it was all about the sport... I'd like to think he wasn't an arsehole!?
I'd imagine the €3.2m per season (£48k pw) they are offering had something to do with it!?... I really hope we didn't offer him that much!?
Just when I thought that us as Saints fans were a little desperate at times, watching the Liverpool fans reactions to the news one Twitter is eye-opening!?
Someone who could have been a valuable squad player here, is their idea of a saviour!?
I thought the deadline for squad registration was 1st September? There's also nothing in the rules about being able to fill non-allocated slots outside of this? Where are people getting this information?