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Everything posted by ericb
In all honesty if he owns copyright on all the images and you have used it without licence or permission from the copyright owner you don't have a leg to stand on. There's even case law that would support him too, look into Prince suing fan blogs for using his album covers and images, probably your best bet would be to try and use a variant of the US DMCA safe harbours (under the Millennial copyright act). Although saying that that will only cover you if you've had the content uploaded by another user and have clear guidelines about your usage policy, coupled with a complete lack of knowledge of the image having been uploaded up to the point at which the copyright owner requested removal (and even that is being tested by the Verizon case against Youtube at the moment). The sad truth for yourself is that not knowing is not an applicable defensive in the court of law. I'd expect the money that he's going for is more than likely a loss of earnings fee, especially since the images are actually available for sale too. Probably your only saving grace would have been if you'd adapted the image in some way, for example photoshopped it, since if enough work had gone into the editing and change of the image than it would be covered under the "sweat of the brow" part of copyright law that allows the work to be considered as a new work entirely. As for the registration of copyright, whilst it is possible to technically register an item for copyright all work is copyrighted de-facto at the point of publish, and therefore the time stamp or upload date to the server (depending on if the work was of the sole ownership of the website in question) would support the website owner in a court of law. Sorry to be so negative but if i were you'd i'd look into getting legal advice to minimise loss and/or talk to citizens advice about this. As an interesting aside i'd also suggest that most people who link through to any image on there for any forums should carefully consider what they're doing if they're taking this seriously.
Spot on especially the wit bit, no a days banter seems to consist of singing sit down shut or telling the away fans to **** off to the tune they just sung. With fear of making myself sound old..... i can remember there being genuine on the spot wit at the dell, responses to what the away fans where singing and non of this internet message board sanctioned bull****. Oh and Dune i have no idea how you manage to get Rhodesia into every thread but it's almost impressive in it's psychosis.
Yup the same one that just sounds embarrassing now, guess time has taken the edge off it a little yup i see them quaking in their boots every time.... not like the old days of the dell is it where some well placed abuse could actually be heard by the keeper. I can remember more than a few (but James and Schmeichel leap to mind) losing their game due to some less than grown up wind ups.
The problem with a lot of these is they're really limp, the kind of thing you'd expect to get going from an internet message board rather than a drunken away game and lots of persistence after (as was our case with Our Claus). I still think we should have a proper shot at the Woolston Ferry, since i think it'd sound awesome with the whole northam singing it and there's no way that any other club's going to nick it either. Oh and one last thing, the most annoying ****ing thing we do is that terrible handclapping thing when a free kick is going to be taken by someone other than Lambert. It makes me wince every time knowing we stole it from wimbledon ffs! Nothing makes us sound more like a bunch of "new football fan wimps" than that.
i'm guessing we pay him money, money and tea. Not sure about the milk though that might count as an extra that needs to be paid for
Jesus darren i can't believe that mate, that's some of the worst news i've heard all year. I hope you're alright mate and i've got to be honest football's not been the same without her there. An absolutely diamond of a woman, a heart of gold and so much more than just a saints fan, the type of person that made me proud of this city. RIP and my sincerest condolences, kev
I remember it being £1.50 for the old milton road terrace when i first started going with my mates. A big group of us too, probably about 10-15, would decide that morning to go up after playing football at our mates. Run the streets trying to finish his echo round in time to get up to the game (where they'd be giving it away or free outside). Get in, sit down on the terrace and spread your feet out in the vein hope someone tall wouldn't stand in front of you and rip up the paper ready to check in the air for when the players game out. ****ing great laugh terraces and i definitely remember it being a lot louder than it is now, also remember the away players (especially the keeper) getting a lot more abuse than they do now. As others have said it's a much more sanitised game these days, and there seems a less imagination and banter than there was. I don't know how many players there's only been "one" of in recent year but it seems to be one of our only songs now Also there was more reference to news to wind up the away fans, it could just be me but the younger fans seem a lot dumber and less witty than they used to be.
I'm really pleased with the appointment, Adkins was my main choice (since i never bought into the MON ****). He knows the league plays decent football and is young enough to build. Oh and he knows the league above should we get there. Good appointment, shame it didn't come sooner! I'm a graphic designer and i'd hazard a guess that it's been given a certain amount of post production, there's fairly high contrasts and black balance on it, and if you look at the sky you can see how they pushed the saturation levels up (and sharpness) slightly. Also it looks like they've used a decent compression level to me, taken it down from a very high quality nicely.
Actually i think i actually found a video of Dune on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju3h7yk4Hcg&feature=related
Dune really is like the senile and paranoid old grandad in the background, wishing for the better times of the empire whilst whispering to anyone that'll listen that the reds are invading. I think you should watch this video so you know how to spot them effectively
First game was '84 in the archers, moved from there to under the roof at the milton (though always ended up further forward for some reason!) then back to the archers in the bike shed days. Saying that i sat/stood in pretty much every part of the ground with the exception of the weird little corner next to the away fans and under the old (never working) milk scoreboard. Would be interesting to see where people had moved to now, i went archers to northam and first few seasons saw a lot of the old faces there now. Seems that there aren't as many of us there anymore, maybe a move to the itchen north from the older guard?
