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Everything posted by ericb

  1. i'm always deeply confused by people that want the manager sacked straight away. Don't they realise that it takes a few seasons (not games) for a manager to get his team in place. In fact i'd argue that the reason we're where we are is as much as anything to do with having to many managers. What we need now is to give pardew a chance, get off his back and see what he can do with his team. It always used to be the way that managers would get two or three seasons, now they seemingly get two or three months. But of course it's a healthy culture that wants everything now, not laying the foundations and putting the work that's needed. And of course we see how successful that strategy is through clubs like pompey and leeds. Lets give pardew time, the same with the new players we've signed, rather than jumping down their throats because we're not manchester united already.
  2. Not really my seat is right next to the partition
  3. i'd be interested to know how many in favour actually sit in the Northam and participate in the singing. Since i know that when st marys was first built what everyone who i know from the Archers looked for was where the away fans where and went there. I'd also hazard a guess that the majority that stand and make noise will want to be by the away fans, so posts like MorningtonCrescent's will only convince those that see this as a sensible logical thing (hint: it's not). Also i find this idea that it's posturing or the "yoof" incredibly patronising. I've never been involved in trouble, nor do i have any interest in it, but i like the banter, the wind up and the ability to see the away fans, that comes from being close to them. Maybe it's just that i'm slightly older than a few and of the generation that remembers (and wants back) the terraces. The northam works because it's close to the away fans, it won't work as well if they're on the other side of the pitch (or it'll move). It also worked better when the whole end could stand, no idea what the psychology behind that is but when you're sitting your more sedate, perhaps the club should look into campaign about bringing back safe standing if they're that worried about the atmosphere? Or maybe even look at reducing the price in noisier areas and making it teen/adult only (as it was when the stadium first opened). Of course i'm a cynic anyway and don't believe for a minute that the club will really listen, they never do. Instead they'll offer leading questions and the idea that we're involved, then do what they want anyway. That's not a dig at Saints btw, that's just how every club has always worked.
  4. ericb

    Papa Waigo

    we needed him today because without Lallana we really lacked a creative edge. I know Waigo isn't exactly that but he does run at people and cause them problems. Thought it was a very business like performance today, Stockport were dire and we barely got out of second gear. Lambert definitely needs a rest though since he's starting to tire. Good thing about that though is the Barnard seems to do a hell of a lot of running which takes the pressure off. On a complete aside i thought Holmes looked good today and is looking better each game i see him at the moment, when he's had a decent run he's going to pivotal in our side.
  5. think they're probably taking into account tv figures too in that
  6. maybe i'm just being a cynical old saints fan but normal when the club have an idea they do it whatever. Fingers crossed that our new lot are different!
  7. pah' seems like a stupid idea to me, i for one will just move up to where the away fans are. That's part of the fun of the game, taking the **** and seeing the reactions of the away support during the game. I mean take our up coming game against the skates, i bet you anything the most noisy will want to be next to them just to rub it in. Really, really disappointed by the idea if i'm being honest since it doesn't help anyone.
  8. nothing up on the itv site yet
  9. I think you might've missed the point a touch, the ones who i'm worried won't make it are people like this now if someone brings their mate who's interested, or someone that's not been for a while but wants to go cause it's a big game and a person like that doesn't make it then they should be ashamed. Personally what i want is the best atmosphere possible in a totally full stadium, and if the +1's aren't going to contribute then **** them. Why should i pretend to be apologetic about not wanting them there? There are plenty that deserve to go that potentially won't because of people bandwagon jumping and that is a disgrace
  10. anyone that gives a ticket away to a JCL at the expense of a loyal saints fan that has been going during the **** times should be ashamed of themselves. I know if i get two on my season ticket they're going straight to mates that haven't got season tickets but make every game. This one isn't a game for plastics or tourists, if you're coming (or helping someone come along) then it's your duty to make sure they're a hundred percent committed. Since if even one fan that goes regularly misses out to a jcl then you're not a real saints fan.
  11. we shouldn't sing Pay Up pompey since to everyone watching on tv it sounds like them singing play up pompey. Let's just mock the inbred fish ****ers with another song instead.
  12. Can we please not sing pay up pompey though, it sounds to much like their lot on tv and i'd hate to have the rest of the country thinking how much noise they are making
  13. ****ing get in, that's the draw i wanted since we have nothing to lose. We're the underdogs, they're prem. Be interesting to see how the game affects the younger lads in the sides, none of ours will have played in one before so won't know what it's like.
  14. if you'd been at the game you'd have realised it wasn't oh when the saints, it was the swindon fans. Ours were largely **** last night, and it pains me to say that.
  15. To be fair i thought our support was an embarrassment last night too, 3000 people and most of them were stood silent. Roof or no roof with that number you can make a noise that makes a difference, and i bet if it'd be Leeds, Millwall or any other number of clubs they wouldn't have just stood/sat in silence. I know the players were by and large ****, it could've been six, but that shouldn't stop us. Anyone that's been going long enough will have seen the fans change a game with their support (newcastle at home, 1-0 with ten minutes to go springs to mind) but for some reason since we've moved to St Mary's we've given up on that. Too many people going just to be entertained, instead of getting behind the side. No wonder the players can perform like that, it's not like they've got anything to be worried about from our meek lot is it?
  16. ericb


