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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. There aren't any no-parking signs and the premises close at lunchtime on a saturday, they were also removing vehicles after the last evening game just before 10pm.
  2. Yes:D
  3. So only half of you get laid;)
  4. If anyone can't see that the style of football has improved since last season then quite frankly they must be on the windup. Agree that the results have not been good enough but i've only seen one or two games where the lads have not given their all, flowing football is being achieved and now hopefully we can start to get a few goals and turn a few results in our favour. Finally, to all the 'superfans' who criticize the boards every decision, how about posting your realistic ideas of how to achieve your idea of good football on a budget? Did'nt think so, you're all feckless bandwagon jumpers with no ****ing clue.
  5. If Hannibal had invaded we would have had the wider gauge:D
  6. What he said, Great food, bars and things to do and see;) i've even got a decent hotel to recommend.
  7. Hi-Q have decided to employ car clampers to control the parking on their site near the Northam Bridge opposite the Northam Estate. They have been charging people up to £450!! this includes phoning for a tow truck as soon as they have clamped the vehicle, please don't get caught. Mods- can we make this a sticky please?
  8. Please god, not this? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RFzyYYZsxGc There is even a Christmas version:(
  9. http://www.astrodigital.org/space/stshorse.html
  10. I'm not sure how i know but..... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=E-hvCoKUObQ
  11. The smilies are there to indicate that it was tongue in cheek, hopefully your course does'nt have an observation test :grin:
  12. Uni!!!! I already pay enough in taxes so you students can live in luxurious surroundings and not have to eat gruel. So stuff it up your chuff
  13. Depending on the price and/or the importance of staying independent brands, surely a merger is on the cards before the monster that is the VW Group comes knocking?
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/18/business/economy/18car.html?_r=2&fta=y
  15. The only time of the year when you can guarantee that all my friends will actually turn up to a gathering is the annual National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Party, this year i'll try and avoid drinking a whole bottle of Baileys :-&
  16. Posters on a US forum i'm a member of have seriously been discussing this and most seem to think that they should let market forces dictate which one goes down the pan first thus saving the other two!
  17. The owners of said attraction are said to be making £1M in ticket sales, it really does seem like a tax on the stupid. I can't believe people are willing to pay £30 EACH!!!! so that their children can experience Christmas when it's still a 3 weeks away.
  18. Corden being v.funny at Empire Awards.:smt050 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QXyK0ean-D4
  19. At Asda instore and online http://direct.asda.com/Nintendo-WII-SPORTS-PACK-Games-Console/000574425,default,pd.html?purl=hotukdeals No need to thank me;)
  20. http://video.kenblockracing.com/flash/small_player/preloader.swf?vendor_id=204&media_id=9183&bgcolor=FFFFFF&autoplay=0
  21. Or how about factoring in the 3rd. mechanics starsign against the starting position and then adding the square root of the inside leg of the pit girl?
  22. But we're bigger than all of those put together:rolleyes:
  23. OOoh, all these conspiracy theories based on assumptions and gossip, it's like the x-files round here. I think that Rupes was behind the credit crunch, someone prove me wrong:rolleyes:
  24. She's not into cars anymore then?
  25. Whatever justifies your view? Again surely a case of pot callng kettle?
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