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Everything posted by ericb

  1. i love the way people jump to extremes, saying that the edge has been taken off equates too... When actually it's the chance to drink on the train down, take the **** out of the skates whilst you walk there and the actual act of walking in a large group of saints through pompey really has you buzzing by the time you get in. Added to that that those doing the walk aren't the women and kids on the bingo buses so you've got your main element for atmosphere in one place and those that "like to have a nice sunday and watch the game" can go by bus. as for this, Jesus mate are you sure you're 24? You probably vote tory and tut at your mates who get battered or stay out all night doing things they shouldn't! **** seriously at your age i was chasing every ****ing buzz i could find and living life to the full, i was always taught it's better to regret something you have done than haven't. I bet your mates think you're a barrel of laughs! (and that's even without getting into the fact that we're basically letting the police tell us what we can and can't do, which is an even bigger issue in itself). Sometimes i despair at out support, this is pompey away, not "an enjoyable SUNDAY" (like the day of the week makes a ****ing difference) it shouldn't be enjoyable it should be a great ****ing buzz and the skates should be wishing they had our support.
  2. Young bore! To be fair we had a few of your type on our bus, including one lad that decided to bring his rucksack with him for some reason! Personally i thought the bubble really killed the edge of the game and whilst the support wasn't terrible it was obvious that we had a much more "family" crowd than normal for Fratton away. So i guess the police succeeded in what they wanted, taking one of the bitterest most passionate derbys and turning it into a family occasions. Sad really since Saints Pompey are the last of the games that really make you buzz at football these days. They weren't for everyone before but that was part of what was special (and dare i say it fun) but sunday it reminded me of a london game without the **** up and being forced on bingo buses. Really hope they don't do the bubble again but it seems a lot of the more delicate saints fans on here actually liked it, which is a depressing thought.
  3. We're having a party when pompey dies. Jelly and ice cream when pompey dies. Tail on the donkey when pompey dies. etc. etc.
  4. It's a sunday, just park up in st mary's and walk across
  5. that line doesn't scan, and besides why the **** would give those ****s anything?
  6. Not doing anywhere near the same miles but i can understand completely why you would, having been there last time this is about revenge. Pure simple unadulterated hatred and revenge. And I want to be there to do it. To see the whites of their eyes and mock their pain. To ram it down their ****ing throats and laugh at their misery. Nothing would be ****ing sweeter. Well maybe seeing that ****hole of a club go out of existence......
  7. Funny all the ones i've had contact with have been up themselves public school kids that think they're special. Really ****ing odious bunch of ****s to be honest who'd spend half their life in fancy dress screaming and shouting on a tuesday night.
  8. lived there for most of my life and whilst they're not all bad there's a hardcore of annoying ****s that **** the area up and make life a misery for the people that work there. Personally i think they should build an out of town campus and let them ruin that instead.
  9. ****ing student ****s, they've ruined an area that used to be a family area and have the nerve to do **** like that. If they don't like it they can **** off out of our city to be honest
  10. Has anyone on here got the non 0845 number for the ticket office? I'm trying to check about picking up tomorrow and can't get through on that
  11. You're mates with a skate? They shouldn't even be allowed into this city. For you to be friends with one is ****ing shocking you should hang your head in shame.
  12. I'm pretty sure this would probably wind them up. So this is what it's like to pompey, So this is what it's like to be scum. So this is what it's like to fill your daughter with cum.
  13. So our celebrity police **** is really ignoring all of the **** ups by the police at Hillsborough and using it to justify a massively over the top police operation for the bubble? I'm guessing he doesn't do irony right?
  14. I got mine from 6 aways as did the rest of my group but i've still not heard back on the 1 aways i put in separately (though i can't log in to the online thing as mine is ****ed) and i do know someone STH with 1 away who wasn't successful so i suspect this is bull**** as per most things on this site.
  15. What are the odds of Cov doing cut price tickets for this? If they price them around the £15 mark i could still see us taking a fair few, anything more & i reckon we'll struggle to sell even 1000
  16. i've got a funny feeling we'll win both, the players will raise their games because of the event and both home sides will have to come for us at home which will leave gaps. Just got to hope Lambert is fully fit for them though since that's the big difference for me.
  17. what a **** tie, no offence to Cov but seeing as we're top of the league i was hoping for a bit of a glamour day against someone like arsenal so we could go out but not disgrace ourselves. Oh and the skates have chelsea which is annoying, probably means they'll get some cash for that.
  18. I think this just shows we need another striker come jan', without lambert and with key players in Lallana and Chaplow not fully fit we're struggling. Fortunately i do think it's just a blip but why the **** did it have to happen just before the skates!
  19. Both of our local mp's are season ticket holders at st marys (and where at the dell too) and Alan Whitehead had a massive hand in getting St Mary's going in the first place.
  20. I grew up with Will and can definitely confirm he's a saints fan, haven't seen him in a while so i don't know if he still goes though.
  21. to be fair there's a lot of people making excuses for basically bottling it. We're going away to the skates and bubble or not it's still probably the easiest away game for 90% of our fan base. Now if you're not making the effort and could've (i.e have for other aways this season and regularly enough to qualify for a ticket) i'm pretty ashamed of you to be honest. Still at least we know those that will be going will have a bit of backbone and actually be up for it.
  22. ericb

    Skates away

    Please no fancy dress, it's ****ing embarrassing, much rather have 3000 odd fans turn up just to make a load of ****ing noise and not looking like noddy fans.
  23. i'm not sure it is that stupid, they've got a very good squad; money to spend; are still second just behind us despite not playing well. The bookies will argue we've peaked and are due a drop in form at some point, plus our away form isn't great. Still hopefully we'll prove them wrong
  24. ericb

    Gary Speed

    unbelievable news, 42 is no age what so ever, a cracking player in his time. Genuinely shocking and sad.
  25. Stuck up in London have done so many games this season home and away it actually feels a bit weird to have an afternoon off. Now if i could just find a stream....
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