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Everything posted by swannymere

  1. I posted 'MLT has an EGO problem' - 'Discuss....' as a post to balance the similar "Cortese has an EGO problem - MLT' post. I don't particularly have a problem with Matt or Nicola, i do think they need they're heads knocking together as neither is looking anything other than childish. Whilst Nicola may not be popular he hasn't said anything in the public domain, whilst Matt seems to knock him at every opportunity, in fact its getting to the point where he doesn't say anything about SFC without mentioning or inferring something negative about Nicola.
  2. OK i'll compromise, no over 70's. I suppose a way around it would be to make everyone sit a test to see wether they understand the issues.
  3. I'm not sure i trust the population of this country to make a balanced decision, they're easily swayed by tabloid headlines of immigrants, free houses etc. rather than the needs of the business community. Seeing as people tend to get introspective and right wing as they get older maybe its time to remove the vote from the over 60's?
  4. How long before the ex-pro mafia pounce and denounce? They're a bit like an oil tanker in that they take a while to steer away from the traditional path, hence the dismissal of Woodward when he was here for his new-fangled ways which are now pretty much standard practice at most clubs. "We don't like change!"
  5. Al Fayed killed Diana after his son came out when he realised she was mental and couldn't stand having her as his beard, keep up.
  6. I don't suppose anyone brought up anything about Saints shares and some shady dealings in the past?
  7. Discuss.....
  8. If you type certain words into Google they come up, seeing as you posted on a public forum it's hardly surveillance.
  9. I take it you don't agree with Mr.Cortese?
  10. How the poor girl kept a straight face is beyond me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDrNZSJolow&feature=player_embedded
  11. I see the publicity seeking muppets at sisa or the peoples popular front for self-promotion are out in full affect, slightly more cringeworthy than your dad dancing at your school disco.
  12. I very much doubt that Boeing would build an airliner and put anything that might obviously cause problems in a position to cause danger to the aircraft. It's probably just teething troubles which are fairly normal for most aircraft in the first few years of service. On the other hand it could be a conspiracy to kill people.
  13. Not sure if this is old news, Adobe are giving away older versions of their products including Photoshop for Mac's and PC's, click on the link and the licence number you'll need during installation is to the right of each link. Not sure how long it lasts for though. http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html
  14. Stranger is an odd concept because statistically you're more likely to be abducted by a relative or a parents friend.
  15. If you know where the siren is under the bonnet you can either remove it or fill it with expanding foam to silence it, bear in mind thought that some alarms systems will immobilise the ignition if any wires are cut. Best bet is to get an auto-electrician to disable it, should be about £75-ish.
  16. Some great shouts, forgot all about Spiritualized. Amazing at The Pyramids and the Brighton Centre. Also saw Groove Armada at the Pyramids in band rather than DJ mode and have to say they were much better than the clip demonstrates in a previous post.
  17. An artificial beach complex with bars, restaurants and other entertainment venus but without the dodgy chain cinemas instead art galleries, small music venues inside and out. For inspiration i'd look at the South Bank complex in Brisbane, it's next to a murky bit of river as well.
  18. Primal Scream at the Wedgewood Rooms for a pre-Glastonbury 1997 warm up gig, rambling mess.
  19. They might be old but Led Zeppelin at the O2 were easily the best band i've seen. Underworld, The Chemical Brothers, Jimmy Cliff, David Bowie and Radiohead on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury were all pretty special in their own way.
  20. Bmw 3-series, still practical(ish) when any kids arrive.
  21. If you're going to a hotel just ask them to press them for you and pack them as normal.
  22. I have to be honest i frequent a number of car forums and i've never heard of a roof getting slashed, the SLK is a girls car no doubt.
  23. Inform her that it leaves more time for Duty Free.
  24. Don't try Shaving Oil unless your razor has 2 blades or less, anything more and they clog up. I personally don't like the soap and brush technique as it dries my skin out. For those with dry/sensitive skin i've found the King of Shaves sensitive skin range of shaving Gel is pretty good as is The Source Aloe Vera shaving gel. On the subject of Razors i've gone back to using a 3 blade head as anymore just seems to clog up regardless of shaving gel/foam or oil.
  25. Two pensioners restore Lancaster Bomber
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