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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. Has been bought by the BBC and will be shown on BBC4 apparently.
  2. Didn't this do the rounds over a year ago??
  3. Fighting Talk Alex Lester (radio's best kept secret but only a 10min podcast!) Dave Gorman - Finished this week Frank Skinner Simon Mayo's Confessions Friday Night Comedy Bespoke Danny Baker 5Live Desert Island Discs
  4. The cast of any reality show put to a slow and very painful death, and to really rub it in no coverage by TV or the press.
  5. Both backing the manager and team but Matt suggesting that Nigel wasn't picking the team, squad or transfers. Whilst the guest journalist cast doubt on this and offered some praise for Cortese. Do you think the hordes will be out for blood?
  6. Is it me or are the media the only people who care about what Newsnight did?
  7. It's just been commissioned for a full series after an initial 6 episodes, and Sarah Shahi is due to join the cast
  8. Big Bang Theory (series 6) starts next Thursday on E4 at 8pm, Southland (series 4) starts again next week in The Closer slot on more 4 at 10pm and Falcon the new crime drama set in Spain on Sky Atlantic next Thursday at 10pm which might be interesting.
  9. He was brilliant, just as the sun was going down. He had some really hot female musician on stage but i can't for the life of me remember what she played - I blame the cider!
  10. Maine Road was amazing, better than Knebworth or Wembley Stadium. Managed to get in the pen right at the front. Not the best gig i've been to but the best i've seen Oasis do, Liam was at his petulant best.
  11. It's not the miles more how its been looked after. Full service history is essential, motorway miles is a bonus as usually less wear and strain on gearbox, engine and suspension.
  12. That makes too much sense to be believed, i mean where's the conspiracy?
  13. Last ever episode of The Closer last night, bit rushed but not bad, one of the most underrated shows on TV.
  14. Have you seen Life? He's great in that and the added bonus is Sarah Shahi - Sex on a stick as Kylie would say!
  15. Davis is still our best keeper, two changes of keeper and we still leak like a sieve. The defence needs someone they're familiar with rather than trying to learn two new keepers playing style. Get rid of Bungle and keep Gazza as sub.
  16. The foam is not permanent, it's only meant to get you to a garage in the case of an emergency. Best bet spend 30 mins getting it fixed properly.
  17. It's all very he said, she said. When will someone grow a pair and tell the rest of us who don't pretend to be ITK or a superfan what the actual issues are? Otherwise just drop it.
  18. Anyone else see one of the utility companies get there Argocat or similar stuck in the mud about 50m from the shore near Solent Breezes yesterday, my mate reckons they were still trying to free it when it was getting dark. Try explaining that to your supervisor
  19. wooooooossshhh
  20. Now i consider myself to be slightly left of center politics wise but even in the village i live there are a couple of examples of jobless couples boasting about having as many children as possible to get higher up the housing list and to gain more benefits. I don't know how it currently works but i think that the government should pay for the first two children but after that nothing, child benefit might be for the child but it's being abused by the parents to buy big TV's, cars, holidays, booze and fags. I don't see why they should be rewarded for having large families when they seem to struggle to control the 2 or 3 they have currently.
  21. I don't think any current festivals can hold a candle to Glastonbury for atmosphere, if you've never been then you'll never understand.
  22. Jo Wolfboy Tessem
  23. Treme Southland Friday Night Lights
  24. Southland Dexter Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip West Wing Newsroom The Closer
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