So when Phil Brown is announced in the next few days how's this place going to react?
I did something today i have only ever done once before and left early. That performance almost stung more than Swindon away last season, it was gutless, there was no shape, the midfield was non-existent and the substitutions were bizarre. Mind you it wasn't helped by being sat next to someone in the Northam that had obviously specifically gone with intention of jumping on the bandwagon and slagging off puncheon. At the Orient and Plymouth games i was annoyed with him, today i thought he was only as bad as most of the others (Martin/Chamberlin/Fonte/Conolly exempt) and at least he tried things. By the point of the one Alan Pardew chants i was totally demoralised, it was Rochdale for ****s sake, ROCHDALE! They were **** and a team of any class would've put six or seven past them - hell for the first 40mins they were terrified of the ground and our players until they realised we'd decided to play the entire game in our own half with a few long balls to a [disinterested and lazy looking] lambert. We need a ballsy manager who'll get these unfit players into shape and to get them playing the way they can, unless real change comes soon it's a long season i'm afraid
please don't be right!!!!
I don't think the passion isn't there still, it's the patience i'm worried about. The continual turn over of managers without time to bed, especially if they just come short of NC's standards (rather than the rest of those associated to the club), the potential pr disaster that could happen as a result (and i'm waiting to see the hatchet job the murdoch press does on us tomorrow) all could build up to an early exit for our beneficiaries
You can look at this two ways really, one that NC is a ****ing megalomaniac that will damage our club; or that we have a chairman that's setting standards to achieve what's needed for success. The sad truth is we're unlikely to see the truth for a few seasons yet and personally i think the second is more worrying than the first in some ways, since if we don't get promoted this season what's to say he won't encourage the sale of the club?
My last post without paying so won't be able to expand on it any more (and hence why it's so long!) but actually that's one of those common(ish) misconceptions that is regularly trotted out. It is fully accept in the political sciences that Fascism (right) and Anarchism (left) are made up of far more than economic policies. In fact the state control that was seen as necessary from Hitler/Mussolini came far more from the feudal ideas of the dark ages than from either Hegel, Marx or Engels. This actually goes back to my point about lack of basic education when it comes to politics. The machine of Fascism, and personally i think that's a great metaphor for what it is, works on top down pyramid. The nation is effectively turned into a massive production line with the lowest forms of life (in Nazi Germany's case these where Jews, Blacks, Homosexuals and so on [referred to as Untermenschen]) used as means to produce what was needed for those above. It also explains why Fascist governments tend to be extremely effective in war situations when compared to Democracies (in the modern western sense rather than the Aristotle version). In contrast the left portrays the pyramid as being inverted, with power coming from the base and any leadership effectively removed (or devolved) in the larger scale of things. Obviously there are very, very few examples of left wing government ever having really existed in the modern age - Spain in the 30's perhaps, or on a smaller scale some of the southern Italian islands - and what was construed as the left was, China; Cuba; USSR, is probably closer to being seen as state controlled capitalism. The one major similarity between Hitler and some of the more larger historical figures of the Communist era was in Totalitarianism. Although with that in mind, and given the current argument about police cameras, i think it's interesting to note that neither Hitler nor Stalin had anywhere near as much surveillance of the population as currently exists on a daily basis (albeit now in the hands of private industry rather than government). That's a fair point, but one that i don't think we'll see happening any time soon as there is a use in this kind of event. If we create fear we can constrain what the citizens of any country can do, be that the left or the right. I'd highly recommend you watch a documentary called The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430484/ which shows high useful this can be (and it's also pretty beautifully made on a cinematic level). I'm always looking to learn so i'll probably do just that, but i do think he'll struggle to convince me that "the greatest force for good the world has ever known", in fact if anything it sounds to me to be based in the exact idea of Orientalism that Eric Said talked about in his famous book of the same name. I don't know how many here release how much we owe to the ancient islamic cultures, from mathematics to science and currency, in fact i find it incredible how such a culture can now be held up as being almost the opposite. I can't remember where i read it but i was reading recently that in actual fact it the current form of radical islam that has such a bad name is in fact incredible modern, and can be traced back to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the impact that had on areas such as Afghanistan. If you want some interesting reading on Islam itself i'd suggest looking up something called ishtihad, a proud tradition in which the Koran is re-read and applied to the world in context of what exists currently, both in terms of knowledge/science as well as metaphysics (something which the radical christians in the states could definitely do with learning from).
Without wanting to get into the meaning of good and evil (i'll leave that to more intelligent people than me, and for those that are interested Nietzsche wrote a very good piece on it and the meaning of morality, as did Camus), I do think you have a point. Vested interests and differing personalities will always meant that there are certain extremes, but [in my opinion] a higher basic level of education would see the silent support for many of these ideas wiped out. Just look at how racists and fascists have been forced to become more "sophisticated" in their tripe since even the 70's and 80's. Why? Because the reality of their rubbish was exposed for what it was - fear of the unknown - and now the enemy has become a different unknown. One little quirk i've always found interesting about this new right though is that (and again this is documented) Nick Griffin actually had strong links with the Nation of Islam (NoI) in the states in the late 80s since both had similar mindsets on "repatriation" (NoI holding the equally abhorrent Black Star Liner theory of returning to Africa and that white people where the devil). Funnily enough these strong links changed and were glossed over the minute political capital could be made [for their underlying cause of racism] from "the threat of Islam".
