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Everything posted by ericb
That's so typical of the fascist elite on here, they always jump into any conversation on their high horses and won't even let us take part in pogroms or sensible gulaging of unsavoury forces any more. It's right wing correctness gone mad, and wouldn't have been tolerated in the good old days of kropotkin. I think the evidence of the bombing proves that anyone he agreed with must be a christian fascist extremist, even if they're not publicly christian they're still part of the conspiracy that runs the country, anyone that can't see that i clearly just immature.
It's seems that it wasn't just the EDL this terrorist had in common with out sleeping cell here. Oh no this christian extremist was also an avid reader of an Extreme Fascist publication known as the "the Daily Mail" and was held in awe of one Melanie Philips (a well known christian extremist who uses the right wing cabal that is the media to her advantage) & one Jeremy Clarkson (a minor celebrity who uses his friends in the Fascist elite to give credence to his ideas) http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/82162,news-comment,news-politics,what-made-anders-breivik-quote-from-the-daily-mail-melanie-phillips-jeremy-clarkson Once more i pine for the good old days when young courageous men took on these fascists, i mean just ask the people of Cuba how happy they are now they have none of that stupid fascist-correctness in the media defaming the man that gave them their brilliant healthcare system
Lets be honest the christians have a history of this, it's a religion that encourages violence as far back as the crusades, he also had strong links to the extremist party the EDL and was trying to set up a local version of it, It's terrible really this would never have happened in the days of good old uncle joe, just look how inspiring he his here running the nazi's out of town, the people of eastern europe never had it so good, in fact it's all gone to hell in handcart since. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IGbjPqFFvA
Typical murdering christian, but then it's in their culture isn't it? Ever since the crusades they felt the need to wipe out those that disagree with them
i thought the whole thing was made up by the pompey fanzine 1988 or something and they openly admitted to it, the problem being that Portsmyth followed their usual tactic of shouting about it despite having no evidence to back it up with (in fact i'm fairly sure a saints fan did some research that actually showed the strike breaking was the other way round since they were naval and not allowed to strike). They really are dirty skate ****s.
almost a full page on football manager stats..... no wonder people think this place is full of geeks with no sense of humour.
Or on the flip side you can see that people crossing pickets (often agency workers trying to make ends meet of course) are undermining the action taken by others to improve the lot of everyone. Now i do feel for agency workers as they're the most heavily exploited of the lot, if they choose to protest they simply lose their jobs, but then if the strikes aren't successful that's going to be the case for a hell of a lot of the poorest of council workers. The counter argument here is normally about how good private is, but personally i think giving in to the toffs/bosses undermines society as a whole and is often based on a lie anyway, since at the end of the day it's all of us (bar the very rich) that suffer. Then again i suppose you don't mind the people at the top bullying those at the bottom and don't see the damage those crossing pickets does, what a shame for you.
Of course you could go one step further, just like those well known conspiracy theorists reuters do..... http://blogs.reuters.com/mediafile/2011/07/07/is-murdoch-free-to-destroy-tabloids-records/
Well that's the screws gone, now lets aim to get the sun and the mail as well
As a relative outsider i'd say personally i think this site is largely full of over serious geeks who really need to get a life (with a few exceptions) the kind of people that epitomse the post sky generation of football fan, who can't take banter and basically to up themselves. Just look at the way people jump on spelling, are beyond pedantry about saints/football in general, take the internet way to seriously and seem to position themselves as pantomime characters (complete with massive over reactions about football/terrace culture). The Ugly is more of the old style fan, funny, probably slightly offensive to some and knowledgeable (and more importantly realistic) about the game. BUT this place does have the Skate thread and is pretty good at picking up on stories from within the club.
