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Everything posted by ericb
If only someone had suggest this six months ago...
Playing Djenepo in goal and Boufal as center back is brave but i guess it can't be any worse than what we've got now.
If people really want to cause a stir, and do a proper protest, then the easiest thing to do is turn up at Villa away (a ground where the club don't have control of the stewards and entry) with Hong Kong flags and dressed in fancy dress as Winnie the Pooh.
Yup it was just that, pride in our city, the problem is the players have no connection to the city and for them it's just a job. The same could also be argued about a few of our support too, the type for whom Southampton is a football club and not the proud city of their roots, family and history. Players, managers, owners will all go, the folk of Southampton won't. We don't have the luxury or choice to change, it's where we're from. And that's why we stayed and sang till the bitter end on Friday, because that pride means everything to us. I'm not blaming those that left by the way, they had every right to. What we saw was nothing short of a disgrace, and i'll do think the board have got off too lightly.
Haven't seen anything directed towards him since he stopped it last season to be honest, seen a lot of people claiming he's had abuse and very little abuse, seems to be a massive disconnect it people's claims and reality from what i can see.
Fully aware the police already do, you'd have to be an idiot to think they don't. But encouraging them to monitor other Saints fans who you're supposed to represent? Seems like the kind of thing wrong 'uns would do to me.
They definitely say that the club/police should monitor fans on social media, which sounds like they're encouraging grassing on fellow saints fans.
Out away support has been terrible the last few games, tv and radio control mic placement and which noise they broadcast. Personally I’d go with people who were there over that. And the fact so many that were there are saying it’s sh*t must tell you something. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your perception is spot on. It was terrible. The away end doesn’t help but it’s not like it’s any different from recent games Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Was another amazing atmosphere today then... god our support is a mess. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Think you’re missing the nub though. Most of us want saints to do as well as possible but despise the premier league and the sanitisation of our support and changes the premier league causes. Personally I couldn’t give a **** about relegation other than the fact people I know would lose their jobs. In fact I’d guess once we’d got over the bump going down would cause I’d enjoy it more than I do now. But I’d never want to risk people’s livelihoods. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yesterday we had the worst atmosphere at St Mary's in my memory, there were people videoing Abraham when he scored, people staying behind for selfies with the players of the team that had just smashed us after the game, half half scarves everywhere and tourists in every end of the ground. Surely now we have to accept something is wrong and do something about it instead of burying our head in the sand as saying how great it all is?
Brown was what i always remember it as too, probably changed to rum because a lot of the nippers have no f*cking idea what brown is.
Maybe we could make it more Saints related? How about "I believe that we can moan"? Or "I believe the bingo's rigged"? Or even "I believe we should be polite"? All feel very fitting of our support and right on the money for relevance to the club
F*cking loved that, with the Sh*t part carrying on from various people for a good few minutes after! At last! Someone who remembers how to sing it properly, everyone these days sings Portsmouth, it was never that it was always water. Yeah we definitely don't have enough songs to the tune of Seven Nation Army, or to the tune of Slop John B, i reckon if we could nail one to those we'd really stand out from the crowd. Probably an age thing looking at your list, it's one from the 70's/80's, there's no tune to it it's more of a shout/chant. Surely this (stolen from another thread) has to go on the unacceptable list. It's probably one of the single worst saints songs going, noddy as f*ck and not even true. In fact it's up there with Barmy Army as one of the worst songs our lot sing.
I'm not sure we should get behind it if it's just lads, it should be the noisy lads, lasses, men, women, non binary and people that identify as bits of cardboard block. Also our songs need to not be offensive and directly refer to Southampton, as well as not being new (or too old). It's as simple as that.
So after seeing Bayern at the same ground last night i assume it's now safe to say it's the fans not the stadium that's responsible for the lack of atmosphere at Spurs Saturday right?
Used to love the "roar" at the Dell to drive the team forward, always found it weird it never transitioned to St Mary's. At times at the Dell it felt like the "roar" came from every corner of the ground too. Given we can't clap in time half the time if we tried to whistle it'd just sound like we were wanting the game to end! Don't know why but it seems a really divisive song, know plenty of folk who love it and plenty who hate it. Never really got the hate myself, personally enjoy it but like you say most people don't know the words. The B Side it's great to be back in Southampton is good too, the chorus would work really well as a song for us.
What's wrong with a repetitive tune? United make a f*cking racket with theirs and drown everyone else out because of it. As for enough, we really don't, as far as i can work out it's about 2 songs sung away from home, with maybe 1 or 2 others sung occasionally, our repertoire as the worst i can remember in my lifetime (going back to the early 80s)
Don't really understand the issue with the dock of the bay thing, but don't know the words. Have to be honest our repertoire is a bit bland at the moment, seems to just be yellows or OWTS, something a bit different wouldn't go amiss. Mind you it's hard to pick up new songs because you can't hear what's being sung a lot of the time.
Saturday was always going to be a bit of a case of "the day after the lords mayor" but that doesn't really explain just how f*cking terrible it was. Like many have said our away support has been getting progressively worse for a season or two now, there's far too many people who go who are happy to take selfies and stand in silence, maybe record some people singing in the concourse, then share it all over social media afterwards and talk about what a great away day it was. This may be an unpopular opinion but i seriously think there's a direct link between the start of the Nick Gregory Away Travel buses and the drop in quality of our away support. Not to single out one group but it's made it easier for a lot of people who wouldn't normally go, and taken away a bunch of tickets from lads who'd be travelling by train, drinking and having a laugh, and it's that bunch that traditionally make the noise. Like it or not (and i know a lot on here don't) it's ****ed up lads who make the noise, if you replace them with people travelling on coaches then the atmosphere suffers.
Was definitely the case in the second half, you could hear TCWTB's Bell from the back of the Milton Road End, even though he was the opposite side of the ground in the Fratton End. A few of their lot are claiming a microphone was left on "by accident" and it came over the tannoy, but i'm pretty sure we all know the truth...
He was facetiming his 10 year old son who couldn't be there apparently
That's exactly what happened.
B*llocks, nothing matters except for tuesday night. NOTHING.