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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Looking to borrow, buy or possibly hire a small Wacker Plate, i've got a pathway that need doing and with all the will in the world i'm not going to get it done in one weekend, more likely a number of weekends. So if anyone has a narrow-ish (14-16") wacker plate that they could lend, hire or sell me on the cheap or maybe barter then please email swannymere@outlook.com
  2. To be fair the majority of MP's are quite hard working and they genuinely do their best for their constituents, it's no coincidence that the you only hear about the arseholes, they crave publicity and nothing sells like bad news.
  3. Shockingly poor and just a puff-piece for LFC, no real insight apart from the signing of Borini. And yes, i was reminded of all those ****e reality shows.
  4. As description, it's a Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. Branded Football - size 5 - Signed by the Arsenal squad (between 1986 & 1990 at a guess) Signatures include Niall Quinn, Gary Nelson, Kevin Richardson, David O'Leary, Perry Groves, George Graham, Tony Adams, Doug Rougvie, Theo Foley, Dean Wilkins, John Lukic, Allan Smith, Kenny Sansom, Michael Thomas, Martin Hayes and a couple more. No idea of value or authenticity but open to offers at swannymere@outlook.com
  5. Do you need to remove the concrete or are you going to lay the pavers on top? I helped a mate remove his path which was about 12m long and 80cms wide plus two drive strips of concrete for the car to drive on which were about 8m x 65cms each, we had to hire a breaker and it still took two of us about a day and a half to dig it all out and take to the tip, bloody back breaking!
  6. Why do you say the pads and discs are fine? Squeaking is usually wear and tear, warped discs, hard compound pads or stones trapped between the pads and disc although the last one isn't usually long term and can usually be resolved by reversing.
  7. We looked at block paving but it's expensive and looks crap after 4/5 years, so we went for stone chips glued to an existing concrete drive; looks live gravel but without the hassle of having it drift everywhere.
  8. Normally not pro-Tory but in this case they may be right to toughen up the qualification. Speaking as somebody who employs school age kids it's quite astonishing that alot of kids get A's and A*'s but are not very bright at all. I'm led to believe from what i read in the press, hear on the radio and watch on TV that the children are improving year on year when in real life this isn't my experience. I don't blame the teachers, i blame the system.
  9. It's very inaccurate, on a Mercedes forum i frequent it stated there were a certain number of a certain model W124 still registered and we worked out we had nearly three times that number amongst our members. Would be a great resource but it's not very user friendly and as stated not very accurate.
  10. Golf, although technically a hobby its see by some as a sport. The only reason its thought of as a sport is to give middle-aged men an opportunity to get away from the family.
  11. I've bought a code from eBay before for about 99p, from memory you'll need to remove the stereo to access the id numbers on the back of it. Always choose a seller with a decent feedback rating.
  12. This is near Bournemouth - Zoukinis
  13. Oi Phuknugget, nobody calls Woooooolboy average.
  14. swannymere

    IOW Ferry

    Its cheaper to go to France.
  15. I think the fact you've spent time posting this on here means you've plenty of time to phone the company and let them know you owe them money.
  16. The locksmith in Fair Oak is pretty good, cost about £70 for a non-remote but chipped key.
  17. The o2 gig was the best gig i've ever been to, if they do another gig i don't think lightning would strike twice on the ticket front:cry: Although somebody on another forum i'm a member of got my t-shirt signed for me by his brother-in-law. One Robert Plant
  18. Helena Lucas has won Gold in the 2.4mR Sailing class, she has the distinction of sailing in the Olympics and Parlympics! She's also quite fit and a Saints fan.
  19. Speaking to an ex-Pimpey player there's a rumour doing the rounds that the council have or will offer the Trust the opportunity to build a new ground on land earmarked fro redevelopment where the old greyhound stadium was. I know that an exit off the M275 in that area has been in the pipeline for years, has anyone else heard this or is it just a ruse to force Baloo's hand with regards to selling FP?
  20. They get round TPS by saying its a marketing call, not a sales call. I'm registered with TPS and still get calls, basically you can't answer the home phone during daylight hours. ****ers.
  21. If Hunt does anything to **** up the NHS i'm going to batter him to death with my testes.
  22. So Fox hasn't been great against the two best teams in the country, might it be better to judge him after he's played a few against some of the lesser lights in he league and had time to raise his game to the expected standard? I do love how all fans write a player off after a couple of below par performances, i seem to remember Schneiderlin getting the same treatment in the last two seasons.
  23. When my washing machine started banging it turned out to be that it had shifted slightly in its gap between the kitchen cupboards and was occasionally hitting the cabinet when it was shaking during the fast cycle.
  24. We never learn, please don't be judging a player who's only 3 games into his Saints career.
  25. I do worry that you're not trolling. Please don't have any children.
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