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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Brilliant video although a little headache inducing. Shuttle Launches
  2. Well the other teams fooked that right up, they let the most unpopular man in cycling cruise to an easy win, bet the Germans are kicking themselves now. Hey ho, now the womans road race Allez the Cookie Monster
  3. Not compared to big races in Europe, the riders are used to it. The classic is somebody taking a photo in the road and not realising how fast the peloton is going.
  4. David Holmes - I Heard Wonders.
  5. I see the Daily Mail brigade are out in full force tonight. Bit sad really, love to hear what they would've wanted?? Personally i think it's great, shows us at our best.
  6. Touch gets very boring after episode 3, not worth sticking with IMHO.
  7. So should us muggles not be paid or pay cash in hand when everybody in the higher tax brackets routinely pay the minimum amount of tax possible. Should we feel guilty for cheating the tax system
  8. If true then somebody should wrap John Squire in cotton wool and not let him near any bicycles.
  9. Could be worse, imagine an American version of Only Fools and Horses.
  10. Burn Notice series 5 has started tonight, usually fantastic so looking forward to it. Also been watching Prime Suspect USA which whilst not being quite as good as the Helen Mirren version is easily up there with any current police programmes. Anyone else catch The Finder? It's by the same people as Bones so expect it will be entertaining if not ground breaking.
  11. What channel is this being shown on or are you streaming it? The last episode i saw was with the aircraft explosion.
  12. They both need to go if the tories want to win the next election, the sad thing is that William Hague is turning out to be a decent politician but will never get voted in because the general public vote on looks and charisma rather than ability.
  13. He didn't moan about the amount he was being paid, just the fact that due to some cock-up he hadn't been paid for two months, i think most people would be fairly upset.
  14. Couldn't find a thread, personally disappointed he's leaving and i know alot of people think he's a **** etc. but he made my mornings go quicker so cheers to Moyles and the others. Glad Cotton or James didn't get it, quite happy with Grimmers though.
  15. Michael Mancienne
  16. Already a Glastonbury 2013 thread running
  17. No witty retort from Dune yet, is he ashamed after slagging National Hero Winston Churchill? Funny how he goes silent when wrong.
  18. This is remarkable. http://www.ukcolumn.org/article/roger-hayes-arrested-tried-secret-court-imprisoned
  19. I think it's down to the discretion of the MOT tester and/or policeman if you get pulled over. I know they pull motorbikes for loud exhausts but don't do them for the noise but for the fact it hasn't got an 'e' stamp.
  20. Churchill had a lisp, irritating bastard.
  21. Put them on eBay with the fact they were at the Stone Roses gig, some muppet will pay over the odds. Did anyone who saw them in their prime see them? and what did they think?
  22. Due to the current financial climate and the possibility that the government won't be able to meet its pension obligations, shouldn't us fatties be congratulated for trying our utmost to not reach pension age? What uses more cash, the treatment of diabetes and other diseases related to diet or the provision of a pension and care for 20-30 years?
  23. Red interior's are great with certain colours, we're a bit boring and play it safe with cream or black when it comes to leather interior's in this country.
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