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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. I've just seen Brooks coming out of the Pimpey Superstore getting a shirt made up with Quinn on the back.
  2. More Hoddle jealousy. I would say economical rather than lazy, what's the point in running when your brain can do the work?
  3. Good luck with the coffee morning and i hope its successful. I don't have anything useful to add with regards ot him these days.
  4. Can i join? I know fuck all about football but i do i have a real sense of self-importance and a cat.
  5. Please tell me this joker of a manager is getting sacked soon, i don't think my family or colleagues can take the level mood as opposed to the usual subdued or angry version.
  6. I've always thought Stephens would make a good midfield enforcer, nothing to back this statement up just a gut feeling.
  7. Full of self loathing? Feelings of inadequacy? Ring the Samaritans 0330 094 5717
  8. You don't think there's been any improvement at all?
  9. swannymere


    My mate didn't buy a car because of Redkrapp being in the adverts, anyone else do something similarly petty?
  10. I would say he's a good player who lacks consistency but i wouldnt class him as mediocre.
  11. The Saudis, Egypt and Israel have an 'agreement' hence the Hamas murder spree as they are beholden to Iran which Saudi and Israel both hate. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer springs to mind.
  12. It's about money, nothing else mattters.
  13. I remember the bloody rain walking back to my car and the the A34 being closed in Oxford and hundreds of cars being stuck for what seemed like forever.
  14. swannymere


    I know this is obvious but what Israel is doing will increase terrorism in Europe and the US.
  15. swannymere


    Anyone seeing the reports about Putin having a heart attack on Sunday? From India and Australia media.
  16. 'Set it free' Blue sky David Brent speak right there.😀
  17. I thiink the issue for me is that the quality programming of the BBC brings other broadcasters up rather than being gutter stuff (except GB news Obvs.) i'll be sad when the BBC does go but seeing as GB inc is being gutted from the inside it won't be long. The Great sailed along time ago.
  18. Aren't they all?
  19. Whilst i appreciate and agree with some of what you say, choreagraphed cheering by the team is a bit cringe. Soz.
  20. I'm 99% sure we're going up.
  21. What's happening?
  22. The lights were red but the conservative city council at the time changed them for blue bulbs.
  23. Just like the old days, c'est la vie. It's only a game.
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