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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Probably not, but the one thing nobody ever answers is where was this mythical pot of gold coming from? I can just see Rupes walking into Barclays and asking for £50M because he wants a punt on winning something, although having said that it probably wasn't as much as a reach as some investments the banks have made! People need to be more realistic, there was never an chance of significant investment.
  2. Or Sunderland, Portsmuff, Spurs etc.
  3. Mmm, because everybody knows that significant investment equals certain success:rolleyes:
  4. I did'nt like her, just because she had cancer did'nt make her a decent person. That said i feel sorry for her kids, although they're probably better off now.
  5. Classic cankles, having said that - i probably would
  6. Think they missed the briefing;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC8fF-kjqJI
  7. Exactly as it says on the tin! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa04d8iwJac
  8. Live at the Royal Albert Hall still makes my neck tingle when i play it:D And the Royal Festival Hall makes any half decent band sound ferkin' amazing.
  9. I've spoken to a member of The Band and he says it's ********, HTH;)
  10. Who's to blame? The stay away fans IMHO:mad:
  11. Wound up a 'pet' united fan yesterday, he went on to describe in a hissy fit how he was going to have the party to end all parties when we get relegated and hopes that we end up playing on the local village green! I just pointed out it's lucky nobody thinks united fans can't take a joke or else all other fans would hate them;) I've downloaded 'You'll never walk alone' which will shortly be his ringtone:D
  12. http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/player.swf?b=10&l=197&u=ILLUMllSOOAvIF//P_LxP92A42lCHCeeWCejXnHAS/c
  13. Shall we give him time to walk before he can run?
  14. Apparently over 50% went to 'ticket agencies' so not really sell out just sold out;)
  15. Leave the team the same, making wholesale changes was the problem earlier in the season. Surman was average against Derby but he generally doesn't have a series of bad games in a row, and your assessment of Saga was a tad harsh, he wasn't awful and still made a nuisance of himself. Same again IMHO. Although i would agree that James needs to get further forward before crossing.
  16. I don't see 'lol' as a decent response from somebody who likes and supports a paedophile, what next the Gary Glitter benefit concert?
  17. I think it was more that Wotte changed the tactics to better suit the opposition. Derby are one of the form teams and we matched them on the night. Not everything is Rupes fault, don't fall into the numpties trap;)
  18. What are you lot on about, it was'nt that bad:smt017
  19. I was going to buy some to fog but i'm not sure if he'll actually manage to sell out 10 nights especially if ticket prices are high. Also, he is in negotiation to do a run in Las Vegas so rumour has it. Not worth the punt IMHO.
  20. Who gives a ****? Richard Desmond if i must:(
  21. It never seemed to bother the freak, carry on!
  22. Strange how the Jackson fans still see fit to profess their admiration of the child molester, yet Glitter fans are a little thin on the ground:confused: Does Jackson's long departed talent excuse his paedophilia? Should vocal fans still be allowed to vote/drive/drink/have children/be allowed out in public as they essentially have declared themselves mentally unstable?
  23. The question does have to asked what is the acceptable trade off between road deaths and road usage? I think it's well known that road usage is alot higher than it used to be and yet the casualty rate has gone down, so why do the goverment keep banding around quotes about speed which scientists have proven is not the major factor in the majority of accidents, the major factor is lack of concentration. So is it alright to accept a certain number of road deaths ?
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