2,370 -
Everything posted by ericb
I'm hoping three will do the trick, talking of which i need to book my ticket for palace away..... failing that coventry away will have to go on the list
I know these are just football chants and there's always bravado but does anyone else think that there's going to be a little more of an edge than normal to these games? Even for saints pompey the aggression level seems high and there's a real nasty undercurrent hanging around it at the moment. I mean both their fans are fans are waiting for us right
By far the better team first half and incredibly lucky not to score, let's hope derby don't pick it up second half, if they don't then i'm sure we'll get something out of this. Shame we don't have Lallana playing but Cork, Guly and Connolly have looked superb so far. Really been giving derby a lesson in football from what i've watched on the stream.
The firstrow link is working, bit staggered but does the trick
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedant aka one who makes up for their lack of personality by picking holes in the minutiae of others. Generally speaking a bit bland and lacking in original ideas or comment, hence the need to correct the spelling and grammar of those more interesting than them
So had dog had a complete breakdown yet or are his "ghost sightings" still just mild level paranoia and schizophrenia? Mind you i did like the fact he's now share his insanity with a friend rather than getting someone in to look at the damp in his cellar. Oh and as for the blurs welcome to the world of lens flares, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_flare even a slight shift in how you hold the camera might let different lights in. Of course the logical answer is ghosts.... i think the clincher though is have you seen this lot yet?
the cloud. And then via that through your tv, into your watch and even into your head (if you look at some of the crazy patents that have been put in recently).
I'm pretty sure i've met bricks with more charisma than MLG he's like a mix between rainman and statto from that mid 90's tv show but more geeky.
To be honest Wolves are a bigger club than us, they've won more, have more history and less of the plastic support we have. Personally i don't care if we have 32,000 or 50,000 but i do think MLG is a boring, semi autistic **** who lives in a weird Football manager nether world.
If i remember right i think it was £3.00 for juniors in the milton road end in the late 80's when we beat liverpool 4-1
Oh come on BTF you can't tell me there's not a history of it in europe, this is a place that brought us the Marquis de Sade and the greek peado's of course they're still going to be like that now. Don't be so naive and liberal.
it's probably immigrants these people have no morals and like doing that sort of thing. In fact the greeks are even proud of it.
**** me the skates are properly deluded fools aren't they? Just seen this on Pompey fans online, Plus i'd like to know if the skates that are calling for the head of Cotterill actually think they can afford to a: pay him off and b: replace him. The talk of getting in someone like Dave Jones our any of the other "big name" mangers they're talking about is laughable. They really are thick these skate ****s aren't they? Do they not realise they're skint? It's more likely to be an untested league one or two manager if they can afford to get rid of him.
What an up your own arse pretensious reply, ohh look at me i have a degree... is it possible you just misunderstood him? Oh and for what it's worth who gives a **** what he says to the press so long as we win, we're not all MLT type autistic special needs cases, some of us have a life too.
Did you just compare Cantell to Eton? **** me that's funniest thing i've read on here for a while, what a load of pompous bull****
it's never happened before and i don't see it happening now to be honest, specially since it's just as easy to police the trains as it is to police the coaches.
Maybe you should've paid more attention in class mate as they're all local historical landmarks
Shhh don't put down the internet brigade, they're all seeing and knowing and the gospel of all things terrace and football. I mean god knows what would happen to you should you drive them away, just imagine not being able to call on that really interesting statistician in the pub. Since i know i love to be surrounded by boring geeks when i'm out on the **** at an away game
Another ex Cantell lad here to be fair it had a bit of a "reputation" when i was there in the early mid 90's but it was a ****ing great laugh and i'm still good mates with most of the people i knew from there. As for the names i think it's a good thing, links saints to the community again which is never a bad thing.
The unfinished business is revenge. Pure and simple revenge.
****ing bring em on. Unfinished business down that **** hole and the chance to do it on tv is great. No way i'm wearing a noddy top, it's train, alcohol and adrenaline for this one
are you suggesting that an internet forum is full of people acting small minded, knee jerk, conservative, confrontational, full of bluster and unable to understand other people's tastes? I really can't believe that'd be the case. No no i think it's far more likely you can judge intelligence by how a person looks. Now i'm just off to set up a political party that believes this, it'll be much easier to dish out jobs too if we set a criteria of how intelligent a person will be based on their features or dress sense.
I'd be careful he could be a ghost
90% of the songs/chants on this forum are ****ing abominations i sometimes wonder if people here have got any idea of terrace culture at all. I mean it's either soppy ****, chants that don't scan or...... well this What happened to the days of ****ed up lads in pubs? Or spur of the moment terrace wit? I personally find these threads about as embarrassing for us as arsenal handing out songsheets. Guess it's just the way of the modern internet fan though.
if i ever see one i'll check that my drink hasn't been spiked, then if it hasn't i'll book myself in for psychiatric care. yup that's exactly what i say to people when i camp out by fire places with a net at christmas trying catch father christmas, or outside dentists with a shotgun just in case that damned tooth fairy turns up to do some thieving. Sadly the police are such closed minded nazis they keep arresting me for breaking and entering and keeping a concealed weapon