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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. The boys played well, Gillett was playing like a rabid terrier, McGoldrick finally seemed to realise he needs to work harder, Cork was Outstanding, Holmes was creative and hardworking, nobody let the team down. The result was'nt what we wanted but that's why it's a sport.
  2. Thanks WSS, tried all the weblinks and that was the conclusion i came to as well. I'm just trying to avoid having to goto Southsea to borrow my brothers laptop:(
  3. I've borrowed a APS Image Scanner which enables me to scan an APS film onto my computer. Problem is it comes with a driver for Windows 95/98 and i'm using a Mac! Does anyone know where i can download a driver to get this machine to work? It's a FujiFILM ImageScanner AS-1. Thanks.
  4. You could track her down and kill her, but that's a teeny bit over the top if you ask me. How about using a tyre valve tool to deflate her tyres?
  5. You horrible, horrible ****s
  6. I'm shocked that Richard Chorley would be involved in an act of self-publicity, no really i am Leave TDD alone, he makes me feel normal;)
  7. It would be worse than the MK Dons situation. Things evolve, and teams go out of business, it was always the way, it should be the way now.
  8. The only thing that would unite the club is a accident involving a tanker load of Superglue. The fans are as stubborn as the board, nobody will compromise and as usual the majority suffer at the hands of a vocal and powerful minority.
  9. Do you know something i don't:confused:
  10. You're a plastic fan, your opinion counts for ****
  11. Maybe for next season, where would the money come from to compensate season ticket holders? Games should be £15 for everybody regardless of status or age IMHO, better to sell out than play in a half empty stadium.
  12. Pipper - Whippet/Lab Cross Dillon - Patterdale/Jack Russell Cross
  13. Brilliant, another short term, short sighted solution by a bloke who doesn't even go! What is the ****ing point of going through the same routine of appointing a manager who will last 2-3 years before the same people start whining? We've got an opportunity to build something that will be great in the long term, if it means ****ty results and possible relegation, so be it. The long term future of the club is far more important than short term gain and then the same old routine.
  14. OMG! I agree with The Delldays (I'm just off to slap myself silly and have a stiff drink!)
  15. WTF!! They have never gone away, always been available.
  16. Pity it's soooooooooooooooooo last week:mad:
  17. Why? Trouble is there are about 10-15 clubs who think that in the Championship and bottom 6-7 of the Premiership.
  18. Your not seriously suggesting that we were at our natural level during that period, are you?
  19. You've answered your own question, we are playing good football, that's why the opposition put 9 men behind the ball, the midfield are more than capable it's upfront where the problem lies. I imagine even Rasiak and Saga could score a few with the service they would get. As for the knobber who suggested direct football, well that gets you so far and if we did get promoted then what, try and learn how to pass? I'd rather build slowly to give us a chance of staying up IF we ever get the chance.
  20. A female friend of mine was constantly getting migranes and was referred to some sort of specialist who carried out a number of tests and found that she was getting the migranes after eating or drinking certain items including chocolate:smt017
  21. The fact that he actually managed to have children in the first place surprised me!
  22. They're usually brought on by an allergy to something i think?
  23. Jo 'The Woooolfboy' Tessem footballing maestro.
  24. Your mum?
  25. swannymere

    Sat Navs

    I hear Rupert recommends them.
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