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Everything posted by ericb
you do realise we're in the third division right? I thought they were three very good goals, and good to see it was from three different players too. Pick for me was Lamberts, to chip that well from such close range is incredibly difficult almost more so than outside the area. Which leads me too... So are you saying Matty's chip of Schmeichel wasn't that impressive since it was inside the area? Personally i think a lob from inside the box - under pressure too - has to be one of the hardest finishes a striker can do. To get it up and down accurately takes an incredible amount of skill. Seriously if you play try doing it from the same range without a keeper and see how many you get in. I'd imagine probably one in twenty at best (working on the assumption you're a park player). Then try it with defenders or a keeper closing you down!
I've got to say personally i think it's fantastic that it's Brighton, Saints and Bournemouth at the top of the league at the moment. Admittedly i'd prefer us top but if you'd asked me at the start of the season the three i wanted going up then those would've been my choices. One question of Falmer though for the Seagulls on here, are you happy with the out of town location? Personally i couldn't think of anything worse than having Saints in an out of town location. To me it rips a large chunk of the spirit out of the club to do that and makes it all a little more bland and corporate (and don't get me started on things like hotels and the rest attached). Keeping my fingers crossed that the south coast run will continue, though obviously with us top, since from what i've seen at SMS this season Brighton have been by far the best team in this division. Mind you it does look like things are changing this end of the coast so you may find it gets a bit nervy for you in the next few months (wishful thinking?).
I thought Guly was pretty damn good yesterday, though i'm still severely doubting whether he's the right player for the team. I think the interesting thing is that so much of what these types of players are slated for is exactly the same thing the press slate (on a much higher level) creative players for in respects of the England team. Perhaps it's a cultural thing that many want to see a player like Barnard or (in his day) Ormerod running around like a headless chicken, rather than one that's involved in slow build up, drawing defenders away from other players to create space. For me it's no coincidence that Oxo and Lallana had more space yesterday, nor that Ricky was further up the pitch. It's the result of having a link up player that can drop back so the midfield can come forward. As for [some of] the comments on these players, i've always put it down to people that don't/haven't played the game. If you haven't then it's unlikely you can see some of the subtleties that go on off the ball. I was always taught that some players have their best games when they're not noticed at all. Playing the simple pass, picking up your man and creating space for others. I've met a few Saints web type supporters in the past, on trains at away games etc. and they always strike me more as the stato types rather than those that've played. I'm sure this doesn't go for all but it may well explain the loathing for a certain style of player from a few.
Particularly strong in his "tackle" for the booking. I thought he was going to take that lads legs off with that!
After the first 20mins i really enjoyed today, i still think huddersfield are a decent side but we outworked them and outplayed them. Chambo and Lallana were awesome as was (for me at least) the man of the match Hammond. Once Hammond got his teeth into the game we looked a different side and it gave space for the others to start ripping huddersfield apart. Was also really good to see Lambert get some confidence back and look more like the player of last season, wanting the ball risking shots and generally looking a nuisance. As for the defence i though Jaidi was woeful for the first 20mins, the huddersfield players/management had obviously noted his lack of speed and were capitalising on it by dropping balls just over the top of him for people to chase. That was until - and i've no idea if it's Adkins decision or Fonte's - Fonte dropped in just behind him and swept up. At the point Jaidi could just worry about heading the ball up the other end of the pitch and we stifled their ideas. Great header for his goal too and i loved the cheeky little backheal in the second half. I've got to be honest i'm not Jaidi's biggest fan but in games like Brighton and the second half of today he's looked like just the kind of big lump we need in this league. Be interested to see Huddersfield fans opinion on him though since i know Brighton fans thought he was shocking! Could've been a very different game if their open goal chance had gone in though, and being stood in the Northam i still can't understand how he missed it! One thing i would say about today was that due to the time of year i went with a chelsea fan and he was openly shocked by how many of our fans left early despite being 4-1 up. Would also be interested to know what happened to the fat northern fan that laid into the steward in the away end then seemingly got away with it by disappearing into the crowd.
of course delusion is a right wing way of saying that you disagree, i fully expect it to be followed up with "not living in the real world" amongst other banal insults. Or...... you could look at the serious economic advice that the Tories (yup them) choose to ignore that said that cutting the public sector would damage the economy further and if anything deepen the recession. Last point so won't be able to respond to any answer annoyingly. Personally i have no doubts that there would have been large cuts to certain areas but i think it would have been with the aim of saving jobs since it's not only sensible Keynesian economics, but also allows for more money to be spent. As for the fees rise, well we know from manifesto's that this was likely to happen, the important point was that it would not have been on such a large scale. For the final point of the tax dodging of Vodaphone, i'd like to think any other party would not have had so many vested interests in letting the slide (don't forget that certain board members of Vodaphone invested in the Tory party). Now the real last point as i see it is that these are (so far) the most palatable of the cuts, one's which can be largely passed off as cutting the deficit (even if tuition fess are privatisation of university by the back door). The question and fear for me is that these are only the start, and given their past histories i do not trust the conservatives for a minute in their want to sell off that which is ours to their mates so they can rake in a profit. Oh and if you want proof of their cronyism then look no further than the person sitting on the head of the team responsible for allowing murdoch to buy BskyB in whole. A very sympathetic ear to Murdoch and one that's [to put it softly] sensitive to the Tory cause. Mark my words things are getting a hell of a lot worse in the next year or two, i just hope that the british people see fit to not allow a few people to capitalise on this world economic problem by selling off what's left of the public sector to their mates. We already live in a highly unfair and divided country, the results of many of these policies could make this gap much, much bigger. Mind you it could just be a simple case of NIMBYism on the part of Tory voters, something i have no doubt will change when their lives and jobs are directly affected by the policies of the government of the few.
