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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Sorry, but 99% of supporters who didn't go for the rest of the season claimed it was because of the board, given the chance to prove it they fall miserably short - they're as responsible for our situation as Rupes IMHO.
  2. We'll despite being in a minority i still think he should look before knocking the ball in, more often than not it's nowhere near another saints player, you say lack of player movement, i say lack of execution. The truth is it's probably six of one and half a dozen of the other:p He is vastly improved from earlier in the season though.
  3. It's a pity he still doesn't have a proper look before sending a cross into nothingness. 75% of his balls don't reach a saints player and he should come to the byline more before crossing, but for a first year pro he's doing better than we should have expected, so well done.
  4. 23,000-ish so much for all the people who stayed away because of the board situation coming back - full of ****e the lot of them:(
  5. Great article in the Guardian by David Mitchell of Mitchell & Webb fame, puts into words what most sane people are thinking, certainly more articulately than i ever could. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/apr/12/david-mitchell-jonathan-ross-russell-brand
  6. And your point is? She was still a thick bint who took pride in the fact.
  7. I would imagine that any board comprising supporters wouldn't be able to stop arguing long enough to get anything done. I'm sure the usual suspects will give their opinion whilst trying to raise their profile in political circles;)
  8. Get some tiger/lion poo from your nearest zoo;)
  9. DSM, you've been brainwashed by the foreign strawberry growers! Most of the strawbs in the UK come from elsewhere in the EU whilst at least the humble raspberry still comes from Britain:smt049
  10. The funny thing was that he had his back to the Northam with the name on his shirt clearly visable and some moron started calling a skate bastard, no wonder every other footy fan thinks we're complete ****s:(
  11. I agree, Strawberries have long been overrated, and for those with a working class chip on their shoulders it should be pointed out that Strawberries are the food of Wimbledon Tennis; thus associating themselves with poshos possibly including Rupes!!!!!!! Bring on the humble Raspberry:smt049
  12. Muammar al-Gaddafi an son Saadi
  13. If Rupes does quit then we'll have a full house Saturday:D I mean all those people who said they wouldn't go whilst Rupes was in charge wouldn't go back on their word, would they?
  14. Victoria plums are disease prone, personally i always go for Early Victoria (opal) as they're much more resilient.
  15. The new girl is wearing a very revealing dress today, have to say she has great legs:D She's wasted on oldies and students!
  16. Quality
  17. Get a letter from your GP explaining what prescription drugs you take, saves loads of grief.
  18. Or it's a cynical attempt by some PR person to whip-up a furore about the forthcoming F1 season. Because actually no gives a **** because it's boring and predictable.
  19. Cool Colour Changing Chameleon http://www.break.com/index/coolest-chameleon-ever.html
  20. And been doing the rounds for ages:p
  21. You seriously need to meet the women outside the local primary school, more than half see her as some kind of idol:smt017
  22. Or i might have left the computer on whilst i went out:rolleyes: You really are a plank.
  23. Again, Pot and Indeed kettle, so we don't keep going over this, i'm off out, byee!
  24. Pot and indeed kettle:smt017
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