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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. swannymere

    Glasto 2009

    I don't know what it is about Oasis and Glastonbury but they just don't hit it off do they? I only really saw Jay-Z last year so agree with the earlier comments about not really being bothered about headliners, although if the Cure were to be reformed i'd be chuffed.
  2. What do i win?
  3. Not my cup of tea, but the more the merrier
  4. swannymere

    Glasto 2009

    My sister and her boyfriend got theirs, cannot ferkin' believe they're going to be £175 each That means the price has nearly doubled in 6-7 years, how the **** are kids going to be able to afford those prices? Bloody rip-off ever since ME invited all the others on board. Still the best festival, just glad i don't have to pay to get in.
  5. Billy Davies would have been going mental, f'sure :smt070
  6. He's no Billy Davies though
  7. swannymere


    I've been watching the story of the Gurkhas trying to get parity with other nationals after serving our country loyally, with interest. Now, it looks like some of the most deserving people have finally got the right to stay. Gurkhas win right to stay in UK A group of retired Gurkhas fighting for the right to settle in Britain have won their immigration test case, their lawyers have said. Five ex-Gurkhas and the widow of another Gurkha veteran took their case to the High Court in London. They were challenging immigration rules which said that those who retired from the British Army before 1997 did not have an automatic right to stay. The judgment could mean some 2,000 Gurkhas being allowed to settle here. more here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7644441.stm All it means so far is that the law has been deemed illegal, but the Parliament still needs to change the law to actually allow them to stay in the UK. They're hoping for 1m signatures on this petition, which is http://gurkhajustice.org.uk/
  8. That's clearly photoshopped, you ITK wannabee:p PS, WTF are you wearing?
  9. Not too old to join the forces, a quick stint on the front line will make you appreciate your current job.
  10. Only half of them were great actors, i mean Charlton Heston - REALLY
  11. Funny?
  12. I'll miss the salad dressing Proper old school Hollywood star with style & grace, RIP
  13. We should have won 10-0 today - Mark my words, Billy Davies Would'nt have settled for 2-0, Rant, Rave, Rant, Grumble, Whine, Moan, *****
  14. FFS, only Billy Davies can save football now!! You're all fools if you can't see it!!
  15. Congrats DSM. What's that? You're going to buy everyone on the board a cigar and a pint
  16. A nice suit.
  17. Must be me then, i use the road 4 or 5 times at the weekend and it's always clogged with OAP's driving bloody slowly (i may have mistyped the speed limit as yes it is 40 not 30), but the house has no privacy as it's front door is only about 25 meters from the road; for £1.5M you can get better. Oh and it backs onto a load of houses in Biddenfield lane which are owned by undesiribles.
  18. The only genuine excuse a real-fan would use is lack of money, anything else is just a convenient excuse.
  19. Everybody posting seems to be of the opinion that only the 11 players plus subs and coaching staff are the only drain on club funds! What about running costs of the stadium, the training ground, the various teams at other levels, the non-first team players and coaches and the admin. staff? Do all these things cost no money? The club accounts have been published at various times and yet nobody has been able to find the so called hidden millions that people ***** on about from player sales, could it be that these so called hidden millions pay for all of the above? Could it be that the only debt we have is the stadium? Could it be that we have no surplus income to pay for 'extras' like players and high wages? Can the stay-away fans come up with any more lame excuses as to why they don't go anymore?
  20. The house is on Titchfield Lane near the Wickham and opposite the golf course, it's on a busy-ish road which has got 30 limits which everyone ignores and is clogged at weekends with old people going to all the nurseries. ****e location, if you ever have the fortune to have £1.5M (mind you if you have £2M+ i can show you some amazing houses) to spend get in contact with me and i'll show you some decent property that does'nt look like it was designed by a footballers wife.
  21. According to a Finnish friend the whole of Scandanavia is still Paranoid about the Russians after the treatment that was doled out during and after WW2, it's hard for us to understand because we did'nt get invaded but there are still alot of localised simmering tensions amongst the harmonious EU and it's neighbours.
  22. Golf is for old ****s. HTH.
  23. Ferkin idiots, a buyer! Doh.
  24. If you want to win at all costs then **** off and support one of the big four.
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