Well so far we've seen numerous jobs cut, knock on job losses in the private sector, tuition fees rise, cuts in the arts, cuts in the coastguard and maritime agency, talk of censorship of the internet and yet still allowing vodaphone not to pay their taxes. God alone knows what they'd get away with if it was just the Tories (privatisation of the NHS anyone?) so lets pray that if there is an election it's a lib-lab coalition this time since a Tory majority scares the **** out of me. Mind you with that in mind i don't really think there's a seriously electable party in the country at the moment which is worrying trend.
That's an interesting idea, except for the fact that those that stand to make the most money out of it; are backed by large private finance to protect interests are the climate change naysayers. Mind you i do have to take my hat off to dune who seems to be one of the single most proficient wind up merchants i've ever come across on internet forums. Whenever i read your posts i'm instantly reminded of this classic Jam sketch -
It's interesting to see that even the ISP's are against this move, saying that it's not only technically impossible but also morally questionable, source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12041063
Because if you believed fully in the markets then the poor quality and dangerous products would be weeded out in the market place since consumers would no longer want them. Whereas your argument - if i'm not misunderstood - is that you want protective government legislation (and in the quoted case it's sounds like health and safety legislation at that). Of course i may well have just misread your desires and supports for this, and you may have very good reason for questioning you own philosophical belief in the markets power to decide what has value - and by reaction what remains available for purchase.
My big worry is that it's the thin end of the wedge. No one can argue that parents should have the ability to monitor what their children view, but to allow the government the power to block content from the web is a very, very dangerous game. As much as there are things that i don't approve of out there, websites like stormfront; redwatch etc. it is not the duty of the government to block those and then have us opt in to what we want to see. As far as i'm concerned the internet is one of the last few bastions of freedom in many ways and to take this route is a step closer to the route of China, Iran or North Korea, and i'm sure non of us here want to be behind the great firewall. The conspiracy theorists out there i'm sure are questioning the timing of this too. Wikileaks hits international news and soon after a bill is proposed that allows for control of content online. Now i know it's a leap to say that the intention is to block "unhelpful" websites, but surely it doesn't take a genius to see how attractive it would be for a government to do that, even if it was just "by mistake" until the pr machine was in full swing. That's a totally separate issue for me, one which i think can be quite easily solved (and it is truly in need of solving in terms of IP and Copyright since many people are ripped off as a result) with a central server where users are charged a flat monthly rate to download what they want. These downloads are then monitored and the value is spread across the content owners in much the same was as PRS is. As for dodgy counterfeit goods and phising scams, something like this is unlikely to ever touch that. Most scams are run through email or ebay, both of which would be far outside the remit of this proposed plan. I'm also confused how a die hard thatcherite can oppose an organism [the internet] that is by it's very nature the epitome of free markets and Freidmanite economics. Surely state control of it is an absolute anathema to your beliefs?
Personally i think Assange should be more worried about leaks regarding Russia, if anyone thinks the US are going after him then Putin won't worry about little things like law or international jurisdiction. Interesting to see the normal right wingers are against the leaks too, i personally see no reason why this information shouldn't be in the public domain. We are more than capable of making up our own minds when it comes to information in my opinion and don't need any government "protecting" us from things they don't see fit for us to know.
I tend to make a policy of not listening to anyone that use the term hell in a handcart or pc gone mad. Normally they're perfectly linked with a lack of intelligence on the part of the person saying it.
just out of interest was he prosecuted to serve time in an english prison? If so then i'd say the English legal system is working as it should be in this case. Since it sounds more like some despotic country that deports people back to semi certain torture or death for committing a crime on thier shores, rather than punish them in situ in accordance with the laws of the land.