With all due respect dune posting a video made by an EDL supporter is hardly proof, if it was from an unbiased source with no vested interest then you'd do your case more good. As it stands there's plenty of well documented evidence that the EDL are extreme right wing and have various members with extremely racist and violent tendencies (the fact that they canvas for support widely amongst casual groups says as much as you need to know). If it's true that they physically broke up a Nick Griffin speech then you're right they're definitely being self defeating, and personally i'm of the same opinion as Voltaire in that, "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." With that in mind these people do need confronting and challenging as they represent views that most people find abhorrent, and for me at least the fact that there's people in this country who are so badly informed they fall for it is deeply depressing. I do also wonder too if we need better political, historical and philosophical education in this country? Some of the comments in this thread prove that there is a deep misunderstanding of basic political thought, which that makes it hard to challenge systems that are designed to brainwash and control those that don't know better (and for these systems i also count ones dictated by legitimate government too).
i suggested Lallana should've been dropped when he was playing badly and stand by that now. In the same way i think that Puncheon should be shown the bench at the moment too. Not because i think either are bad players, they're clearly not, but to send a message to the players that effort and form are the more important than name, to give players a kick up the arse sometimes you need to treat them harshly. These are not young lads coming into a side with no experience, they've had full seasons and know the game, it's not about building that fragile confidence but showing them they have to earn their place. Totally agree about MS and NH too, though i do think that a lot of this goes back to management. For so many players to tire, not look match fit or lose tactical awareness during a game smacks of management problems. I just hope that Pardew (a good manager as shown last season, and by his signings) hasn't lost interest and is just playing out a Burley style season.
I don't think puncheon is a bad player but i do think he needs a kick up the arse. He's playing badly at the moment and not thinking on the ball. He also seems to think that he has to beat ten players before he can cross (not that there was anyone in the box for him for most of today's game). Again i think that comes back to the manager, bollock him at half time, sub him if it continues and then for a last resort drop him if his attitude doesn't change. Same thing goes with dropping Jaidi, the whole ground can see he's not up to it any more (it's sadly a bit like Perry last season that you can see he's got too old).
I thought defensively he was shaky too, good at nodding the long balls away but his positioning and speed are just not good enough. Especially when you have him alongside someone with the quality of Fonte. Mind you i thought the same last season and would much rather see Martin get a run in the team as i think he may well develop into a decent player.
feeling pretty miserable after that to be honest, as many have said we lack pace and creativity at the moment. Also because Jaidi is so slow (and a liability on the ball) we play far too deep in defence. I also think we seriously lack a cutting edge, and the some of the players (barnard and puncheon for a start lack fitness and desire). Last season i was a massive supporter of Pardew but i'm starting to question him, his tactics seem wrong and the changes are made too late in the game to have any real effect. Also the fitness and desire problem has to sit at his door too, personally i think we need to make a real change to our formation for the next game, we always looked more potent with five in the midfield, one sitting just behind the striker, last season. As for those saying that people are being wrist slitters or overly melodramatic i think we're right to be. There's no excuses this season we have to go up, which means winning convincingly and anything less than that should be held to rights even if it means a change of manager early.
Cup win 76 - wasn't born sadly Keegan signed - was only 5 at the time so don't remember it but i'd imagine at home Saints put the sixth past Man Utd when Egil scored- In the Archers. St Marcus passes away - working (it's all i seem to do these days) FA cup final 2003 - severely drunk and wondering if the swaying was going to end with me falling down the very steep looking stands, followed by the thought i might have a heart attack when we almost scored. Or (yeah i know i'm choosing two) Le Tiss scoring the last ever goal at the dell, stood in the archers going absolutely crazy followed by on the pitch a few minutes later!
I don't think it's forces resentment per se' more the fact that we don't have conscription or military service here so it is a choice to join the armed forces. I personally have friends in the armed forces and prior to the Afghan war tried to convince them that they shouldn't go - since i felt it would achieve little of benefit for anyone involved - with that in mind i do think the nature of their work puts them at far greater risk than most, but i also find it grates to see campaigns like help for heroes. Some of those out there, that risked their lives for their friends in extraordinary circumstances, can be argued to be heroes. But most coming back dead or injured have just had their lives put at risk by people that see them (like it or no) as expendable. And no human should ever be thought of in that way in my opinion. As for the freebies, well why not? and why not schools, handicapped people (which already happens for what it's worth), the long term unemployed and many others. If we are to truly have a football club as part of the community a certain pool of these kinds of tickets should exist. The sad truth is that more and more a football club isn't a part of a community and is instead a leisure industry, so many of these things are just marketing efforts. man i'm being a cynical **** today