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- Birthday 19/10/1987
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I'm glad I'm not the only infuriated by this.
I help run a non-league football team. The league we're in has seen huge upturns in spectator numbers. We played on a Sunday last week (not through choice) and the attendance was triple what we usually get. Our opening fixture this season was put forward to the Friday evening and, again, the attendance was much bigger than you'd expect. However, these extra spectators tend to be interested people from other clubs in the league and, to a greater extent, groundhoppers - therefore it's not an infinite supply and you wouldn't get the numbers every week. Like you say though, it is a good way of getting supporters form other clubs down to watch and we've won over a few from the bigger local clubs. Five years ago I'd never have dreamt I'd stop following Southampton home and away, but this season I only managed a single game due to commitments and support of my 'new' team! The other problem we've found is that a lot of clubs in the depths of non-league are run by miserable old men who don't care about getting more supporters, and therefore won't agree to bringing matches forward!
Admiral, and in particular their sister company Bell, have been very good for me over the last few years. They also use the '10 month accelerator' where you can get a full year of no claim bonus for 10 months of insurance (works out at about £20 extra than the equivalent term on a full year insurance - if you see what I mean). It still reduces my premium by several hundred pounds to add my dad as a named driver. Adding a young person as a named driver is fine while they are learning on another car, but as soon as they have their own it's worth building up that no claims bonus! As for Pass Plus - well, I did it but believe it's a waste of time and money. Like Jack Frost says, the companies who do accept it are usually well above the best quotes you'll get elsewhere.
Sennheiser are the best bet if you're looking for good value ear/headphones. I love my Sennheiser HD 650s, they give a slightly more pronounced low frequency response than the predecessors the HD 600s, which I find more pleasing to the ear. Those two are probably the best of the affordable high-ish end stuff you can get. Before the 650s I had a pair of HD200s, the closed back headphones which I presume the 205s take after. They're maybe a little weedy overall - but definitely better than anything else you'll get at that price though! Earphone wise - I was very surprised how good the ear canal (CX300) ones were, and I use them a lot for general listening on my iPod or for rough editing in a hurry. Anything that sits in your ear canal will sound infinitely better than standard earphones, regardless of the price. I beg of you, ditch those iPod earphones and get something half decent instead!
And a bit of Guildford City trivia for you: The TV in the clubhouse was donated to us by Saintsweb's very own Baj. It even had a DVD of 'The Simpsons Movie' with it.
Well, believe it or not - we're still stuck playing at the athletics track at the Spectrum! There have been various attempts to find somewhere for us to move permanently, and there are a couple of irons in the fire at the moment. The Spectrum isn't great for football, but we're picking up a few more spectators as the club gets more well known in the town. Sadly the local council don't seem especially keen on helping us - we're not even asking for financial help, just a bit of cooperation. Flames season tickets holders can get in for half price too - in fact almost anyone with a connection to sport in Guildford can get in for half price these days! Hope to see you down at a match some time, your attendance will be very welcome!
I'm on the exec committee at Guildford City. We're only eight promotions away from the Premiership. The club punched above their weight a bit in the FA Cup this season, and were unlucky to lose in the second qualifying round. Had we played a little better we would have beaten Clevedon and ended up with a plum home time against Eastleigh (which would have added significance for myself, having grown up there!). Of course being involved behind the scenes has meant I barely get to watch Southampton these days, but it's good fun nonetheless. Any Southampton season tickets holders in the area are more than welcome to come down and get half price admission! www.guildfordcityfc.co.uk
Despite pretty much everything on the site being available for purchase? Hmm...
Audio quality will depend largely on what you are putting into it, and the various compression settings you're using for that. Software can't just magically make something sound better, so check you're not compressing the audio too much in the first place. Larger loudspeakers are generally a lot less forgiving than those in the computer itself - but they generally have pretty lousy digital to analogue converters anyway, which doesn't help if you're plugging it into a larger system. I don't want to be too confusing, I'm not sure which end of the spectrum you're coming from! Similarly, video quality is determined primarily by the general settings of the computer and not the program itself. I would presume that most 'slideshow' software packages have similar output qualities, but that's really just a stab in the dark - not my area of expertise! If you mean slideshow as in a Powerpoint presentation sort of thing, then use Powerpoint. Or Keynote. There might be some decent free versions around, worth using the useful comparison site www.google.com for that! If you mean slideshow in another way then I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean...
I've done the odd days at Abbey Road over the past few years. The number of people who hang around outside there, day and night, is staggering. They take photos of you as you arrive for work because the tourists assume you are famous. Have to say that the people constantly going over the crossing does get very annoying, particularly if you're running a bit late!
I'm going to stick my neck on the line and say there's no way that is in any way official. If it is, then whoever created it will be out of a job very soon. Wouldn't be surprised if the real designs are too far away from that though. Was pretty skeptical about the 'sash' idea - but it actually looks pretty classy like that.
Decent stream here: http://www.soulssports.net/
South'ner - out of the woodwork mate. If anything was going to lure you back it was this! Good to see you, how are things? Get posting some boobies, ta!
Another vote for the Double Decker. Although the beautiful simplicity of the KitKat Chunky pushes it close...
A lot like this, as I recall.