Using Helvetica would mean there's also the nice little thing that we'd be using a font that is widely heralded as the best in there is for it's design, plus it's product of Switzerland (so ties in with markus' roots). Personally i still think these are far to complex for a flag, it should really be at best a bust, personally i'd look for heavy stripes (ala rank xerox kit) with a centrally aligned image and either a single simple iconic line or maybe even non at all. For what it's worth all my experience of design (i'm a graphic/web designer) says that you live and die by your copy. The more there is, the cheesier the message or the balance against the layout, the more the likelihood what you'll end up with will look ****. If you look at the scallies benitez one part of what is clever is they've balanced a good font (nice kerning and it fits the message) with an intelligent message (the words everything is possible in Spanish). Now to achieve this same effect i'd personally get someone multilingual to write a very short, no more than one line, message in Markus' native tongue (is french swiss or german swiss? the K and surname would suggest german). Mind you if it were up to me i'd pay for it to get done professionally, by someone who'd worked in the medium before and understood what could be achieved and what the limitations were. The matching of medium to designer is hugely important, if you want the best tattoo design you don't get a web guy and vice versa.
I've been listening to a lot of different stuff, the new[ish] Iron & Wine album has been able to satiate my folk side and is great. on the art-rock, indie, hip-hop crossover thing i've been rediscovering Why? too. I also found a really cool modern flamenco band recently called Canteca De Macao who actually give their stuff away via the internet under a copyleft licence. Oh and the brilliant Gang Gang Dance have just released their latest offering too (music like nothing else out there is the only way to describe it). [video=youtube;L_bkNR-zOn8]
Good idea that would definitely work if we bought the waterfront area infront and had a prestige piece overlooking the water with a walkway to the ground from it. Surely if we had this every game it would devalue the times we did it? Unless you go for fan organised things like you see on the continent. It would be unique to this country and encourage people there earlier. Spot on but is that not also a tv rights issue? They used to have the food seller at the front of the stand but stopped doing it for some reason, never understood why since it was a good way to keep the bars free from those that just wanted food/soft drinks and helped less able fans Personally i'd get rid of half time entertainment altogether since in my 25+ years of going i'm yet to see anything decent (well except for ****ed up dog displays and the like at the old dell). Also get rid of that gimp that "gees the crowd up" before games. He's painfully embarrassing and talks absolute ****. Either that or move him down the family end away from the Northam so he stops trying to be involved every game.
If anyone saw the last part of the Adam Curtis documentary on bbc2 the other week they'll see a fairly in detail and conclusive destruction of the conspiracy theory that aids was man made link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXJYkkxh0rk if you didn't then i'd suggest watching the whole series as it's absolutely incredible.
Exactly i mean what people need to do is accept these ideas, i mean even Winston Churchill supported Eugenics (that's what we're supporting right Dune?) and he was a hero so couldn't have been wrong. All the arguments against it are just the liberal elite who are scared to have their precious human rights touched.
Opera's a great idea, that way we could charge £50 a ticket and no one would moan. Plus with Cortese's Italian roots he could rope in the big names and bring his family over. Now how do we start this....
If we want to be unique we should keep away from horns and drums, a string quartet in the kingsland perhaps? or grand piano at the back of the chapel, in fact if we really wanted to push the boat out we could have an orchestra in three stands and be the first club ever to perform Stockhausen at a sporting event http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruppen_%28Stockhausen%29#Material_and_form
Was that the diving header? Remember that well. Newcastle 1-0 to 3-1 and the liverpool game are definite standouts, as is THAT Barry Horne moment, the ZDS semi final against West Ham too. Was definitely a different experience going to evening games at the Dell though i do think at st marys the Saints Pompey game in the carling cup comes close.
Terry Hurlock owns the uk's biggest collection of wizard of memorabilia
Don't be stupid he's not better than Iniesta he's better than messi......
I really like that Athletic Bilbao shirt, got a feeling it was probably the original design since it incorporates the Basque flag into it. Saying that i don't think it'd work for us really.
completely, i just think the shirts are a really callous way of doing it. Especially with the pressure they put on families with kids to have the newest shirt. Personally i can justify the ticket far more than a shirt since i don't see it as such a blatant rip off mentality.
i agree with that but i do think there's a lack of respect in terms of changing so often from the company that makes them, it's expecting people to part with their money just through loyalty (if shirts are your thing anyway).
Which just goes to show what mugs they take fans for. Expecting people to splash out on a new [normally] red and white striped shirt every year just because we support our club. Yet the biggest joke is so many do!
Cafe Delta is a world of amazing, mind you i'm fairly sure it should be classed as a narcotic since two of those are worse than speed for a buzz! There's actually a nice little portuguese coffee shop on shirley high street that makes it the way it should be made (like rocket fuel).