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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. I think casting yourself as the forum villain is a bit much, forum pigmy virgin troll is far more accurate.
  2. Get a River Taxi/Bus from the canal near to Centraal Station (railway station & pretty much the centre of the city) and get off at the Heineken museum (good fun) and then stroll back to the town hall/centraal station area via the various cafes and bars. Don't go in any bars with the name bulldog in the title. Eat at one of the Argentinian steak houses as its the best steak i've tasted outside of South America, and finally have a walk around the red light district, it's a bit of an eye opener!
  3. Anybody with any semi-decent brand old, knackered or otherwise Mountain Bikes, parts or even tools they want to get shot off? Let me know what you have and i'll get back to you with an offer if its what i'm after. E-mail - swannymere@hotmail.co.uk
  4. Personally i think he's a great actor, he's also done some great work in Haiti and New Orleans with his own money and effort. However without having visited the islands and spoken to the locals i have no idea how he can come to the opinion he has.
  5. Write to the council with the photos and ask for an explanation, as you say and the photos show no signs or other reason why you should be fined.
  6. £500-£700 i would have thought, go and speak to an instructor, ask them to asses you and 9/10 they'll be fairly honest. The problem if you've been riding is to try and knock the bad habits out of you.
  7. Even though he's a Skate he's usually fairly honest and not biased against us, he can't really win can he?
  8. Megan Cox? is from round these parts.
  9. Redknapp is going to get away with it again and walk into the England job, what a slap in the face for football fans.
  10. Bloomin' clever!
  11. Is this really that much of a surprise? Lee Hughes arrested
  12. They havn't achieved anything really, i'll admit it's like trying to pull a U-Turn in an oil tanker but they just seem prepared to let their rich chums get even richer by taxing them less and don't even get me started on the lack of spine when it comes to the bankers. They seem a little lost. 4/10
  13. If you can feel their breath on your neck it's just about right.
  14. I think SAAB may have gone under recently.
  15. Pretty amazing, clip through the first minute to get to the footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eXS0o6r-Wk%26rel%3d0%26hl%3den_US%26feature%3dplayer_embed ded%26version%3d3
  16. Nothing will happen, they'll be bailed out/let off by someone.
  17. Excellent, thanks for the helpful advice. Next time try reading the post before spouting off, i wasn't blaming Apple or their products for the problem, just trying to share my experience which may help other people to avoid the same problems. Unlike yourselves i'm not computer literate and don't spend my life getting excited about the latest technology stuff, maybe i was being naive in expecting any helpful critique from two people who quite obviously are perfect Oh, Baj and chance of a response to my message sent to the admin. over a month ago about becoming a member without getting charged twice (like last time) or having a automatic renwal? Maybe you should get on with the business of running the site rather than being 'helpful'?
  18. I know but alot of people i've spoken to seem to be under the impression that anything Apple related can't be hacked, phished or have a virus, just letting them know otherwise
  19. Thanks andysstuff, i owe you a pint. Took ferking ages to sort out my problem but i got there in the end, O2 where customer service is an alien concept.
  20. Just to let anybody out there with an Apple MacBook that their is a phishing virus out there at the moment which managed to get onto my MacBook and give out details of my mobile and banking accounts, they then ordered a new SIM card for my phone and when they received that they went about trying to get cash from my current account. When the transaction raised a query with my bank, they tried to phone me but got through to the scammers who tried to authorise the transaction but couldn't answer the security question (i deliberately choose a different one for each account with financial issues) and my bank shut down my access to the funds. Unfortunately i was on holiday in Australia at the time and it made life a bit of a pain in the arse, i phoned my bank after being refused access to my online banking which was straightforward, but they insisted i contact my phone provider to sort out the problem at that end before allowing me access to my accounts (annoying but fair enough). This is where all the problems started, the phone numbers on the website wouldn't work from abroad and despite digging around the net i couldn't find an alternative number that would help. I then emailed them which took 2/3 days to get a response which asked me to ring the number on the website (despite me telling them in the email i couldn't get through) and then to use the virtual help systems on their website (oh, because i hadn't tried that!) In the end i posted on the Lounge forum and somebody found me a number which worked and the problem was sorted very quickly. So, if you're using an Apple product then check it now, and if going abroad check the numbers for your banking and phone help actually work.
  21. They can call it what they want, till you leave them for dead through the twisties as they never learnt to go round corners on their 1000cc whatever. Great bikes the SV650 and highly recommended to anybody to ride for a year or two before getting a big JILF sportsbike.
  22. You were fortunate, i know alot of bikers who've returned and been charged a fair whack.
  23. Middle-aged bikers surprisingly incur high insurance costs if starting afresh as many seem to think they're Barry Sheene and depsoit said bike in the nearest ditch.
  24. Can anyone help? I need a phone number for O2 customer services that works when phoning from outside the UK, the number supplied on the website - 0844 809 0202 just doesn't work in any form or variation from outside the UK ad it's doing my head in as i think somebody may have cloned my phone the day i left the UK and its now been blocked. Thanks.
  25. Best Watch? Has to be the Omega Speedmaster which beat all other brands in a competition run by NASA to find a watch for the moo landing astronauts.
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