I know. I mean with a little more planning there was no reason they couldn't have got her. http://isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/
bit off the point but, See i'm willing to except that my opinion is just that, and that there is a noble tradition and philosophy in right wing thinking/thinkers; that although i might not agree with has an incredibly long standing and isn't based in idiocy. The problem i have is that so few of those that purport to support it ever understand it. Instead they choose to play the man, accusing people on the left of being "naive"; "child like"; "misinformed"; "deluded" etc. Yet very seldom does this air of superiority come with a reasoned debate that counters the issues. Rather we tend to see a complete lack of real response to the issues that belittles any debate being had. It's something i think is a curse of the right wing red tops, you only need to look at the sensationalism of papers like the Mail or Sun to see that a deeper look at the problems is negated for sloganeering to the masses. I guess the biggest irony is that the one that most likely on here to look at the historical context (as much as i may disagree with him) is also the one that's most likely to play up to idiocy of tackling the man [dune]. Oh and to tackle to the original quote, i know plenty of people from all walks of life and all ages that are left wing so perhaps him and his cohorts should come down and talk to grown ups
Yup that's right everyone was totally silent and it's only left wing people that are hypocrites........... Good to see that there's no hyperbole or generalisations there at all. Nope a sound reasoned response to people's arguments, instead of petty name calling and and an air of superiority.
really? Can you point out to me which bit isn't true? The only arguable point is my use of hyperbole about education for the rich (though even exaggeration to prove a point rather than out and out lies). In fact you even go on to agree, in principle, that the government is funding the wedding here, Now i'm not saying don't let them get married, hell they even have a big grandiose celebration in a country where people are losing there jobs for all i care (at the very least it'll show how out of touch they are with the rest of us). But don't ask us to pay for it. As aintforever said they can pay for it themselves and we'll still get the benefit through the tourism. Perhaps then some of that money can be put towards something useful like cutting the fees or investing in creating jobs for people and keeping the public services. So they're supposed to sit and except their lot? Despite the fact that it's hugely arguable that the government doesn't have the mandate of the people for this since they're only elected by a minority of the country? Or instead are saying that decisions like this should be put to a referendum to guarantee a public mandate? That's a very honourable view you know, pure democracy that takes true decision making out of the hands of the government and puts it into the hands of the people. Some might even say call it anarchism Still i'm going to busy myself with waiting for the new prudent "we're all in this together" government to go after Vodaphone for tax evasion, or to crack down on bankers bonuses, or even to look at the super rich taking money out of the country to avoid paying taxes. We are all in it together after all............
Personally i say fair play to the students, at least they're one group that's getting off their arses and doing something about what's happening. The idea that these fees hikes is anyway related to the economy can be shot down immediately by the fact that they won't take effect until after the predicted end of the recession (that is if you believe the figures for when it'll end anyway). Hopefully the Trade Unions will start to support them and vice versa, since the only way we're going to get any real change is through a mass movement and solidarity across everyone. In the meantime i'm sure many will support a tiny amount of ex Eton members, elected by a minority of the country, cutting public sector jobs and making things like education for only the rich, whilst at the same time earmarking money for wedding of a hyper rich person. 21st century democracy, dontcha' just love it.
****ing hell, if this does prove corruption i don't know what does! And just to put it in context it's not just England they chose not to host it, but Spain & Portugal too. So are they saying that Russia is better suited to it than the two countries with the best leagues, stadiums and infrastructure in the world?? Oh of course i forget we have the English disease, because of course there's NEVER been any history of football violence (or violence against foreigners) in Russia has there? Perhaps it's the climate? Since we all know the middle east in the middle of the summer is the perfect place to host a world cup. FIFA are a ****ing joke. Blatter is a ****ing joke. Let's hope someone actually spills the beans about the corrupt ****s now and takes the whole ****ing lot of them down. Yup i'm a tad angry!
It's also a pretty **** song
that was one of the best 0-0 i've seen in years, i thought brighton were an incredibly well organised side with amazing grit and determination. Yes there was gamesmanship, but then us knocking seven shades of **** out of them first half probably encouraged that. On the plus side that's the best TEAM performance i've seen from us this season and the players worked their arses off tonight and were unlucky not to score. To the person saying Lallana had a bad game, i'm amazed. I thought he was superb working tirelessly and pulling off some great runs (even with two or three around him at times). Oh and just to swallow my pride Jaidi proved me totally wrong and put in a massively commanding performance and was close to my man of the match. If we can perform like that against the better teams and still keep winning against the lower ones we'll be fine. Today we combined fight with football and just needed a bit of luck and the goals would've come too. Quick note on the fans, i thought the Northam was close to it's best today. The noise was impressive from beginning to end and it clearly showed through the players performance too.
that was one of the easiest games of the season, the full backs where superb - especially dickson - and Chaplow totally bossed the midfield. Could easily have scored six and the goal was the result of a silly mistake from Jaidi (easily the weakest link in the side and i'd be happy to see him dropped on Tuesday night). Again Oxo was superb and barney worked his socks off too. Would be interesting to see what the Posh fans thought since i thought they were surprisingly poor, and we really walked through their midfield. I personally can't see Brighton being anywhere near as much of a walk over but let's hope they are!
ah well just adds another parasite to the list that needs to be got rid of