    That chart is pretty interesting actually it shows that the blue few have only ever had an average attendance about 20,000 once since the 1950's. Wonder how that would match up compared to ours?
  17. ericb


    probably because we're in division 3 and no one would come here. What the club needs, and what i hope they do, is to build a decent side that aren't all bought in. To settle the infrastructure down and (if needs be) spend a season consolidating before pushing forward. a five to eight year plan to get us back to top level football would be far more sensible than throwing money at the problem and potentially ending up riddled with debt and relying on a "wealthy" arab to bail us out. Just a thought.
  18. First and last time i've ever heard that!
  19. ericb

    Pardew's Picks

    Lee Todd. I rest my case
  20. haven't ordered mine yet but i'm right in thinking we've got till the end of the month renew our seats from previous seasons? Since i'm holding out till i get paid
  21. cool that means my season ticket will be closer to the away fans again. Just need them bring more than a handful!
  22. i've got to admit i hate spurs, but only because their fans are such arrogant ****s. I can honestly say i've never met a spurs fan i like as a person, in fact i've met more skates i like than spurs. Don't know why it is, but it seems they attract people with serious character flaws. As for AFCB, i like them and want them to do well. Guess that's the same as many saints really
  23. Personally i just want people to put things in perspective, there should never be the need to have trained police dogs in front of a stand of people there to watch a football match (or any other match). It's an afront to the majority there just to watch and support their side. Those that think it's acceptable for force to be used by police are on the same moral footing as those that think it's right to pelt people with objects if you ask me. Whether you think someone "deserves it" or not violence is no answer. When it comes to those throwing stuff, there's cctv and those that did will get banned but it's hardly heysel. Let's put these ridiculous hell-in-a-handcart Daily Mailisms to bed and stop using it as an excuse to attack people that choose to stand in a certain section of the ground. With that in mind i do find it incredibly sad the reputation we're getting, i remember the days when saints as a club, and as fans where universally respected by [most] other teams. That that's gone saddens me, but lets not blame an entire end, those that choose not to wear colours, or even those that enjoy some banter, lets hound out the arseholes that give our club a bad name. The ones drinking in the well known pubs, or going to other towns to shame us. Most who go regularly know who they are, lets hope the police do to. Oh and can i just take the time to say how good some of the stewards in the Northam are, in comparison to the police, Mark at the front in particular is brilliant and because he has the respect of the fans gets results. Maybe that's a lesson that can be learned?
  24. They're idiots, but then every club has them (derby away in the play offs?), i just didn't want people going over the top about this and blaming it all on saints fans. There were plenty on the pitch with no bad intentions at all, including kids, families and even blind people! Personally i think it's a disgrace that the police had unmuzzled dogs out in a place where kids where
  25. well take it from someone who was there, at the front of the Northam too, that the police antagonised the crowd. There were no problems until they brought the dogs out and the large majority that did go on the pitch (from the kinglsand to begin with) weren't looking for trouble. In fact many were taking photos of each other on their phones. The things thrown were as much from Burnley as Saints and the smoke bomb WAS THROWN FROM THE BURNLEY END (in case people want to blame saints). To be honest this game always had trouble all over it, and apparently there was some problems in st marys estate before the game. Shame that it happened, lets just hope there's no repercussions from the league, and no fans have been hurt
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